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I cannot tell you how much this makes me cringe

View attachment 853892
I felt the same when I saw it too.
He always does the same ‘dance’.
Why does he think it’s funny? He just looks like a sad, unwashed man, attempting to be funny, but failing miserably.
The idiot needs to grow up - no wonder Nadia is always trying so desperately to big him up … he’s nothing but an immature prat
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Chemicals kill

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I'm posting this article because I'm tired of how Mark Adderley bluffs his way through life in front of vulnerable people, blowing smoke up his own arse how clever he is (whilst coyly denying it as the Thelma pout gets larger as seen on today's CM).
Here are the facts as to how one can train to become a therapist / counsellor etc. and hopefully it will stop him fobbing people off.

Social care careers and training
Thinking of a career in therapy? Here are your options
Understanding the difference between counsellor, psychotherapist or psychologist can be confusing. Here’s our guide to training as a therapist
  • Kick-start your career and browse therapy jobs at Guardian Jobs
Katy Georgiou
Thu 25 May 2017 02.00 EDT

The route towards a career in counselling or therapy is baffling. When I began my journey eight years ago, I was struck by the jargon and lack of clear, streamlined advice: would I need a PhD, masters or diploma? Should I specialise or generalise? Work with adults or children, individuals or groups, families or couples? Pursue humanistic, psychoanalytic or cognitive behavioural training?
I couldn’t even comprehend the difference between a counsellor, psychotherapist and psychologist, let alone the difference between a psychoanalyst and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist.
The process is convoluted and can quickly become overwhelming. But after many years of self-funded study, training, therapy, work experience and personal investigation I have developed a good understanding of the various routes into the profession. If you are thinking of a career in counselling or therapy, here’s a guide to getting started.
Pick your route

There are five main established paths into this career. In order of the minimum time it takes to qualify, they are: counselling, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), clinical or counselling psychology, and psychiatry.
'I feel privileged if someone says I trust you': working with domestic abuse survivors
Psychiatry requires training as a medical doctor first, which you can find out more about here. Clinical and counselling psychology are legally protected terms that cannot be used by anyone who is not officially trained in these. It is unethical to call yourself a counsellor, psychotherapist or CBT therapist without appropriate training – and recruiters will not consider you unless you are a registered member of a recognised regulatory body.
Each route has its own leading body: for counselling it is the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy; for psychotherapy it is the UK Council for Psychotherapy; for CBT it is the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); and for clinical or counselling psychology it is the British Psychological Society. Each of these bodies accredits courses, so save time by choosing an accredited one. While there are other accrediting bodies, not all are recognised by recruiters.
Getting into counselling

Professional counsellor training takes three to five years and can be diploma or degree level. Qualification requires a minimum number of client hours acquired through a work placement.
The training begins with an introduction to counselling. This takes up to three months, but it can be waived if you have some previous experience. You then apply for a certificate in counselling skills (one year), followed by a diploma in counselling (two to three years). Alternatively, you can train through a university counselling degree. Every course is rooted in an academic theory that informs the way counselling is conducted in practice. There are numerous counselling theories, and all courses list their theoretical approach in advance – once trained, you become a counsellor of your chosen approach, which has an impact on your style of counselling and the way you work with clients.
The courses are also intense and emotionally triggering, which is important to know before undergoing training
These can be broadly placed into five categories: psychoanalytic/psychodynamic , which takes the view that a person’s issues are rooted in the past; humanistic , which takes the view that a person’s issues are rooted in their environment; transpersonal, which is more spiritually focused; cognitive, behavioural and cognitive-behavioural, which are more practically-focused, goal-orientated and concerned with the interrelationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviour; and integrative, which is a mix of them all based on what works best for the client.
How does this differ from psychotherapy training?

Psychotherapy is a post-graduate qualification, but your first degree does not have to be in a related field. The training is more academically rooted and can take around five years or more, leading to at least a masters degree.
As with counselling, there are different practices that reflect the different theories. The main difference between a counsellor and psychotherapist is in the academic training. In theory, counsellors work shorter term with life issues, such as bereavement and relationships, while a psychotherapist works over a longer period of time with more complicated or enduring mental health issues. In reality, there is a huge overlap and in practice you will see counsellors and psychotherapists doing both.
What’s involved in cognitive behavioural therapy training?

CBT training is also at post-graduate level but requires a previous degree in a mental health-related field in addition to some experience.
There are two ways into this: through a post-graduate diploma in CBT (listed on the BABCP website), or via the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), an initiative to help improve access to mental healthcare within the NHS. This is a cost-effective way to train as it is funded by the government and trainees earn a salary. If you don’t already have a prior qualification in a mental health related field, your professional experience may still count for something if you work in a setting where counselling skills are used, or if you have volunteered, for example, for a helpline.
You can either train to be a low intensity/psychological wellbeing practitioner, working with mild anxiety and depression or a high intensity CBT therapist, working with people with more complex symptoms.
Mental health workers struggle with stigma about their own issuesWhat is clinical/counselling psychology?

A clinical or counselling psychologist acquires a PhD and registration with the Health and Care Professions Council. You must have a degree in psychology first, though you can do a conversion course to obtain one. The job involves research, coordinating teams, formulating treatment plans, as much as it does working directly with clients and patients. The psychologists typically work alongside psychiatrists, who are the only ones allowed to make diagnoses or prescribe drugs, when assessing clients.
Be prepared for intensive training

Whichever route you choose, the financial and emotional investment is substantial. For some courses you may have to attend therapy throughout your training. Additionally, you need to pay extra for disclosure checks, indemnity insurance and supervision. The courses are also intense and emotionally triggering, which is important to know before making a decision to undergo training. It isn’t an easy journey to make but it’s a fulfilling career and the rewards are worthwhile.
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Bash a Troll

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This how sucked in these vulnerable people are..I don’t judge anyone but Lior told the flock that she has severe anxiety & can’t leave the house🤔the Sadderleys lies are clearly rubbing off on people..don’t look much wrong with her..zoom in & her profile pic is of Dina,dance yer tits off & some others. She seems to stalk follow Dina around. Dumb & Dumber obviously don’t pay her enough attention
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Has anyone else noticed that Mark constantly makes the sound that ''Blakey'' from On The Buses used to? It's hard to fit a word to it, but it annoys the life out of me.
Yes, I have also noticed GlitterKnickers :sick:
In my opinion, the majority of Mark Adderley's behaviours and opinions fall into the following categories.
Apologies for the slap dash 90s formatting, this is not my job. I have actual work to be getting on with.
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So she’s ill, but she’s sitting there having a glass of red wine (which she never does in the afternoon apparently🤥).
View attachment 827352
I don’t know how she can stomach even just the thought of alcohol when she’s ill - I know I can’t.
And she’s telling the subs to all write to the BBC to tell them how great Mark is and that they should employ him to do film and tv reviews🤭 How pathetic and embarrassing!🤣
View attachment 827351
Nadia, you’re nearly 60… I really feel you shouldn’t be wearing these ‘Juicy’ trousers anymore. It’s just not a good look🤢
View attachment 827353

Thanks for sharing the link again @knickerbockerey
Ohhh, no. More ''Lumpy'' than ''Juicy'' now. Looks like a bag of tennis balls. Also, her grey hair at the crown, actually looks balding at first glance
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Really Nadia?
Do you really call dossing around in your cesspit, with your lazy work shy husband, and getting drunk every day, ‘making the most of life’?
Sounds great🥱
Well said. He’s such an idiot sitting there in an adult babygro and fuzzy hat. Does fuck all except ride on his wife’s fading career🙄🙄 the irony!
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Poor Chichi, why does it look like she's in a cell?? That can't be comfy for her on a hard floor! Still cleaner than her home though 👀
Those poor dogs 😥
My personal view is the photo is alot about Nadia ! She is wearing jeans which she has said she has not been able to get into! She is clearly posing in the photo , like to say look at me I'm in Jean's look at my weight loss .
I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but it's the way she is positioned . I'm sorry but if my dog was suffering I would not be sat like that taking photos of my dog that is clearly suffering , yes they have taken her to the vet but why post this picture. Just look at Nadia and think about it look at her position . Just my view .

Hmm is she talking about Melanie Blake here?

These coffee mornings are so Incredibly boring! You know they talk about Trolls! My definition of a troll is a person who is very nasty and cruel, their definition of a troll is a person having a view . Well they both constantly call out so many people on their you tube , they use the word hate about lots of people, Boris for one Nadia is his worst Troll , not just him she calls out lots of others. But if a person has an opinion on her or mark then are trolls. They really need to realise that every one is entitled to have their own view but that does not mean they are a Troll. But what does Mark do press the Block button .
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Miss LDN

VIP Member
yeah, i don't think she did anything properly academic...... looks like the kids have a main teacher and then a few subsidiary teachers for soft subjects like music and art. also, i guess it's so the proper teachers don't have to clear up all the art stuff!
Teaching assistant. Nothing wrong in that. Nitty always said Dina was a teacher. But then she thinks her husband is a successful film director/producer/writer/therapist and hot bloke.:LOL:
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Grace Kelly

VIP Member
I don't even get recommended their crap anymore but had a quick look to see if there's any improvements....none. Almost 15 minutes of him rambling with his mother - thanks goodness for the fast forward. The content is also 3 months old. Pointless, give it up Mark.
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Indeed. How ungrateful to complain after having taken holidays in Bristol, Brighton, Norfolk, London, Dorset, the Cotswolds, and Cornwall - all over the past few months!

I can’t believe I’m saying this but well done Nittya. This is the most honest thing she has shared about their relationship in a long time and Manky did not like it!
good on her, because her truly believes he is the only person who has 'mental health' issues and had a 'traumatic' chidlhood'
now hes done a bit of armchair basic counselling theory he now thinks he has never been understood & its everyone elses fault he is the way he is - thing is he could change if he wanted to but he doesnt want to, he wants to stay as a 7 year old all his life - and sadlu Nits allowed that from day one, she has mothered and rescued him ofr 20 years and now she knows she is stuck with him
Its always about him = he doesnt give a jot about anyone
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Bulls**t detector

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I was thinking about how technology has moved on so quickly in the last 10 years and was wondering how close we are to being able to reach through the screen and slap Narky across his chops until he shuts the feck up?!
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Re Cornwall Pt 2 Vlog

FFS why don't they buy Di a nice set of new comfy clothing and a decent hat or shawl. She constantly looks like a grimy bag lady who needs a good wash. Once again, I would be mortified if any of my family were walking about looking like that, especially as most people will know who Nadia is. Surely, they could afford to have a few outfits to change into even if they were from Primark. She has been wearing those grey joggers since she first appeared on their vlogs. I notice Mark never washed after his work out then, his hair is still thick with sweat and grease........ no change there! Disgraceful lot, they just have no pride in themselves.
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Velvet Veil

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Happy Birthday KiKi 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Time Stamp 5:42
Good grief, Mark even manages to hijack his daughters birthday to make it about him and cast a gloomy shadow over it. He lives in a permanent pity party, what a self absorbed clown 🤬
Even overlaying sad music onto it 🤦‍♀️ pathetic!
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The Facebook comments so far:

Awesome ❤😘



Lovely 😊😊

Legend ❤😘

Funtastic 🤗


Lovely ❤

Intelligent ❤






Lovely and funny


Kind ❤

Kind and thoughtful






Big-hearted ♥

Fandiddlyastic!! ❤😁🤗 Limiting it to one word is tough 😂😂

I can’t read any more… it’s quite sick inducing🤢
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Christmas isn't just magic twinkle says the woman who has the karma of her second husband committing suicide on Christmas Day and her first born child born that day. COMMIT TO A GOOD THERAPIST NOW you can f*cking afford it. Stop putting your misery on everyone else by proxy 🙂
o god i watched that video. she had absolutely nothing nice, kind or positive to say about the man who had killed herself......... who feels sad about someone killing himself without any memories of that person. it's so bizarre.

here's the timestamp for her complete lack of recollections of her husband, and instead her doing attention whoring pauses and talking about social media, then talking about how they cannot in any way ever help anyone, but then talks about being off the telly and being on a radio show, and then the fact she was on eastenders at the time. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ON THE PERSON WHO KILLED HIMSELF WHO SHE WAS FUCKING MARRIED TO. it's absolutely disgraceful.

WHO is Nadia Carina? Also 1986 is when she supposedly began her career?
nadia carina was a psuedonym she adopted when she got a role on a film with Julia but did not want people to know they were related
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I imagine their YouTube AXA ad won’t get more than about 10K views….I wonder if covering the Swadderley’s expenses for the weekend will be worth it to AXA….Nitwittya promoted the video on her IG stories but the promotion is horribly edited and interrupted by other random cooking and meditation stories she has posted.
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