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i am probably being blonde but surely if your wife had been killed by a burglar ( allegedly) and also a husband was killed randomly by thieves you wouldn't happily stay in the homes putting children at risk? she's not even bothered she's alone with a young child knowing something isn't right?

also how many coats does she own, she's definitely not looking like a grieving widow with her fancy clothes and make up daily ( for what) and isn't afraid to leave her child with anyone. surely she would want to be spending every second with the child who's just lost her father??
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I’ve just finished watching the whole series. It was sort of obvious what was going to happen after and I figured it out pretty early. It was completely over the top and far-fetched totally unrealistic. I think the writer Harlan Coben forgot that Britain doesn’t have the right to bear arms Like who has a selection of firearms to use at their own disposal, even ex army people don’t have that my sister and her husband are both ex forces. The only thing they would have as protection is frying pan.
I felt that there was too many story lines running along at once like the whole half brother thing seem pretty irrelevant. It could’ve been done in less time.
I think they could’ve done a little bit more of a backstory about Joes family and seen how Myers relationship was with him and her sister. I think they should’ve shown Claire digging into the family business the actress who plays, Claire Natalie Anderson could have had more of a role than she is a pretty good actress as well.
Maya seem to be leaving her little girl, with who ever she could given the stress and paranoia that she must’ve been going through it just doesn’t ringtail. You would want to keep your little girl close. Also who would do what she finally did to their own daughter. It’s just so selfish
Like someone else said it was a load of UK superstars, trying to branch out and do something serious, but it never quite hit the right note
Michelle Keegan definitely did not suit the roll her level is something like footballers wives or the soaps
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Don’t get why everyone is so up Michelle’s arse over this. She is just Tina from Corrie in it and always will be no matter the role
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Not liking it so far. Another wooden performance from Keegan. She is overrated.

For me its her calm reaction of seeing her husband on the nanny cam, when she got pepper sprayed she just sat nursing her face when you would be calling 999 screaming that you've seen your husband and the nanny attacked you. Even when she went to her house and seen her hiding I'd rip the door down and drag the nanny out by the hair.

It's piss poor so far
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watermelon sugar

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Am only on episode 3 but Michelle Keegan is very well dressed for a recent widow. also i find myself asking ‘where is her kid?’ a lot. On episode 2 I said ‘what time is she meant to pick her kid up at nursery?’ cos it felt like she’d been out for days

Emmett Scanlan really needs his beard back

And that’s all for now
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Basically when you evaluate it afterwards, it was a shite pointless plot 🤣
Yep. These things are always like eating a shitload of junk food: seems like a good idea at the time, but afterwards you feel a bit ‘bluergh’ and irritated at yourself for being so weak and not seeking out a better use of your time.
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I’ve just finished it and over all enjoyed it. The only question I have though is how Judith / the nanny found out about the nanny cam! Only maya and her friend that placed the camera in the playroom knew about it?
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I’m on episode 5 and whilst I’m really watching it to check out MKs wardrobe, how many storylines
does this series need?? Bloody hell, dead husband, murdered sister, dodgy footy coach, dead brother, dead brothers dead mate, secret brothers, nanny cam, bumbling detective and his sidekick… honestly don’t know whether I’m coming or going! It starts to lose sight of the main plot line. Considering Judith has lost 2 sons in tragic circumstances, as has Maya with her sister and husband, neither seem too upset by this. You’d expect them to be drowning in the same clothes for days. And she never has that kid with her 😂
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Didn't mind it actually.

Michelle was not too bad and her face moved!

Emmett J Scanlan, defo needs a beard to be attractive.

When she shot the civilian car, her nails were painted perfectly, can't imagine that in a war situation, no chips at all. And the same colour for the programme.

Guessed who the killer was early on.
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Just finished the last ep and still haven’t got a scooby what Shane’s character was for or about! So I’ll just chalk to down to a shifty bloke whose arc made no sense!
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Chatty Member
I’m on my third episode so far it’s doing enough to keep me interested. I thought Michelle was doing a good job but the way she’s dressed and made up. She is coming across as a trophy wife and to polished for the role. I just don’t think the character suits her
An the concept of the series should have been set in America with an American cast it’s just too far fetched for all this to take place in northwest England like as if this would really happen
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She dumped her kid, who's father had just been murdered on anyone who was just around to run of and find the killer of her husband and her sister.

knowing of course who carried out the killings. Both of them
I keep thinking about this. The entire programme is ridiculous when you think of it this way.
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To be fair, most murder mystery stories have several red herrings and plotlines that don't end up being linked directly to the murder. It's to make the list of suspects larger to keep you guessing. That's why the half-brother storyline felt a bit pointless; you're meant to think "ahh that was exactly what it seemed after all".

I don't think it was amazing but I enjoyed it for what it was. It kept me fairly gripped and guessing. I agree the sidekick detective fell flat. The aim was probably for a 'jokey' character to be in contrast to the main detective, but he just ended up being annoying. It made me think of Midsomer Murders which is meant to be part comedy whereas Fool Me Once is supposed to be serious.
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An the concept of the series should have been set in America with an American cast it’s just too far fetched for all this to take place in northwest England like as if this would really happen
I agree, the author Harlan Coben is American and his books are set in America so I have no idea why they keep turning them into British series’
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I stopped watching in the middle of episode 4. I had never read or watched anything by this writer, but wow, the way you could tell Maya was written by a man who has never met a woman 😂 add to that her robotic acting, there was nothing appealing about this lead to me.
Also, I hate when characters do dumb things or just don’t do a logical thing simply because the writer has pages to fill. One example: the detectives interviewing the nanny. Why on earth do you not ask her where the sd card is?? You were so close?
When the nanny arrived at the house, I thought she was rushing downstairs to take the memory card out and keep it safe.
I know there would be no story if she had the proof he was still alive, but to be honest it was a pitiful story anyway.
Also when she found her sisters spare phone, she showed it to the husband. What was the point in her sneaking around finding it if she was just going to have to knee him in the nuts to take it with her.
Everything was very conveniently set up, like the kids finding the photo real, and the pregnancy photo date stamped - from a film reel?? A digital camera my have a date stamped photo but not a disposable camera.

It was pathetic. I cannot get my head around why people are raving about it. The acting was really dreadful. The guy who played the police officer was awful, so it must have been the script/editing/direction because he was in Utopia and he was great in that.

The whole thing was off, and they’re now talking about MK being a Bond girl off the back of it. I think not.
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I was so excited for this series. Seen so many FB posts about it being the best thing some people have ever watched. I now feel sorry for those people and what they’ve been watching all their lives. I honestly thought it was terrible. I guessed who had done it way before the end. It could have been done in 1 longer episode.
Because its netflix, coben and the insufferable keegan, the sheep masses all think its the best 😆😆😆
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Glad I’m not the only one who thought this was absolute shite. Was hoping I missed the hype so carried on watching .. shouldn’t have wasted my time.

Does michelle keegan have to play every character like Tina in Corrie??

The detectives home life, a load of shit

The nieces and nephews having a half brother. Zero relevance.

Really expected Shane to be involved in some way. Disappointing that didn’t happen.

The whole shooting thing at the end being ‘broadcast around the world’ then showing New York and Tokyo etc was absolutely hilarious, don’t think it was meant to be .

Too many plot holes, bad acting, poor script. Don’t bother !!
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