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Can you imagine the outcry? If Richard and Judy started slating them in an interview. Calling Manky a useless, rude, immature, tosser. Or Nitty a fat, lazy, bad actress, liar, who lives in a germ ridden hovel. Nitty would be in tears wearing her 'Be Kind' shirt. Telling the world that Richard and Judy should be publicly flogged. I'm delighted to say R and J live in a lovely house. Scorpio jealousy from them both. Both have real careers.
Yes and it is in CORNWALL , they are jealous as hell. They have gone beyond showing themselves up now, they are sad middle aged wannabees trying to cling to a little bit of YT fame. They are more famous in their own heads than in the real world.

I image they will be pissed tonight on the cocktails, skinning up, singing, dancing being total idiots. Tomorrow will be hangover munchies and lying in bed. They are just so predictable. Can you image RM saying on TV..Judy your tits smell nice, what a tool Manky is.

They are so spiteful, I would not be surprised if this was their way of outing the married couple that N said were not so happy behind the scenes. Deeply unprofessional and downright unkind.
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If anyone wants to see them they can go round their house because surely everyone knows where they live?! Weird though you never hear of people turning up there or taking photos of the house do you?!
Oh Mankys new toy..a drone stalked them...

I said the big announcement would make us go 😳 🙄 didn’t I? 🤣🤣🤣
Totally called it.

Manky is 15 years too late to the YT party. He has not got to grips with affiliated have to declare them..and interesting content..all boring shit..he thinks he is a legend in his own lunchtime..
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View attachment 157589
Don’t have nightmares👺
Felt shit ... got a regular job ... and felt a little bit better ... weird how simple life is sometimes isn't it?! I'm now gonna call this my work shirt. #job #shirt #regular

You know how we've all been commenting about his hair being a greasy mess? Now he's washed it and most of the front has fallen out. :oops:
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If I remember rightly, when Nadia did the anchor on LW it was during a time they all did it - a different LW each day.

So I just skimmed to the bit Nadia talks about getting freebies - it's so obvious that she's been reading here. They do these passive aggressive performances everytime we talk about something that gets their backs up. She hates the fact that this site attracts people who aren't easily manipulated, who see through their virtue signalling, who they can't gaslight, dictate to, con, and who they haven't been able to fool into cultivating parasocial interactions and relationships with them.
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View attachment 157414View attachment 157415View attachment 157416View attachment 157417View attachment 157418
That dirt is nothing to be proud of🤢all these other z listers that are doing these cleaning ads aren’t selling story to magazines
so hes gone from being 'a documentary maker/ TV producer' (his words not mine) to someone who films floor mops and pics of his wife cleaning there filthy house/floor for a few quid here and there, well done Manky man you've really made it - yeh! a great job for someone who is so intelligent and arty!

Has anyone watched this bit of Nadia’s Insta stories? Dina has made her those stickers to help her organise her cupboards. She’s showing them to us asking ‘Can anyone tell why I can’t get organised?’. The word is flipped round because she’s filming herself, I don’t know what’s wrong with the stickers though.
there is something a foot with all this, she will be known as the messy queen and will promote cleaning products, i bet,god knows why because she will never use them. in a way we do them a favour calling them out for their filth because they are now going to cash in on it!
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So their devotees will buy the book even though some of them dont have children, makes me wonder what sort of books these subs have read? Fuzzy felt in pictures? This book is going to be a disaster, pre sales from the subs and then in the 10p bin at the charity shop - Im sure it will get slated in proper home educating circles
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He's so self indulgent because he has the luxury to be. He has all this time on his hands with no responsibility.
THIS. He can naval gaze and take his emotional temperature all fucking day long because he has nothing else to do and no responsibilities. When will Nadia see this for what it is? Manipulation and nothing more. Indulging him 24/7 has just made his behaviour worse. She is looking more worn down by the day. I said it before but she needs an intervention but I worry that he's already ruined her life and the lives of her children.
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Chatty Member
How difficult must family relationships be,

It appears Narc is jealous of nittys friends and family

Nitty is jealous of Narcs mum and his other daughters when he pays them any attention

Nitty is jealous of her own sister

Narc is deeply resentful of his own mum

The extended family she refers to when reminiscing about her childhood are no where to be seen

Maddie and Kiki are stuck in the middle I suspect

Her ex husbands family must hurt over the fact she left their son for an affair and he committed suicide

The whole family stress must be palpable, ontop of Marc and nittys daily arguments and antics...

What a life...

Jealous... NOT
'What a life' (you're so right) and they show it to the world. Shameful.
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Chatty Member
She’s definitely got fleas lice & nits all she’s done since sitting down is scratch

Someone suggested they get air con in the house oh we can’t afford that
They be asking people for donations to fund the air conditioning 🤦‍♀️
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Mark keeps bleating on and on about Father's Day, Nadia looks totally over it. I can't believe how depressing Mark makes everything. He must drain the life out of everyone.
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Grace Kelly

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For people who supposedly have body dysmorphia they certainly love themselves. Why does he keep posting 30 year old photos? It seems he has fallen into the trap of obsessively wanting "likes" for the physiological high.
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Having farming in my background (also been trampled by a number of calves) i really can not see how mark could, if it was actually possible cow tip any cow (let alone in the middle of London) They are the most stubborn, strong minded animals lol I think he may have hallucinated it while high or drunk.
That aside animal abuse isn't something that should be joked about.

They definitely have a strange sense of humour.
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It's such a hypocritical title as she got cross at ppl calling it homeschooling, she banged on for months that they were home educators 😂
do any of the devoted subs have school age children, they all seem to be needy men and women - mostly middle aged?
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Chatty Member
I know many will disagree, and I am not in any way defending some of Nadia's very shady behaviour but my honest opinion from watching the vlogs and reading the very enlightening threads here, is that she is in an abusive relationship and has been worn down by him. The signs are all there. He is totally reliant on her financially and I'm sure he's pushing her to do this crap which will ironically destroy her credibility and she will get less and less work. I can only imagine what her family must think of this man who is financially and emotionally draining her of everything. Unfortunatly, you risk losing your loved one if you say anything. But she clearly needs an intervention. She seemed genuinely upset when he smushed that banana down her top. It wasn't funny, it was sinister and a way of humiliating her publicly. He makes me sick.
I agree, he’s trodden her down to accept the way he behaves and they live.
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Today's live manky says maddie should join the diplomatic? Is he talking about the diplomatic service? I think she might need qualifications for that or at least an education:D:D. Someone asked nitty if she managed to get rid of her nits she said the itching is a nervous thing or from hair dye, another sub muted!!
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Did Youtube remove yesterday's live or did he take it off himself? I'm wondering if you could actually push a cow over, he probably thought saying that it would make people think he was a mischievious kid whereas everyone just thought what a cruel b...ard he is. I hate the way he torments toffee he shouldn't be allowed to keep animals. Shame that cow story didn't hit the DM and embarrass her with all colleagues (won't call them friends as I'm sure most of them can't stand her) at loose women.
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