Nadia Sawalha #2

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Do not give advice on how to find an influencers address, this goes without saying.
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Unsubscribed can still watch the wannabes if I chooseπŸ‘ŽπŸ»πŸ‘ŽπŸ»Don’t need to be a sub
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I think the vlogs should be changed to just Mark's name really because he hogs it so much. Nadia doesn't feature much in them at all if you compare to how much Mark is vlogging. He also keeps rehashing so much footage, why has he spread his walk to Crystal Palace out over two separate vlogs? It was boring the first time. I'm also not keen on how they think Maddie is a guru teenager, the oracle who speaks for all teenagers.
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Yeh another 26 minute vlog....and they say nothings changed πŸ™„ its all the same stuff, another art gallery, another film, mark as always hogging the camera....hes so addicted to himself its unreal. Maddie bores me to death, shes so mediocre, no star quality that theyre desperate for her to have. I think kiki is the dark horse, shes starting to really blossom imo.
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They always drive into central London too which I also find really strange, parking, congestion charges etc. They drive Di to the station which isn't far from their house so I wonder why they never do that themselves.

Kiki is sweet, she seems calm but very intimidated by Maddie. :( From the vlogs Nadia doesn't seem to do much/spend much time with Kiki, she is still only 12 but she leaves her with Maddie a lot.
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I can’t believe KIKI is 12, I think she looks about 17, but I think she’s going to blossom into a beauty in a few years
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Another live insta, another moan about weight (after stuffing herself with burgers n choc spread), another plug for the sunday show, another show of mark frantically editing the sunday show, another day of it been hrs late πŸ™„
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Repetitive and boring = loosing viewers and followers
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He is so boring. Pleased they more or less keep him for the nutters who pay up!
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Which vlog is that from? I think more and more ppl are noticing and speaking out, i noticed on the live insta post earlier lots of ppl were telling her to stop with the bread and that she never sticks to anything. Obvs they always get ignored, would love nadia to respond to the comments n take them on board.

The sunday show is more of the same. Bore fest
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Its just carbs upon chance of losing weight when eating like that πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
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Ahhh so I was wondering why there has been a rise in subs in a couple of days.
Nadia done a podcast with Louise Pentland called Mothers Meeting and of course she plugged her YouTube channel and it's 30 uploads a week πŸ™„
That's where the surge in subs have come from.
Let's just sit back and wait for Mark to get pissy with one of Louise's subs and blocks/mutes them. They won't hold back on Louise's channel πŸ˜‚πŸΏ
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