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What was last night's live about they both seemed drunk or stoned it was like a kids silly half hour no content at all when is somebody going to reign these two in .on nanny dis vlog bet she couldnt wait to take her gifts home cheetos ginger nuts a book that really marked her 70th all the revenue she has made them nadia made it look like she was a part of her birthday apparently she went to bed all afternoon .
What rubbish gifts for a 70th birthday. A few of their subs sent the money to buy the Cheetos, ginger nuts and Coke. All the shouting and carrying on is just pathetic. Di must have been glad to go home!

Last nights live was a complete and utter embarrassment. They are definitely on something. Surely they must watch it back and think how awful they look and sound. Or do the have such a massive ego they think it’s good content. 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
How much do they earn from YouTube? Does anyone have a rough estimate?
iv no idea, but it seems its never enough, the thing with greedy ppl is they always want more.....the rich dont get rich with being generous, and manky is as tight as they come!
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How many true fans do these two actually have? They recycle the same few every time. They are the same ones that give them all the money as well. They are also the vulnerable ones. It’s so disgusting how they do this to people who obviously are in need of help, even though they are the only people who they can count on.
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He also said this morning he’s done much more stupid things than cow tipping. He said he hit a support teacher once because the teacher touched him and Narc accused him of assaulting him. He just laughed it off. He’s a nightmare and seems he’s always been the same.
Wow, I'd be very worried about being married to someone like this.
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I just briefly watched the comment about her knickers and I am so appalled I am tempted to message her and tell her we can all see she is in an abusive relationship. Everyone can see it so why can't she? I do feel like he's done it subtly down the years but publicly humiliating her like this in public is not subtle. We know why he can't get work, we know why he doesn't have friends and we know he has isolated her from her friends. I honestly feel like messaging her and telling her.
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Of course she had to make it yet again about Manky when Denise was talking about her book on Loose Women. Then there were her oh so fake tears while at same time looking at the face of her not happy that spotlight was on somebody else.
And not to make light of depression but didn't Denise's kitchen look amazing!! N must be so jealous!! Even spending grands with her big brother money and it still looks like a shit tip!!
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Chatty Member
I think they are repeating the chaos from their own childhoods with their own children instead of dealing with it and doing something different. I know that Mark spent a lot of time with his maternal grandparents because Di was always off with new girlfriends, or drunk. I remember the story that he hated one of her girlfriends that she had moved in with so much that he knifed up her sofa. Nadia had a very relaxed childhood with no boundaries as well. I am a similar age to Julia and I remember hearing that when we were teenagers she had been allowed to have Dexter Fletcher move in with them into the family home. I remember thinking at time how cool it was. But really it was just as if the girls had no rules and could so what they wanted. Mark and Nadia still do this now. They have no rules or boundaries and they are repeating the behaviour with their own girls. Remember the party they had for Kiki that they called a teenage party and she must have been eleven? I doubt they will ever change. They should have dealt with their issues years ago, but didn’t and the two of them being together is toxic and hopeless.
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They take no pride at all in their home, themselves, or their belongings. It is just full of clutter and a dumping ground for crap and it is filthy too. No warmth or character in their rooms. No nice furnishing or blinds or curtains, lots of photos and pictures, but no YT Plaque yet. You would think it would be pride of place considering how many bots they had to pay to get it, in lightening quick time.
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VIP Member
I've noticed she follows suit whenever Julia does something on her socials. I remember was when she started bleating on about Meditation after Julia started posting about Meditation. Julia is also vegan so of course Nadia claims to be too.

View attachment 158987
Someone's being a copycat 🤣🤦‍♀️
I have just been reading YT community policy, these two idiots break the guidlines constantly.
YT says when you have 3 strikes your YT channel is terminated. I am wondering how they are still allowed to upload after all his threats to violence against trolls, all their insults against identifiable individuals, and general smutty sexy innuendo content not suitable for a family channel.
Yep, I've noticed it too. I was really surprised they received their plaque because Mark has had a few copyright infringements which can result in strikes.
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It's ALL a massive distraction as per, he messed up big time last week with his views, opinions and stains in underwear comments. He's been on a woe is me ever since to try distract from what HE DID WRONG. he tagged Kiki in his woe is me post, he's hiding away from his beloved channel to make ppl feel even more sorry for him. He made the mistake of monetising his life for all to see and the intelligent articulate people who watched their life saw the dark side. He refuses to get help, to find the right medication, to undertake talking therapy, there is no help for someone who won't help themself. As always I feel for his children as he makes them sit front seat of his emotional roller-coaster ride regardless of the consequences on them. I'm sure his eldest 2 have been through this all before, it's beyond selfish to keep repeating 😡
It is absolutely appalling that Nadia is letting her daughters see this as an example of how men behave. His abusive behaviour towards their mother is shocking and a terrible thing for them to have to witness.
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Freudian slip at 3.08 mins in tonight, when talking about female gamers, she said female GAMBLERS, manky went bright red and maddie laughed in the background... Whoops a daisy hey manky! You wouldn't gamble away your wife's money with your anti social addicictive personality would you??? 🤔🙃🙄😂🤢🌿🚬🍷
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I watch several people’s vlogs but N and M’s subs (more the paying ones ) are the oddest I’ve EVER’s not bloody normal to wait 3 fecking hours for a live
They are nuts! To see them trying to defend N and M on some of the comments in the last few days has been comical! They really are so disillusioned! It's like a cult!!
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I think he means he has no control over his unravelling. its all someone elses fault.
I would last less than five minutes in his company. I couldn't bear it. Lots of people in his industry have addiction problems and are still working. He clearly burnt his bridges by being an insufferable twat.
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Chatty Member
I can’t even watch them now without getting all the bad feelings as soon as I see them. But I forced myself before to skim through this morning’s live. They pretty much do the same live every day - her rudely on her phone or texting, her singing in a stupid voice, them saying lies on Covid-19, or giving their opinion on it which changes all the time, him making it all about him, etc etc. Today they have stated there will never be a lockdown anywhere in the world again. Oh I hope there is just to prove them wrong!
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Chatty Member
I skimmed through this morning‘s live and thought it was really odd that Nadia wanted to know if Dame Vera Lynn was wealthy. What an intrusive and quite shallow thing to want to know!
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Chatty Member
the one last night at 17:38 she says something but I couldnt hear - couple of people have commented
She says quite loudly in a shocked voice ‘Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Ranvir is anchoring?!’. She gasps too and was clearly shocked.
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He doesnt see any wrong in what he did, hes using age as an excuse....he was in his early twenties, not exactly a child! Typical narc attitude, its everyone else who's in the wrong not him 🙄 he makes my skin crawl, such a vile creep of a man.
I'm surprised he hasn't blamed it on his dad tbh.
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