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Really rude sharing so many details and content from rose and michas birthday when they haven’t themselves posted anything yet. Especially if it’s due to the storm and Fran has no power and is saving battery,’atleast bloody wait! I can’t grasp someone saying their kid was the star of the show at their cousins birthday party.
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Heard jordan on the radio this morning talking about one of the kardashians having a Vegas wedding, and he said he would LOVE to go and do it rather than having to buy a steak dinner for his 'mums cousins friend' at a huge wedding, then saying how imoan would absolutely not be having any of it, perri was trying to get him to tell her 🤣
So it's imoan wanting the huge wedding and jordan is only going along with it to keep her happy. No surprise there
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Maybe Mimi was the ‘star of the show’ because she wasn’t sat in front of an iPad and allowed to be herself? 🤔
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Notice how none of the diversity girls are stood anywhere near her … god I’d feel SO awkward knowing that no one actually wants me there! I’m sure Jordan didn’t either, it’s the first night, they must be knackered he probably just wanted to chill with his mates!
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She's getting her hair done again?! She goes to the hair dresses more times than I wash my hair.

Seriously she has no idea of normal mum life.
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‘Over to you Mum’ ‘Never get the privilege’
She’s actually trolling us?! Are you freakin’ kidding me?! 😡
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Wait a minute so Jordan is back home tomorrow on their day off so is likely to be doing that everytime so it's hardly such a hardship with him being away?! Especially when she is not on her own with the kids as Cass is in "prep school" and she has a bloody nanny!!!! I really can't stand her.
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Wow, this is the nay I really dislike. Why is she responding to negative ones? Just move on. If she knows she’s earning AND looking after her kids 7 days alone (🤨) then that’s all that matters. Why reply so aggressively and rudely to people if they’ve got it wrong.

Also, it’s a bit worrying surely this is what her followers think? They’re the ones paying her essentially and they appear to think the same as us “trolls”. Wouldn’t she want to change how she portrays things to keep followers? She’s not very bright.
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She’s at it again!!
So many single parents are in the same boat, Infact no.. they do it alone, day & night with no nanny or break and probably also struggling financially to do their best. She wouldn’t look at Jordan if he was a bin man or worked in Asda so she needs to quit moaning and be grateful!!!
She needs a huge reality check and I can’t wait for it!
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It is so dangerous to show other people kids on your social media. You do not know if they have any safeguarding issues. Seriously open your eyes Nay and realise everyone is not in your privileged world.
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I used to feel sorry for Jordan but not anymore. He enables her behaviour and he's just as bad. I get he's been away working hard for long periods, but he still chose to spend 3 extra days away from the family to get tattooed. Let's be realistic, he's not an essential part of Diversity, he could step back and be more of a presence in the kids lives if Naomi is really struggling that badly.

I couldn't imagine seeing my partner posting all the stuff Nay does and seeing them palmed off on a nanny all the time.
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She can’t even put a photo up of Jordan performing in diversity as the grid post or even the tour dates, because it’s ALL about her 🙄 even in lockdown, she’d story their children watching diversity and trying to copy, I can’t bear to imagine how excited Cass and Mimi would be to actually see them live 🥺
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What a prick. She had the opportunity to spend this weekend and today with Jordan and instead she went away and then spent today posing in the mirror. She wants to get a grip and realise how lucky she is. I'd also be extremely annoyed if I was Ash. He has children the same age and yet you never seem him or Fran moaning.
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I find it odd how she moans about her friends dropping out of events (party now hen party) on her stories. Surely those going on her hen are her closest friends and even if I felt a bit sad about it or annoyed, I would never put it on my story! Either have an adult conversation about it with them or don’t say anything.
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The last thread went pretty quickly due to nay’s 30th, her not bothering much with Christmas for her children and her using a recent diagnosis of ADHD for engagement. The recap is pretty long mainly because it was just such a non stop avalanche of shit. Regular comments still include the photoshopping/editing of Cass which is totally unnecessary and cruel, Jordan still claiming nay “holds it all together” and she “works SO hard but nobody sees it” despite us knowing they have a full time nanny and a cleaner that goes in twice a week as well as papa banjo being spotted on the regular, she still loves to gush about being home with the kids or 1-1 time when her stories tell a very different story, Cass is at prep school (NOT pre school for anyone confused, it’s PREP!), the nanny hasn’t been seen or spoken of by nay for quite a while - it’s unclear if this is to keep up the illusion she is holding it all together or the nanny has left and nay doesn’t want to admit it as her mood hasn’t seemed right for a few months. The ads have definitely dried up, we’ve seen hardly anything for weeks now except excessive affiliate links which she never used to do 🤣 Hun must need some pennies.

✨ nay claimed she was living off 1-2 meals a day because she is SO busy - despite showing her breakfast nearly every morning in a restaurant and endless selfies 😂 this mostly annoyed tattle due to the fact she has a nanny, a cleaner and doesn’t work yet still claims she has no time for herself despite her very regular hair appointments, lash appointments etc
✨ poor nay had to cancel some “meetings” aka her beauty appointments because Cass and Mimi were poorly again and they were staying at home
✨even though the kids were apparently ill, they were still dragged out for family photos in the rain followed up by a Father Christmas farm trip. Obviously the children were strapped into the buggy too instead of being allowed to walk with a parent (Cass is 3.5 and Mimi almost 2.5!). Despite the claims they never get family time, there is never any effort made to engage with their children or let them explore. As long as they’re strapped into the buggy, a highchair or glued to an iPad, all is well
✨ just to prove to us all she’s a hot shot influencer she proceeded to do an ad with primark when she would NEVER step foot in there and then some “modelling” for an Essex boutique selling cheap China market stall clothes
✨ on the evening of December 2nd nay decided to tell the world she had been SOOOOOOO busy she’d had no time to get the advent calendars out. But was in bed for 8pm eating chocolate 🤯 tattle were outraged for the kids especially as she has no real reason to be so lazy or in bed so early with all the help she has and no job and getting the advents out would take seconds of her time
✨ despite being so busy she still squeezed her in her usual lunch for one at wagas. Also moaned about decorating the tree and that the kids had already broken a “baubal” once they were allowed near it 🙄
✨ even though she’s so busy and has no time for herself or to even get the £1 advent calendars out for her kids she was giving top tips out to make sure her kids were in bed and the dogs were fed so she could have her dinner at 6:30pm!
✨ thank goodness nay FINALLY had some help with the kids as her mum was there. Not like she has a nanny and papa banjo on speed dial 🤔
✨ there was a Christmas gift card giveaway on nay’s account that she couldn’t announce the winner for on time due to some “upsetting news” but then proceeded to post about being gifted a echelon bike and it taking her a few months to actually set up! She eventually announced the giveaway right on top of Christmas despite promising the winner would have the gift card for Christmas shopping and putting up stories about other things
✨ she also proceeded to post about her birthday party, saying anyone who felt they should be invited that hadn’t been should contact her!
✨ nay caught herself out well and truly by claiming it was just her and the kids…with tattle spying papa banjo in the background 🙄
✨ nay zoomed down to London with the kids to pick Jordan up and they went to winter wonderland. Tattle guessed they’d leave early which of course they did “because the kids were tired” even though they were both strapped into the buggy AGAIN!
✨ nay posted on stories that she didn’t have an outfit for her 30th birthday party and then proceeded to go silent. Tattle wondered if she was getting worried about the increase in Covid cases and this impacting her precious party. However the silence was only because she was spending every day (even the weekend) at appointments for her hair, nails, lashes and a facial leaving the kids with whoever she could
✨ nay did a q&a and hinted she may “reveal” a recent diagnosis she’s had. Tattle already called it would be for engagement and attention and to keep people hanging
✨ tattle called it - nay just had to do a big “reveal” that she’s been diagnosed with ADHD. The post seemed rushed and poorly worded, calling herself brave for revealing the diagnosis while coming across quite offensive
✨ well the day of nay’s party arrived (page 13 onwards and things certainly got pretty wild!). Nay appeared on stories being driven down to London while complaining that people were letting her down by cancelling on her party. With the new Covid strain, London had declared a major incident due to the sky rocketing cases and people were having to choose whether to try and not mix so they could enjoy Christmas with their family when they hadn’t the previous year, it was clear to understand that people felt torn and were perhaps feeling wary to go to an event in London with lots of others. It was made worse by her stories moaning about it and saying “no reason as to why” instead of trying to understand peoples decisions and the genuine reasons behind them. She referred to those attending her party as “making an effort”. We had lots of new tattlers popping up all agreeing and confirming we all had the same thoughts and it showed her childishness and lack of consideration for her friends by blasting them publicly online
✨ nay was soon soothed once in London with jordy baby as he gave her her birthday presents early and she appeared to get the Rolex she was desperate for. As per usual they were constantly on stories, sharing everything and resharing each other’s stories like the teens they are
✨ the evening arrived and we finally got to see nay’s party outfit - a super tight, super skimpy, shiny foil pink dress. Her bum and boobs were both bursting out and the straps didn’t seem to last long, she was compared to a quality street chocolate 😂 The reactions rolling in starts on page 15 if you want a laugh
✨ tattle called it again - the party was all Instagram huns and a few of diversity, even sam and mitch’s parents were there but not nay’s or danielle banjo (Jordan’s mum 🤷🏼‍♀️)
✨ the party was a random theme that seemed all mixed up. While the venue was Ballie Ballerson in London thanks @Lollypop29 for being super speedy at letting us know - giant ball pit with retro sweet themed cocktails. Nay had claimed it was a childhood 90s nostalgia theme but the decorations were neon jungle animals with carnival themed flowers and cocktails with her face on, a professional photographer, popcorn, waffles, a photo booth and pizzas. The only retro part of it seemed to be the venue itself rather than the bits she had chosen to add. A tattler likened the party to something we’d see back in the day on mtvs sweet 16 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
✨ nay’s birthday arrived and despite asking her followers for ideas of what to do in London, Jordan had booked her and scary hair a spa day. She managed to video almost all of the experience as usual and then went out for a girls meal in London that night (Jordan was back in the panto)
✨ nay woke up in London for a 3rd day - tattle were baffled how she hadn’t seen her children on her birthday, let alone even mentioned missing them or FaceTiming them
✨ nay FINALLY headed home, arriving mid afternoon but instead of rushing in she sat outside in the car doing stories. She then claimed she’d missed the children so much she gave them some Christmas stocking presents early - except the sole purpose of these stocking presents was to then upload a paid ad!! She was then back to moaning about home life “back to the grind” with the kids and dogs and washing
✨ nay declared she was sooooo busy and had tons to do - yet dragged the kids to Nando’s just to plonk the iPads right in front of their face
✨ we had a succession of nay’s true colours coming back out - she doxxed someone again despite it being illegal. She also put up a childish story about a bath story being removed of her children because they were naked 🙄
✨ it was Christmas Eve and nay didn’t have time to help the children put a mince pie out for Father Christmas because she was struggling alone with two children 😒 she had even added “but whatever” to the story saying she hadn’t had time to do it was Cass
✨ tattle were outraged - she had spent MONTHS planning her birthday, every single detail but hadn’t bothered with any Christmas traditions such as the advents or the mince pie. She had spent the week before her birthday away from the children so she was at every appointment imaginable to look perfect and then spent 3 whole days away. But on her return she just couldn’t pull it together for her children’s Christmas. She even had the cheek to repost posts about mums making Christmas 😒
✨ nay arrived back on Boxing Day complaining about being unwell which obviously coincided with Jordan having gone back to work and being away. She supposedly couldn’t keep anything down but went to bed just after 6pm with a hot chocolate
✨ the next day she said she could hardly tidy the playroom without thinking she was going to throw up while complaining they were climbing the walls and desperate to go out. So with a sickness bug, she dragged the children out to TGIs despite having a massive house and garden to burn off some energy without spreading the stomach bug…the trip was made even worse by nay continuing to film mimi and laugh at her when mimi was clearly very upset and asking nay to stop 😢
✨ nay couldn’t help but dox someone else, she ran to stories to moan about being trolled (the person said why would you wear that dress) and nay claimed she’s the nicest person ever! We also got proof that she’d snapped the straps of her £320 dress 🙄 nay’s doxxing story was removed by Instagram. This led to another set of stories of her annoyance regarding no action being taken over racist comments - tattle agreed that there is a massive difference between someone being racist and someone having an opinion and that nay should remind herself what trolling actually is and to understand that doxxing is illegal
✨ it appeared that a number of guests who attended nay’s party were then poorly and testing positive for Covid over Christmas
✨ nay outdid herself by posting on the grid moaning about mimi while adding she’d been on her own since Boxing Day - it was the 28th 🙄 she’s happy to enjoy the money Jordan earns, but absolutely cannot stand actually having him away for work and having to look after her own children for any amount of time at all
✨ nay had a grand total of 10 hours off which she called a “break” from the gram but was back with a boss bitch self story
✨ Jordan rushed home on the 29th for literally a couple of hours! He’d said while he wasn’t doing kiss over Christmas it was the perfect time to rest and sleep, but princess nay had really done a number on him and made him feel guilty that he sacrificed sleep to drive home and then drive back to panto 😒 despite the never ending claims from nay they never have family time etc, all they did while Jordan was there was sit on their phones in the playroom while the kids had the iPads 🙄
✨ it appeared that one of nay’s birthday presents was a Matt black Range Rover - not quite the Lambo she begged for 🤣 they weren’t being overly secretive about it and kept hiding different parts of the reg so we knew the entire reg anyway!
✨ nay admitted that one of the first things she sorted for their wedding was a nanny service for the children…OF COURSE IT WAS! Although it wasn’t clear if it was more for entertaining the children on the day or actually looking after them and keeping them out of the way
✨ Jordan appeared to have a new Matt black Audi to match hun’s new rangey although it was clear it was his money paying for them not hers from all of her ads 🤪
✨ tattle had noticed that over Christmas we hadn’t seen the dogs at all - obviously once nay read it here the dogs appeared on stories 😂
✨ it was Jordan’s birthday (29) and nay said she was already planning his 30th despite being unable to organise Christmas for her children 🤷🏼‍♀️
✨ Jordan had finished the panto and was home but then tested positive for Covid. While he claimed to be isolating away from them in the annexe we saw him doing q&as in the playroom a few times. Nay claimed she was testing everyday and was negative. She was extremely quiet on stories but as the end of Jordan’s isolation approached she seemed to be out and about - she has previously shared anti vax posts and when she posted about her ADHD medication, she reiterated that she doesn’t like putting things into her body
✨ we were treated to THREE ads, two for different workout/exercise and one for natural cycles which supposedly helped her conceive even though she’s admitted they didn’t plan either child 🙈
✨ nay was back being her angry self after a hot tub photo was removed by Instagram for child nudity
✨ the cousins finally got together for an afternoon at the farm and nay was caught running around filming every second 😂
✨ she just had to do a grid post about Mimi “getting” her place at prep school for September (even though they will be paying to send her so hardly doubtful she’d be accepted) and also revealed that Cass is now doing 3 full days and 2 half days ready to increase it to full time next term. Tattle were a bit surprised he was going full time so soon, when he’d be full time in September for reception and nay is a stay at home parent
✨ nay forgot she’d been doing ads for exercising and claimed she hadn’t worked out in ages despite being gifted an exercise bike just before Christmas that she was apparently loving 😒
✨ @pickelily had the best comment on the last thread 🤣
screenshots to tie in with the recap and anyone new here 😘


And as always the best content nay has ever put out 😂😂😂😂😂

Thank you for the new thread @keytotruth we whizzed through the last one and well done @Jkop on a great thread title!
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