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Dina has quit her school job, so I expect she'll continue selling her art box to Nadia's subs and begging for Aldi deals. I also get the impression Dina's desperate for a vegan cookbook deal, despite the fact that she suddenly wasn't vegan at the time of the Borough Market vlog when she was scoffing all the free cheese.
I notice that she also fairly recently changed her IG account name from MissDina62, to thedinasawalha, so help link herself to Nadia and get more attention, followers and freebies.
Looks like she’s had a taste of what Nadia gets and has decided to use her name for a bit of the same.
Shame… she used to be ok (in small doses), but she’s slowly morphing into Nadia#2
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Have we been watching the same vlogs???
Manky talking about Vlogmas says it’s been lovely having a broad cast of characters this year 🤔🤔🤔
Who have I missed apart from Lisa and Dina????😳
Timestamp 17.10
He really does live in another world 😳

Notice he mentions heavy breathing and she talks about grooming her dogs next year on a regular basis! Reading on here again 👋👋👋
Re: broad cast of characters
Perhaps he’s talking about his many different personalities:-
1.Evil Narcissist
2.Stupid unfunny stinker
3.Smarmy newsreader
4. ‘sexy’ embarrassing dad dancer
5.Benny hill pervert Marc
6. Work shy show off 😡😡😡😡
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I know I’m stating the obvious but, N is such a hypocrite. At the very start of Covid, she was so scared of it to the extent that she was washing/wiping her groceries when delivered. Now she’s behaving like a conspiracy theorist, as if Covid doesn’t matter/exist anymore.
Then her and M do the vlogmas where they go to the Covid memory wall in central London, and she pretends to get emotional about it! She really is something else 😡
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How they twist their laziness into doing a favour for the subs. Also they’re not interested with what the subs did over Christmas they just want more ‘interactive traffic’ from the subs to boost their channel … their faking it in plain sight grrrrrrr 🤢😡
Typical narcissistic behaviour. I agree, every question they ask is for interaction purposes, and not because they care. It keeps them relevant with their YourTube management Gleam.

She is encouraging him to take time out on his instagram post today. What the hell does she think he does all day. The last vlog is at least 6 weeks out of date and now irrelevant! Most other YouTubers work at the same time as putting their vlogs out.

She is blind to all their faults, she just thinks the sun shines out of their backsides and keeps enabling them to carry on as such. Is she scared that if they were independent that they wouldn't need her? Both he and Maddie don't have proper jobs but clearly employed by Dog House Media. What sort of life is that. They are all inherently lazy but don't actually know it, including Nadia. If she had to work at a 9-5pm job she would struggle.

Help your children to be independent Nadia and stop enabling them, it is not healthy and it is also very cruel to not allow them to experience real life for what it is. Allow them to make their own way and be proud of it and you of them.


I hope you all had a nice Christmas ❤
My father in law is in hospital receiving palliative care, so we had to rent a place near there so we could get him in a hurry
Due to covid the visiting is very strict and we didn’t want to be late etc
I would like to extend my thoughts to anyone else who has illness in their family at this time
It really does take over and can be very stressful on families x
Wishing you all a happy peaceful 2022 x
So very sorry to read your news. Sending you all the very best at this time. x
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Just for info Nadia is on the Pet show on ITV right now. I assume she is doing the agility course with Toffee.

Quoting myself she has just said she is very messy….. plus Toffee looks rather fat.
why the helll would they ask one of the worst pet owners in the land to go on that show
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In my humble opinion after watching Nadia for
the last few months, she is bordering on an alcohol addiction.
The real concern is that Mark seems to encourage it. Does he want to bring her down?

He tries to flirt with Lisa and Dina and monopolises every single thing that goes on. Having said that, I also feel that Nadia is developing a disorder of sorts. She’s either as low as a snakes tummy or high as a kite and hyper. Just my opinion and it’s a worry. Kiki is hardly ever mentioned whereas Maddies name rolls off her tongue constantly.

What a mess.
I’d agree with this . She’s absolutely painful but trying to be perfect on the outside but crumbling inside. Her husband is so controlling and manipulative and uses their lazy kids to make her feel guilty about everything. Maybe Dina sees it but doesn’t get involved as she’s beneficial to her as well. Nadia needs to kick them all to the kerb and Manage her own affairs. They wouldn’t last long without their cash cow,
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Gloria Rostron

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Nadia made it fairly clear that she didn't want Diane to stay. :( All of the moaning and the attempts at dissuading Mark from sorting her bed was blatant. The worst of it is, she knows Diane watches the Vlogs, so will see it. The bed looked cheap and awful. Diane has problems with her legs, as well as needing to take several tablets. Why didn't they buy her a double or a king size? I thought only children sleep in single beds these days.
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Why when Mark writes a long winded post congratulating himself for being an addict and for inflicting both addiction and his ‘recovery’ upon his family, does Nadia then respond to also congratulate him and inflate his ego even further? A simple ‘proud of you for staying sober’ would suffice, but Nadia goes overboard with it. They are probably sat in the same room communicating over Instagram rather than verbally.

My take on it is either
1 - Nadia feels threatened by Mark being the cult leader of the subs and his ability to edit her in a bad light constantly, and so feels the need to speak out to ensure that the subs don’t accuse her of not being supportive.

Or, and this i think is most likely

2 - Mark has written both posts, because Nadia doesn’t have the patience or the punctuation to compose such long messages, and he is using her Instagram account to bring more attention from her followers onto himself.
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Could only stand a few minutes of Nittya’s New Year IG Screed where she shows her dishonesty and delusion:

-having decided her Body Confidence campaign no longer attracts enough attention, she is now pushing Body Acceptance and denies she has Body Confidence. But what about all those YouTube videos and IG pictures you posted proclaiming your Body Confidence, Nitwittya?

- Nittya proclaims that she gave up dieting in the New Year two years ago, despite having posted several vlogs as recently as December about her 16:8 diet.

- Nittya says that people can no longer get away with saying vile things about a women’s body…erm…do you listen to what your non-working workaholic husband says about your body (he also clearly has issues with your drinking habits)?

New Year, same old sh!t from Nitwittya. Still trying to attract eyeballs, attention and £££.
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Nitty witch needs to wash her foul mouth out with carbolic soap. At least we know she has been reading here again after someone commented about her swearing. It is actually quite funny after she has read a tattle comment she will make a big thing of it on CM like she's saying up yours!! I love it when they read our posts because we can say what we like and old manky can't delete anything and we speak the truth about the little shit faces.
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Bash a Troll

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Carol has been slaughtered in tithe press today for saying she’s going out to spread the also said if the presenters don’t/can’t act responsibly they should be taken off air
Here’s hoping🤞🏻
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and while we're at it- you know what I think those dogs would have appreciated for kwissmiss- a trip to a professional groomers. they look a fucking state
I think you'll find Nadia Sawalha is beaming with pride that her dogs "have mange, as it's the first time in nine years the vet has diagnosed it in an animal. He did a scrape on the skin and could immediately see the mites under the microscope! (Her exclamation mark, not mine. :mad: ) He was quite excited about that wasn't he?"
Mark Adderley, uninterested as they aren't talking about his 17 years sober: "Yeah he was."

I wish the vet had charged them double before calling the RSPCA. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Timestamp 2:58
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Time stamp 27:50
Nadia Sawalha whose head is conflicted by her lies, swaying from left to right: "But there's really easy ways to cook food in minutes. I'm telling you. I'm telling you there really is." [sic]

So, how come she never shows the viewers of her family Youtube channel a single one of these easy healthy recipes to help them reduce their inflammation, too? I mean, she has kitchen and a husband who lives to generate film titles for his own amusement. They could film a series called something like Make Your Dinner Really Quickly - to be fair, this has proven to be harder than it appears - and Lower the Inflammation of the Nation.




Anyone who's attempted to cook and eat even half of that smorgasbord of empty calories needs their arteries flushing out. :sick::sick:
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So the last members live was a month ago on the 2nd December.
The last non live or non reshared nnss was also a month ago 5th December.

So what exactly are subs paying for? That's the full month of £2 with absolutely no real content. All other stuff was shared with everyone not subs right?
Didn't they say they'd be back nye yet still haven't even posted to their subs anything about what's happening or when they plan (if ever) to return and actually do their jobs?
After all they're being paid for a service they cannot guarantee.
The NNSS is so out dated now same boring shit time and time again. The home time vlogs are miles out of date and still in summer/autumn last year.
Its literally marks ONLY job to make these vlogs etc. Its not like he's cleaning the house, volunteering or working an actual job is it.
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So am i right in saying the twatterleys still have their xmas trees up?? Wanna take bets on when theyl come down? Think is was sometime in feb last yr 🙈😂

Cant watch their shite coffee ramblings, theyre both full of their own self importance and completely unable to see how hypocritical and full of lies they are, they never abided by the rules themselves but yet have the audacity to rant and rave about our sorry excuse of a government….its all pound signs at end of day, thats all these two care about, theyl make or take money anyway they can, selfish, greedy and shameless, all of em.
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it's an ad, yet she is alleging he bought the lingerie. also he is supposed to walk in the front door, yet there is no sound a key in the lock, or the door being opened, and just the sound of the door being shut. reckon he was stood there the whole time waiting to slma the door. it's all such bollocks.
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:coffee:Coffee Moaning for Monday. Hope your weekend went well. That live last night was painful. 😩 Title today is "Garden Party Fury, The Grinch That's Stealing Christmas, Raab Rage."

They are late. Ruth went and saw The Human League in Bournemouth. Julie says there is a chance of snow in Yorkshire on Wednesday. Deer Heart is not in the mood this year. Why, oh why doesn't Nadia set fire to the director's cap of Mark's? Burn it and he can't possibly wear it again. He says it was frayed when he bought it. He is wearing his Grinch shirt and has a fruit sticker on his forehead. :rolleyes: He tells her to press it and Mark makes an obnoxious noise. You are only encouraging the behaviour Nadia. Helen sent him a Xmas tie and he is now going to attempt to put it on. It's a distaster. Nadia wants to have a go, as she had a tie with her uniform. It's a musical tie. Natasha sent a card. Cue the STOP SENDING US STUFF AND STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY. Mark thinks Nutella should put raisins in "it would be a taste sensation." :rolleyes: (You know that Vlogmas where they did that stupid sultana porn? Did you see how poorly EDITED that was? When the camera was on Mark for his reactions, the jar was already filled! :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:) Nadia says you could make a mousse out of Nutella. Take some cream and whip it, whip it good :m,fold in the Nutella and then the raisins, (The tie goes off) toasted hazelnuts with a splash of rum. "I know raisins are poisonous for dogs, except our dogs. Our dogs aren't poisoned by grapes, raisins or chocolate" as they have accidentally eaten those. Why does that not surprise me?

Nadia says they have to whisper as they don't want the kids to know how shit they are feeling. She put a question up on Insta, how are you feeling and loads of people are feeling like shit. Talk about the SAGE reports leaked. "It's all so dramatic and they are playing with our feelings of mental health." Mark says they know they are lucky, but feeling deflated, etc. Talk about Raab, did you see it? Nadia tries to say incredulity in regard to Kay Burley. Raab said it wasn't a party, because those people had suits on. :cautious: Kay Burley said it was all there in the picture. Talk about them mentioning the cheese at this party and what are your favourite cheeses. Tales of the plebs versus the elite. Talk abou the old lady with the cup of tea and the two girls out for a walk and a coffee. "There was a trestle table with bottles of wine" says Nadia. Nadia mentions Denise Welch and how people think she "is a bit too crazy with it all." Isn't she sunning her arse out in Barbados? Nice for some. :cautious: "She said 'What message does this give us? It gives us the message that they weren't frightened of COVID at all.'" This time last year, we had provincial ministers going off to the Caribbean and Hawaii for Xmas. Bastards! 😤 Nadia says someone mentioned can we just let this go and Nads says we can't, because everything is affected by the way these people think of us. "They are playing fucking games up there and not giving a damn!" Mark thinks they gov't think they will ride through this and there are more serious issues it is distracting from. Chrissies says we get the gov't we deserve, everyone knew who Boris was. True. Didn't they lose a safe seat to the Lib Dems recently? Faith says if this was a foreign country, why are the people voting them in? First Past The Post Faith. Get rid of that and people's votes count.

Nadia said Boris was furious with a reporter asking about the party and says people on the outside are thinking we are run by dictators. This outsider says there isn't that much leadership going on anywhere really. Trudeau has had to have his arse kicked by the NDP, Sleepy Joe is on his 10th nap today, Macron is bitching about the British. Mark says there is nothing else to say other than be furious. Mark wants daily updates so they can explain and defend themselves. Dragon Rose is sick of conflicting info. Jess has cancer and has to go through treatment alone. She is palliative and had to give this news to her parents over the phone. Deer Heart wants a crumpet but they are so fattening. Nadia says have the crumpet. Talk about fear selling papers. Mark asks if there are any chatters who is keen for lockdown to happen? Mark says the gov't is testing public opinion, is the decision based on science or keeping the Tories in power? Nadia talks about the triple vacc'd yoof scared of infecting their triple vacc'd grandparents. I didn't think the yoof were allowed the booster yet in Britain? :unsure: 'We've been vaccinated, we have 90% antibodies, what the fuck?" as Nadia so eloquently puts it. 🤭 Mark says Nadia had a rant on her Instagram and she says "well, I controlled myself." "If I was to let rip on how I actually feel, it wouldn't be good. I'd never work again." Aw c'mon Nads. Any publicity is good publicity. I could write it for you! 😜 Talk about taking tests before visiting and Nadia goes on about being all dressed, triffle in the car, take the test and you are positive "caught it in the bloody air!" That's usually how the virus is transmitted Nadia. :rolleyes: Jess is getting her 4th jab in January.

In case you want to know, Nadia is 💯 percent against a lockdown. "You can't make everyone shield." Mental chat. Chrissy says it's not about the virus, it is about the HOSPITALS. Nadia: "But we can't shutdown the wooooorrrlldd." Mark says a circuit breaker is different from a lockdown. Nadia says he keeps saying that, "but it will feel like a fucking lockdown for people babe." Mark says Labour supports the circuit breaker. Nadia asks when the gov't is going to sort out the NHS? She brings up the track and trace debacle and the money spent on their friends' businesses. Mark is worried about the public's lack of trust in the gov't. Nadia says that Dina said that all her life she only wanted as a present was private healthcare. What? o_O I don't why it seems that the British public don't rail against the parallel healthcare system that exists there. The privatisation by stealth is for the benefit of insurance companies, mainly American ones. They have been trying there best to destroy our system for decades. :mad: Chezza Babes says even people in happy homes can't take another lockdown. Nadia says she suffers from survivor's guilt over this. :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO: Oh Nadia, such a water sign.

Garden party: Would you wear a suit? What would you eat? Someone in chat mentions they are an NHS manager and says the NHS has a low percentage of managers in relation to the size of the NHS and is grossly underfunded. Why is that not surprising? Stack the work, stress, but no compensation. Nadia says all they hear about is NHS money is misspent. Mark wants to move on from this. Nadia is buying cheese, red wine and a baguette. Mark is 51 years old and does not know what a vol-au-vent/volovant is. Nadia goes all Masterchef describing volovants. Jenny loves a cheese and pineapple hedgehog 🦔. Mark and Nadia love Red Leicester. "How come I've only found this out about you in the last 5 years?" asks Nadia. Nadia loves Red Leicester with loads of butter on white bread with cheese and onion crisps. 😐 Patricia wants to stand in a garden and just scream. Nadia ditto. "Shall we do that one day? Just do a big scream?" Queen Curtis asks for tips on quitting drinking and Mark says yes, but this isn't quite the right venue. :rolleyes: Mark is thinking about doing a mental health on drinking. Someone mentions melted Brie with garlic bread 🤤. Cloddagh says deep fried Brie. 🤤 Nadia reminds us of the pastry wrapped Brie she died a while back. Mark says it reminds him of fondue and it makes him sick. 😒 Linda says glace cherries wrapped in smokey bacon and roasted. :oops: Nadia has liked Stilton since the menopause. Chelsea girl wants to wear a kilt and eat crumpets. James wants to be naked, eat cheese strings and drink Bucks Fizz. :oops: Lorraine mentions walnut cheese. Nadia points at Mark and tells him not to lie, he has never had walnut cheese. He then mentions smokey Austrian cheese and he doesn't like it. I have loved that smokey cheese since I was a little kid. 🤤 Nadia loves dolce latte with the most perfectly ripe Conference pear. Nadia jumps Mark's bones wanting cheese and wine. Someone says Boursin. Leeeeeee needs cheese and wine right now. All this talk of wine, cheese, bread and butter, someone is going to have to rolled out the door. Plug for Lee's Insta.

WE HAVE TO HEAD OFF. Mark wants to make a Xmas cake and Nadia tells him rightly it is too late. He accuses her of being a downbeat. "Why not be enthused and say why don't you have a go, it might be ready in time." She relents. GUYS HAVE A LOVELY DAY, LOTS OF LOVE AND VLOGMAS WILL BE LANDING. Laters! 🎄
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