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I suppose it doesn’t matter what the wrapping paper is when the gift inside is just a packet of pegs from Poundland anyway 🤷
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Knock knock

Chatty Member
On their anniversary photo why is Bevs tongue bluey/green ? What’s up hunny have you run out of echo falls and had to hit the antifreeze instead ?
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I must be a dutty cow because I definitely do not wash my pj's everyday 🤣 However I only wear them in bed and not to cook, clean and do everything in like Kev. Her clothes probably crawl into the washing machine themselves by the end of the week.
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Absolutely stun. Love the 1980’s curtains and carpet. Right up bevs street that is. Epitome of luxury
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How many times did she mention baby food in the corned beef hash videos? Fuckin hell Bev change your battery.

Ironic considering almost all of her homemade meals look like inedible brown slop.
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Are the brogues for grandperr dave? I mean he goes from the pub to the bettie then maybe asda for yellowed sticker shit when is he fucking wearing brogues 🤣
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Fuck off you auld crinkly ballsack it's not the flex you think it is being mortgage free since you were fucking 15 or whatnot considering you probably got your hovel for about 10 shillings 🙄 it's pretty much in the same state you bought it anyway I mean look at the kip of those walls 🤣 so go suck off a chicken bone you snotty little ogre!!


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She might own her house but she’s a miserable, shrivelled up old wart with limited years left before she has a heart attack/stroke and fucks off for good. Her ‘house’ is a shitty 2 up 2 down, looks like it needs a LOT of money spending on it, not just to decorate but looks like it’s structurally fucked too. Those lumpy walls say it all. It’s dirty and filled with cheap nasty tat and basic bargain furniture from the 1980s. It really is nothing to brag about. If anything, it makes the old hag look worse cos she’s in her 60’s and still lives in the same shitty tiny little hovel. She’s never been able to better herself working in mininum wage jobs. Shes just jealous that she’s got to this point in her life and has made absolutely nothing of it
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I’ve just asked her “are you a pisshead” and she’s blocked me HAHAHA
Welcome to the blocked club...😍😍😍😍👌👌👌👌😊😊😊😊
Blimey I went for days without seeing any of her videos bloody hell it’s gone from zero to a million in a couple of days every other tick tock is her ,mostly in her minging PJ,s
The Christmas tree is like something out of a charity shop.
Ive got second hand embarrassment for her just everything in her life is just one step up from being homeless
What gets me is she could have been a nice old nanna....But she's a very jealous,hateful old b--ch!!!!!......
Welcome to the blocked club...😍😍😍😍👌👌👌👌😊😊😊😊

What gets me is she could have been a nice old nanna....But she's a very jealous,hateful old b--ch!!!!!......
And when people say "I wish you were my Nanny"....Ere......Noooooooo.My Nanny was kind,loving and beautiful. Kev is an insult to everyones old Nannies everywhere.....🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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I love how she thinks that “rarely being poorly” is some form of superhuman flex unique to Bev - Worlds Best Grafter 💪

You tend to have a good immune system when you live in a Petri dish
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The more I think about it, she really is an arsehole for that response. She was born into the luckiest generation of people who bought their homes for next to nothing and she's going to alienate her young followers with comments like that. Although they are all as dim as she is so perhaps not 🥴

This exchange had me cackling...


So pissed last night she was replying to her own comments and tagging herself.

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She appeared on my fyp today so I watched a couple of videos. My 13 year old was listening and his commentary was so funny. On the video about the fry up “I wish somebody would fry her up” and the one about the pie shop from 1812 (the year may be wrong but I’m not going back to check) “she was probably around in 1812 and still mourning the dinosaurs” 😭😭😭
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