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Chatty Member
Oh they were really hilarious today on CM 🤣 I had a really good laugh 🤣 TS 34.30 onwards.
Some of their statements : ref. Saturday show “this series is 8 episodes and then we’ll have a little break” hmmm that will probably be the end of it 😏👎
“People say it should be on TV “🤣 “they also say that about the vlogs”🤣 who are these people??? 🤔 100 odd vulnerable subs ??? 🤔
“She couldn’t have put frozen peas on a plate and he couldn’t have demonstrated collapsing during today’s news if they were on TV”🤣
“Think of this channel as a very special TV station”🤣 “we “multigendre”” 🤣 bla-bla-bla “authentic content, reflection of interests and passions, trying to be of use, coming from the heart” … “even if a TV company came and said ( as if 🤣) we will do Curly cooks on TV she would refuse”😏

“BUT they have some big news later in the year about CM ??🤔 inadvertent news” “exciting news”

your guesses??

“The channel will keep on evolving, it’s a full time thing for them and Mark has so many ideas he wants to put on the channel”🤣 he can’t keep up on editing 2 or 3 vlogs/shows a week 🤣

What I don't understand is why they mess about with so many strands to their channel. I accept if you do a variety in theory you appeal to more people but all things have to be done well and regularly. It's better to do 4 things well than 8 badly. This is what I do hate about them the most they overpromise under deliver and in the process let vulnerable people down. Mark really does try to run before he can walk. I also think alot of the time he does what he wants to do rather than what the customers want. Do the subs even want alot of film reviews or advice on how to stay married from this pair of dysfunctional folk?
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just watched - (Skimmed) the draught gate vlog, why oh why don't they get a new door - or put up curtains! i couldnt live with all that window exposure in the back room, surely they can afford to curtain the place
moaning about the house being cold when she walks about most of the time with bare feet vest tops (the old truck driver days) and he walks about in t shirts. They are so thick
the 70's DIY draught tape wont work on those back windows, they are as thick as pig shit
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Gloria Rostron

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Oh she also said a daughter of a “friend” has recently been diagnosed with AHDH 😏😏😏
They are so thick !!
She doesn't have that many friends for all of these anecdotes that she uses! It's always "I have a friend who"... her only friend is Lisa who is a clinger on, desperate to mingle with 'famous' people (did she mention she works with Keith Lemon?). Simone is not her friend, she will pay her lip service but probably dreads doing her hair.
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timestamp: is it just me or has vegan dina got sumfin with a big fucking bone in it on her plate.

that sure looks like a lamb chop to me
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Nadias birthday message to kay.. constantly bringing up she lied about her age.. change the record woman..she always ages kiki..& gets her own age wrong.. as for the ugly sisters so nasty to Julia its showing in there looks..julia looks so sweet & beautiful compared to them they look rough!! As for Maddie, Amy Winehouse try hard..definitely on drugs ..she looks a mess!
Yes Kaye had her reasons it just got out of hand and she did feel bad coming clean to her children in the end. I can relate to it my dad was an older dad and to protect me from thinking about his mortality too much as a youngster dad lied about his age for a while. I found out the truth when I was 10. Kaye was an older mother in an industry where it was tough being an older woman. Loose Women does favour older women who are meant to have wisdom (although not in Nadia's case!) but Kaye didn't know she would find a home there for decades. Nadia should understand where Kaye was coming from being an older mother in the industry herself. Plus I think they said Kaye's own mum lied about her own age so putting all that aside it was probably something Kaye thought all women did as they got older!
I think one reason Nadia doesn't lie is she likes people to know she has bagged a hot (in her words nobody else's!) younger husband. I wouldn't care if Mark looked like a Greek god I couldn't put up with him! Nadia is not good with ages anyway she didn't get the ages of her parents right a few weeks ago. I am afraid as my parents reached their last yrs I was very aware of their ages more and more but then Nadia has no awareness.
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COFFEE MOANING Sam Smith RUDE MUSIC VIDEO, Kaye Adams Tattoo, Black Only Audiences - YouTube
Time stamp 16:30

Get ready for Mark Adderley's latest existential crisis. Moodie has discovered the chink in Daddy Cool's armour: "I'm really surprised Dad, that in your wilderness years you never ended up getting a tattoo."
The solution? (After over compensating with a load of guff about being offered loads of tattoos whilst filming in tattoo parlours. Seriously, this man's back catalogue sounds scintillating. I wonder where one might access it? :sneaky:) They're going to get matching family tattoos! 😂 😂 Where Maddie the Messiah leads, the clueless sheep will follow. How edgy.
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she said that she only ever has money earned by herself. Imagine being married to a wanker for 20 years and he has never been able to support her financially. What a low life. He buys presents for her out of her money. Cringe She probably paid for his kids
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I reckon she was the bitchy school bully that everyone pretended to like then ditched at graduation.
Another hilarious posting from Mark Adderley !
Guess what? he’s afraid of “free time” so can’t stop working 🤣🤣🤣
Who is he trying to fool??? 🤔
IG stories at White Cube, cinema and watching Love Island posted very recently to say the least!
He has not even got round to editing/posting travel vlogs (2 trips) from 2022 yet!
We’ve all seen his busy schedules/To Do lists 🤣

Ps did you know he is BiPolar and has ADHD? 🙄
god he can spin a yarn
god help if had to get up and go to do real work everyday
its all a hobby mank, a swerve from doing a real job, you are given money from your wife to do what you want to keep you quiet and stop you having tantrums, but even then you moan and stamp your fee, look at me, pour me, poor me....
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As parents its your job to do your upmost to keep them safe and teach them to make sensible choices in life. Make them aware of dangers around them. They inevitably will make errors and hopefully learn from them. But these two prefer to be friends instead of parents. They are taught they can do whatever they want and if it goes wrong its not their fault, its everybody else's. She bangs on about how she identifies strongly with her Arabic roots. I'm not sure her extended family back in Jordan would be jubilant to see a drunken Moody on the bog with her knickers down and her boobs hanging out. Even less so with what the child Kiki puts out.
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She is also super fit and exercises daily, tough exercise too
yes she goes to the david lloyd with a personal trainer, but the personal trainer actually pays her because she learns so much and is just in awe of her

We generally don't get to see nadia engage one on one with a man. Is it me or has she got the hots for this guy, and behaves in a way we never see her do with her own husband. although they are just out of shot, she is definitely shimmying and pulling her shoulders back in a way that shows off her boobs.

see 8:10 when he says "shits" for example!

see also 12:16 when he says "loose leafs". maybe the phrase makes her think of her labia.
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Their views on education are ridiculous. I listened to a podcast by them about exams and they both admitted that teaching the girls to take exams wasn't their aim as they don't believe in exams! Well, the rest of the world does unfortunately and all you have proceeded to do is hinder your golden child's future due to your stupid ideology. Unbelievable. I really think that there should be laws in place to ensure "home-schooled" kids at least get some exam certificates.
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Stupid arse did nothing as usual but watched women carry all the chairs. He hadn’t even a friend or daughter to stay with when he had to get out of house, sums up what a horrible person he is.
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For an ex cameraman that is dire. I couldn't watch it all, whizzing around too much. All the hair scratching, coughing into her hand and carrying on mauling food, its shocking. Its more like how not to cook. She's very thick with her sister at the moment, it won't last, she doesn't share anything.

Nittya -having spent more time in front of acamera than both Dina and Manky, she is quick to resort to shortcuts to keep things moving along

Dina - says what she thinks, often too much, properly corrects Nittya for taking shortcuts amd sees no problem with taking 5 minutes to dice mushrooms. Nittya is not having it.

Result: a mess of show where no viewer will learn anything. Nittya POURS garlic powder over a serving for a family; she forgets to cook pasta; she doesn’t season the chicken she is cooking. Etc., etc., etc.
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Gloria Rostron

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Mark Adderley, how thick can someone be to not know the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan? His wife is supposedly a bloody Masterchef.
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Chatty Member
I'm wondering if Nadia has been sacked or if her loose women contract has been significantly reduced? 🤔
She is putting an enormous amount of effort into their sh*t show? Lots of hashtags that their offerings are better than tv?
As someone on here said last week, their is an air of desperation on their channel recently?
Something has definitely changed. Nadia has never been so engaged or bothered about their channel but now it's all she talks about? 🤔
Yes and correct me if I am wrong but I think they have done all the Coffee Moanings they should have done this month between them? That is a record in itself. Something has changed this yr you are correct and it probably does have to do with her Loose Women work becoming less and less..
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