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I get the impression they take the light topics from her Loose Women brief, it can be guaranteed whatever they discuss has or is going to be discussed on LW. I’m surprised they haven’t really touched on the cost of living crisis, energy prices / fuel poverty or the many strikes happening?! I suppose they aren’t hugely impacted by any of that - if they were we’d have seen an instagram rant from her by now.
The LW producers missed a trick here.
Do Nepo Babies Deserve Their Success? | Loose Women - YouTube

I mean, entitled 'actress' Nadia Sawalha would still be running a doughnut stall with Dina if it wasn't for the reputation of the talented Nadim and Julia.
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Wonder what Coleen Nolan thinks about this, being an agony aunt herself for the Mirror 🤔
Also the Nitwit is going on and on about their shows better than TV and is less and less on LW 🤔 wonder if she is preparing something? Seems a bit fishy 🤔 Hope they are finally getting rid of her 👌
We should ask agony aunt nitty - How can we mend a rift with our little sister! 😆
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Can't they have one day without shoving their haggard mugs infront of some sort of camera and spouting drivel ?!
It's embarrassing at any age nevermind their age.
Honestly the vanity and self obsession surrounding us nowadays does my swede in. I'm thinking of getting a t-shirt printed with " IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU " 🤣🙄🤯
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What’s bizarre is the wanker thinks he’s good looking and cool when he’s the most embarrassing clown
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Thread suggestions

Cooking the books, overpaid grifters ,
time for the bus pass and slippers

Loose badly needs new blood,
She milked it for 20 years
Now they’ll both just chew the cud

Her frenemy Kaye will be glad to see the back,
Embarrassed of years of her meaningless feedback

When you’re put out to pasture, your appearances are a disaster. Just stay home with the master (manipulator)

The tax mans taken all my doh left me in my stately home to listen to endless tales of drunkenness and cruelty

Sorry 😂 I got a bit carried away there 😂

She looks awful in that photo, drained
I agree she looks awful in the photo and drained , but I think it speaks volumes about the kind of people they are that financial worries , or potential loss of a job might keep them up at night, but loss of reputation, the loss of good relations with family members and former spouses. and also losing their mental health, dignity, personal boundaries, or any kind of personal authority or integrity (including as a parent) doesn't seem to have bothered them at all! (Just used as an endless supply of material to sensationalise and endlessly milk for viewing figures?)

They are the type (and I know a few similar, sorry to burst their bubble 😃 but they are not unique!) who when things are going well, and they are coasting on easy street (auto pilot) are almost unbearably smug, superior, self aggrandising , ostentatious, permissive, lazy and other words spoilt, and with very little appreciation of all the things they have been gifted with.
No one really in their heart of hearts would want a normal person to have to deal with an uncertain or insecure future (but Mark and Nadia feel above the ordinary or normal don't they?)
They feel special, above such mundane concerns (That's what their behaviour screams to me) and whenever others have suffered I genuinely get the sense that they haven't shown much sympathy or empathy?

So whatever befalls them..well what can I say apart from the fact that these people surely have alienated a lot of people. When the going was good (and it still might be just they have scarcity mindset and don't value what they actually have always hankering after more, freebies etc).
They flaunted it in people's faces (literally) all the holidays, all the meals out, all the gifts etc etc and without the sense to have good grace or modesty about it, to them claim a lot of that as expenses on top of it all, was surely taking the piss 🤷‍♀️

She would pull her Pollyanna/Marie Antoinette act..let the peasants eat momma's spaghetti :sick: jeez haven't we been punished enough?
He was like a on the alert guard dog, fiercely possessive of his property and belongings (seriously my nanna had a spoilt dog that reacted the same way 😃) ready to growl at any intruders (which would be anyone that didn't fawn or give them their own way!).
So in a way wealth has spoilt them as a family , insulated them from reality and consequences, allowed them access to constant stimulation, distraction and anything to not to have to face actually looking at themselves constructively, it's brought out her ego and it's made him even more possessive and territorial.

It didn't make them happy just gave them a temporary high followed afterwards by the inevitable low. That they might be in a low spot right now is just the consequence of living a very unbalanced life.
Maybe this is a shock to the system, if they have any sense they might finally get around to really evaluating and appreciating what they already have, and not mourn a loss , but appreciate the gaining of wisdom that comes from acknowledging that life has its ups and downs, and getting used to always having your own way and easy money is not all it's cracked up to be, and can actually be damaging if you haven't got the maturity to make the best of it, which they surely haven't? 🤷‍♀️
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You'd think the Sawalha-Adderleys only had one daughter, maddie the messiah! The other 3 don't get any acknowledgement. Dreadful parenting, absolutely dreadful. 😞
I really can't see it that way. If I had the misfortune of being mank adderley's or even worse mank adderley and nadia sawalha's child, I would want them to keep me the fuck out of their social media. The way they have talked about maddie and kiki over the years and used them for content has been horribly exploitative. There is one video I know was deleted from their channel, where Nadia took the present Kiki had created for her for her birthday and read out the message, whilst mank was emphatically telling her not to. I believe this was fter Kiki had asked for privacy. It was one of the few times mank has actually acted like a man; and put his foot down (and deleted the video). Even now they seem to interpret privacy in terms of their children not being shown (nadia sawalha's emphasis always being on its about how you look). Accordingly, Nadia gleefully came down the stairs during vlogmas and announced she had been on the phone to her child's (presumably kiki's) counsellor. Still no privacy, and private medical details being broadcast for all the world, including the people her child goes to school with. But you see her child seeing a counsellor is not really about her child, it's about how wonderful nadia sawalha is in caring about her child's mental health. And that's why you as either her child or her step child or even her sister, would have to put your foot down about her using you for content, because she has a personality disorder where those around her are just used as props for attention and validation.
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Just a side comment as I've seen Emily complaining about how women are sexualised from a very young age by men or society BUT no-one ever addresses the now widespread and almost normal sexualisation of girls and women by THEMSELVES to strangers. I'm not a fan of fb or any other sm but I'm always shocked when I see even profile photos are soft porn.
I watched a girl the other day taking endless selfies of herself on her phone. It was freezing but she ended up with her jacket off around her shoulders and her boobs on show in her crop top. It went on for ages with her angling to get her tits in the photo and sucking in her flab. She was 16 at the most. Unfortunately not unusual behaviour.
It's NEVER addressed. It's always mens fault. It's NOT empowering, I don't care if I come across as old-fashioned, it's a about self respect.
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Within the first 16 seconds he's tried to humiliate her and she's called him a little shit. Such a happy marriage with the hot husband...
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I love this recent photo of Julia 💓 she looks relaxed, radiant, beautiful and happy


I think this is true....

So happy for her 👌 you only need to look at the disheveled, prematurely aging, harsh and unhealthy Nadia to see the (vast) difference.

It's true that in the end we all reap what we sow for good or bad, and lies and spite and manipulation will reveal themselves even on a physical level, meanwhile kindness, altruism, being in touch with the higher self and having a loving heart, and sense of justice will also show themselves.

Every story tells a picture.

Maybe toxic Nadia just couldn't tolerate someone honest and clean in soul and spirit. That's a massive reflection on Nadia then, and also on nasty Mark who (for some reason, maybe unrequited feelings) seems to also hold a massive grudge against Julia.
Maybe because she didn't want to be an enabler and called them out on their collective bullshit?

Either way I'm so happy she escaped and found herself and is loving life and looks genuinely happy (not to say that she doesn't have unhappy moments we all do that's life) but she doesn't let it define her (take note Mark) this is what true beauty and grace (even under pressure) look like.
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Nadias days on Loose Women are getting lesser and lesser by the week!

Just my opinion but I genuinely believe Nadia Sawalha has been a bully behind the scenes on the show for a very long time. Nadia bullied Julia for decades in her home life, why would she stop being a bully in her worklife.

I think both panalists, presenters, support staff and producers etc have all faced some kind of bullying by Nadia Sawalha. Nadia thrives on drama and crisis. Although Kaye appears less domineering than Nadia when they are together. I see Kaye as a very confident and very assertive woman in her own right. I firmly believe Kaye has the potential to be complicit in Nadias bullying, strength in numbers! Defending her bullying of others rather than challenging it. They both are able to be very frank and cutting with their tongues and I feel very strongly they will have both gone too far at work, especially with new younger less experienced staff.

Both Nadia and Kaye disappeared off screen for a significant period of time together, both sacked maybe?

Whatever happened, they left together and some time later they returned together and now appear only together, like a daytime Punch and Judy. It's very peculiar?! Bullies often need a partner in crime, Nadia had Dina at home and has Kaye at work.

As we've said many times here, they are an odd match in terms of friends, but as a bully with an accomplice, I imagine they will be a force to be reckoned with?

I bet Nadia Sawalha has made many people cry at work! I also bet if their was an annonymous poll for Loose Women and ex Loose Women to fill in re the top two Loose Women bullies, Nadia and Kaye would top the list!

I also think itv would be vicariously liable for the actions of their two bullies. One day I hope someone has the courage to speak out and expose Nadia Sawalha for the bully I firmly believe she is!
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Nadia Sawalha has chosen to wait until she is nearly 60 to address her obvious personality disorders. She's chosen to make the people around her suffer her horrendous behaviour for nearly 60 years.

Even though she says the words ADHD and Anxiety, I genuinely still think she thinks she's talking about someone else. At Nadias pace it will be just before her death, if ever, before she admits any damage she has caused to the people closest to her during her lifetime.

Behind all of her "labels" that she is using to justify her behaviour, Nadia Sawalha is still a true Narcissist, that will never ever change. Nadias narcissistic behaviour - her, inflated Ego, lack of True Empathy, Constant Need for Attention and Zero Boundaries dominate her being and those Narc behaviours are her true loves in life.
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Imagine how difficult it must have been filming her for the fake win on Masterchef - there is no way she would have been able to cook those dishes without loads of retakes, she also has said she had to practise over and over with Dina each dish, as the dishes were Dina 's recipes and suggestions for the show, it was rumoured at the time that Craig Revel horwood should have won as they wanted a female winner as in the first series a man won< her food was also criticized
by the prof judges for being bland, tasteless and to much cream and butter saturation = she actually said 'they said it was tasteless, I dont know why there was loads of cream and farlic in it'
Masterchef was a new series when she was in it, and you could have won it making a cottage pie, it was so fixed and staged
No way would she get past the first round now
She really can't cook, she cant co=ordinate. she is un prepared - cooks awful basic food, those bread jam butties fried - FFS!
Dina can cook and has a natural flair for making tasty food, she really showed Nits up yesterday - but its still a disaster show and the camera work was awful
god help what they cook next week,
and why bother getting Betty to type up the recipes, for Nits its all stuff she's done before
maybe Betty needs to explain how to defrost a frozen pea and make sure your all spice is in date!!
Absolute shambles, if they are hoping for sponsorship from Lidl or Sainsburys then they need to rethink, what supermarket would sponsor that pile of carnage - no one would want to be associated with that pile of shite
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Good lord, I just checked their youtube channel to see what's going on now that Slogmas should be finished... and there's VLOGMAS LEFTOVERS. When will it end!!!
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I hope 2023 is the year that exposes the skeletons in Nadia Sawalha's closet like her secret husband Hamza who was her 1st husband that she NEVER mentions. I recall her once mentioning she lived in Worthing and then never mentioning it again. I wonder if lying Nadia Sawalha lived in worthing with Hamza!?

It's so ironic that Nadia rattles on about Kaye lying about her age! When she is lying by omission re being married to her 1st husband! It makes you wonder what other big secrets Nadia is hiding? 🤔 🤥

My instinct says her secret marriage was nothing to do with her parents, they genuinely seem like honest and morally intact people. I wonder how quickly she got with her 2nd husband Justin after her secret Hamza marriage?

Talking of Justin, I think the utter sadness of his suicide has stopped his family highlighting Nadias behaviour leading upto his suicide.

Nadia Sawalha has more skeletons in her cupboard than a graveyard has!

Here's to a year of truth and honesty regarding Nadia Sawalha. The woman has caused alot misery for many people and in my opinion she deserves all of her lies and deceptions to be shared and for her to be utterly shamed due to her many lies.

Nadia is happy to put herself on social media but to only tell a tenth of the truth about herself 😡
If your going to flaunt yourself online and profiteer from it, people deserve to know the FULL story in my opinion.
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Grace Kelly

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Just clicked on it and had to switch off, not wasting my time when Mr Director/ film maker can’t even be bothered to stabilise his iPhone. The man is still swaying his phone all over the place and butting in where it’s not wanted. What they fail to understand is that people can visit tiktok and see a random person producing much higher quality culinary content in a 3-minute video.
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Sweet baby Jesus in the manger and the little donkey, all joking aside that was beyond horrendous, I actually feel sorry for Dina, she’s clutching at straws to try to make a living with those two absolute bin lids.
There’s enough food shopping in that house to feed the 5,000.
My sons wee dog could’ve filmed it better too, Mark should go for an early bath or maybe two
Beyond woeful
Do they think they are going to replace the Hairy bikers?
Beyond laughable, more tragic
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Gloria Rostron

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Why is this week's Curly Crooks Of Croydon going to be a "pre-record"? Hmmm. Mank must have a meeting with Warner Brothers in LA, probably jetting off as we speak.
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