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Grace Kelly

VIP Member

anyone know why dina makes a wanker gesture here? subconsciously revealing her opinion of mank I suspect.

also, mank says allium, and she obviously doesn't know what it means. LOOOOOOL

8 minutes in and losing count of the sex toy references.
I just skimmed through a bit of this, it’s unwatchable Mark doesn’t even attempt to angle his iPhone at the food, he is too busy forcing out a fake hyena laugh to get noticed. Pathetic weasel looking man.
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Mank really is useless, as a father, son and husband. Just messes around with his filming of useless stuff, dances like a clown and mentions mental health now and again. That is his life and he can't even keep himself clean. Quite why Nanny Di makes the trip to the house I don't know why. Nits obviously detests her, can barely look at he sometimes.

I don't think Julia will mention much of the bullying from her vile sisters. Not while her parents are alive anyway.
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Wonder what Coleen Nolan thinks about this, being an agony aunt herself for the Mirror 🤔
Also the Nitwit is going on and on about their shows better than TV and is less and less on LW 🤔 wonder if she is preparing something? Seems a bit fishy 🤔 Hope they are finally getting rid of her 👌
I'm sure that the work of mirror agony aunt page is handled by an office of professionals with coleen as a front/with some input; and everything she puts out is reviewed and edited. The sun problem page for example is a very professionally service.

Coleen will also have been given that job because of how she is perceived, which is in a way neither mank or nadia are.

Two people with undiagnosed personality disorders with a load of mentally ill subscribers, some of whom are self-harming, actually attempting to kill themselves, or have made threats to do so in the live chat, running a problem page for them, is just such a display of lack of self-awareness it beggars belief.

They, and michelle penny, who seems to be strategising all this, are just dire.
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"this isn’t great but hey ho i’m bored"


Like father, like daughter. Their collective lack of purpose and having far too much time on their hands are the greatest contributors to their low moods. These low moods sometimes lead them to produce low quality, self-indulgent 'art'. :sick:

In other news, the ghost of Amy Winehouse breathes a sigh of relief. 😂
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Chatty Member
Xmas leftovers numero deux. How many of these are there? Mark goes around turning on all the lights. He is singing. :sick: He is hyper today. Bitches about the dogs. The fridges are being taken away and replaced today. Mentions something about living in a freezer. We get a view of the men taking the fridge way. Quality content as per. Mark mentions something about dead bodies where the fridge was and chunters on to himself. TWO BLOODY COMMERCIALS AND IT ISN'T EVEN AT THE 5 MINUTE MARK! For the first time in a long we see actual competent men doing something constructive in that house, by installing a fridge. Mark grimaces at the camera, knowing full well his inadequacies as a pseudo home owner. He tells us some story that he talked with the dudes and they that Santa licks their ears not their noses. WTF? I just... take him out behind the barn already! Mark says he doesn't know how they are going to make the doors fit and starts to tell Nadia the doors might be an issue. Nadia says she wants something from Kurt Geiger and that stupid Santa on the counter says "Only wankers like Kurt Geiger." Yeah, you are so hilarious Mark. NOT! More footage of the guys with the fridges. Did he ask permission to film them? Doubt it. Mark continues to wind Nadia up, saying the doors are wrong, as if he would know. He moves the camera down to her boobs. View of the Xmas tree and the men installing still. Talk of narrow fitting shoes. Nadia shows him some shoes that he declares are hideous. She wants the same shoes as Simone (Who's she?) and Mark said she would look like a clown to which Nadia replies "what? As ridiculous as you do in an elf hat? Oh, I would hate to look that ridiculous." 🤭 Nadia has decided to buy them herself. Mark proceeds to hit her in the head not once, but 4X with his filthy phone. Kiki is laughing in the background. She shows him some boots with some crystals around the top and he says it look like "Game of Thrones." These boots are 264 quid! He says they look like wellies with necklaces on.

Dogs are let out of jail. Nadia sees the freeze and falls in love, same for the fridge. Mark insists they have less fridge space. Nadia is annoyed and takes out the bottle shelf and starts rearranging things. "I literally hate fridges." :rolleyes: He pulls out the shelf that he just moved and he keeps saying how they have more freezer than fridge. Whilst he takes out the shelves he starts banging them against the interior and Nadia tells him the guy told her not to bang and every time he bangs, the bloody light goes off. This fridge will be busted by the end of this vlog. Mark now tells Nadia she is going to break. "Fuckin hell babe, you ordered the wrong fucking things." This is where Nadia should have knocked him out cold. No jury would convict her. Cue the bickering over the freezer.

Another day and Nadia is looking rough reading from her phone about a woman with a 3 pound DIY draft excluder. "It's a bloody towel! Right, let's make one of these!" :cautious: Talk of bubble wrap on the windows. Their agents sent them a wreath. Mark sniffs the wreath and gets pine up his nose. Nadia shows us her St. Eval Winter Thyme candle, 14 quid. Mark now has the wreath around his neck and Nads is upset he is going to ruin it. Has he not ruined your life? What's a Xmas wreath to you? Nadia fills the fridge. She is thrilled. Mark puts his coffe pod in and does that stupid thing that he does. Santa calls Mark a knob jockey. :cautious: Now he is taking a lighter to Santa. Nadia tells him to take that stupid hat off, as it is going to drip into the coffee, spill everywhere and he will be raging again. They are going out and Nadia says no to the hat. Just say no to the husband and be done with it. They are at the park and there are people playing beach volleyball.

Back to the house and Nanny Di is at the door. Why does Di have a sweater around her waist? Mark tells Di that Nadia changed the tree she decorated. Di asks why and Mark says because she didn't like it. Dysfunctional. "It's a bit of an insult innit it?" says Mark. What a shit disturber he is. "I think she used the word shambolic." Mark shows her 2 robins with screws for noses via Christos and Natasha. Looking for a stick, Di lost her's, we see the garden furniture all pilled up with the trampoline, he gives her a hoe. Harasses Toffee again. Toffee has a plastic bag with more plastic in it. Now we are at the park again, Mark laughing at the dogs slipping on the ice. Nadia complains of the black ice and the sleet. Mark says his knee is aching and popping. "Last Minute Shopping Day" Nadia puts on the lights. Out in London they find a parking space, but it is raining. Complains about shopping and Mark bitches about paper bags. Drive home and the police have cordoned off the street and Mark says it must be a stabbing. Talk of ripple effects, blah, blah, handwringing over the children. More swearing about cardboard. Pat is coming over for sausage and mash. That damn elf tells us there are more leftovers. Mark is dressed as a snowman dancing, playing the annoying fool. Why are they lauging? Ugh. 🤮
Ha I always love these summaries! I think i would be concerned if my boss or in their case agent sent me a wreath! I would think there was a hidden meaning behind it, such as a death of career...Although Mark hasn't actually got a career and Nadia is just lucky she is able to still be on Loose Women that pays her an insane about for a few hrs work a week..
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Nadias birthday message to kay.. constantly bringing up she lied about her age.. change the record woman..she always ages kiki..& gets her own age wrong.. as for the ugly sisters so nasty to Julia its showing in there looks..julia looks so sweet & beautiful compared to them they look rough!! As for Maddie, Amy Winehouse try hard..definitely on drugs ..she looks a mess!
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FUCK ME, mank is about to make french toast (nadia always make French toast on these things) with mouldy bread.

no wait, it's those shitty monstrous doughnuts rolls she has done before; only this time done by mank with mouldy bread.

i want to write scraping the bottom of the barrel for content, but quite frankly this is dredging the bottom of a sewer.

what arrogance to put out such shit content and think its even vaguely worth while.

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jesus that mac cheese she made = carb overload, that would cause food coma and constipation, what an awful dish to do - she has no flair for food at all
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Another hilarious posting from Mark Adderley !
Guess what? he’s afraid of “free time” so can’t stop working 🤣🤣🤣
Who is he trying to fool??? 🤔
IG stories at White Cube, cinema and watching Love Island posted very recently to say the least!
He has not even got round to editing/posting travel vlogs (2 trips) from 2022 yet!
We’ve all seen his busy schedules/To Do lists 🤣

Ps did you know he is BiPolar and has ADHD? 🙄
How melodramatic is that, you would think from reading it he has a proper job in the media. How on earth are those subs taken in by him.
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Kay's Good Cooking

Chatty Member
they were obviously vile to her as kids as no doubt why Betty punished them and split them up
they dont seem to have any remorse either
it is beyond belief

old but gold (probs been shared loads). Dina laughs that her and Nads locked Julia in cupboards and stuffed her in sofas (1:50 onwards)

Side-note: Dina’s looks pretty stood next to Bads
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What gives you the ick? TS 3.30 onwards. Ruth mentions dirty fingernails, baby voice, Janet product in the kitchen for fungus on big toe nail, Gloria eating with mouth open, audience toenails in the kitchen,… are they referring to the Sadderleys? 🤣 wish she had been on 🤣
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Imagine being so shit at cooking you have to get lessons on how to poach an egg from them?

Also, Nadia saying Dina is going to work out how much each meal costs because Nadia can't do that (lack of maths teaching perhaps?)
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It does make you wonder why he acts like a silly kid most of the time and he must be affected living in such a controlling marriage. She completely dominates him and it is a strange relationship, he does seem happier when he is with his mother or his daughter and nit is so fake on LW when she makes out they are so happy. From what we see of them at home it's far from happy they seem to hate each other.
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I have never seen a show on tv that gets so much negative feedback online, they can’t win an argument let alone an award.
Every comment reads, it’s well, well past it’s sell by date.
I think it must be people entering the cash competitions that keeps it going
Saira and Andrea must’ve been reading the dire reviews and decided to leave the sinking ship
I reckon Nittys p45 was delayed in the postal strike, her breathless screeching was just another nail in the coffin.
she’ll be stuck at home with manic Spielberg for the foreseeable 😩
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You would genuinely have to be at the end of your rope, or as daft as a brush to take advice from those two wingnuts, they are two of the most disingenuous feckers you could hope to come across, they will probably try to find a way to make further money out of the subs misfortune.
In their minds it’s always “purse first”
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