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💯 NotJustMeThen

It's all a bit like Prince Harry preaching to us about racism from LA, when he's the only one with the Nazi costume in his cupboard...

Here's LW for anyone who missed out:

For me it's all about 3:50, when N says: 'I bet this isn't something he's only going to do for the next couple of weeks.'
What N, like a plant-based diet? Kaye's face says it all - she's been round the block and back on too many of N's 2 week evangelical, unsustainable bandwagons.
she has no role on that show, she hasnt got a clue what she is talking about
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Wasn’t it Julia and her friend who called beans “the beloveds” is that a slip up from M ? Lol
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Could she possibly get any more embarrassing. Give it up love. You’ve already exhausted it and it was toe curling the first time. Your girls must be the laughing stock and that’s down to you.
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Omg the camera was flying around all over the place this morning! MARK you really made me feel ill and seasick watching the breafafast cooking 🤢Please get someone in to help you with your appalling camera work. I am sure Moodie or even kiki could do a much better job !
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Within the 1st few mins of coffee morning he says "when I was a drinker"... He's like a stuck record!!! He also says Nitty is doing Loose Women from home, with a tidier table than last week "cos that was a bit embarrassing wasn't it"... So it's too messy for ITV viewers but OK for their own paying subs to have to watch their filth and detritus all the time!?!
He also thought it OK to pick his nose whilst vlogging to his adoring fans. .. They are filth personified 😡
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I see that deeply kind nitty and manky was mocking boris again this morning....honestly, their kindness just shines thru at times 🙄
The talking about virtue signalling while virtue signalling themselves is just laughable.

The conversation about neighbours (aka trolls) reporting ppl for not following the rules was obviously a subconscious fear of their own, they have no intention of not mixing households.

the register taking is incredibly cringe. Im embarrassed for them....the subs are just unhinged going along with them. Its turned into an immature arse licking cult.
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I mentioned this morning they don't take a register, next thing on coffee moaning,they say they're taking a register,👋 nitty and manky,stop pinching tattlers ideas.

Talking of taking the register reminded me of being at school, taking GCSEs and studying various subjects. I have to give Nadia and Mark the following grades:

Food Technology - fail
Politics - fail
Photography - fail
Drama - fail (overacts)
Music - fail (problems singing in tune)
English Lang.- fail (problems with basic grammar)
Maths - fail (problems with basic numbers)
Art - fail
Psychology - fail
Economics - fail
PE - fail
Wellbeing and PSHE ( Personal, Social, Health and Economic education ) Double fail

Can someone please help and come up with a subject that either of them would actually get a pass in? 😂
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If you watch from 1:00 (so you don't have to suffer N's "I was so popular at school" shite) there's something deeply disturbing about the way N the unqualified therapist repeatedly pokes her daughter on camera to describe the low points of her life in visceral detail. It's almost if she's researching for an acting role, trying to get an insight to the character. And then of course, once she 'connects' with the feelings the tears roll and Maddie's pain becomes her own. Then of course, she wades in and makes it all about food, when it was clear that this wasn't something Maddies was fixating on.

It's like their latest HTSM podcast, where she pushes M to explain the depths of anxiety.
N is a fucking misery vampire. M's recovery would render her emotionally 'hungry'. However, if M recovered he might have to get a job, so I won't hold my breath. Whoever suggested Al Anon is a wise one.
I really don't want to dismiss bullying because it can be devastating but seriously - wtf? How many years was Maddie in an actual school? It wasn't that long was it? Secondly, someone 'looking at her sideways' is bullying now? FFS - these kids are being raised with no academic qualifications and absolutely NO life skills whatsoever. I also find the way Mark and Nadia defer to Maddie and her opinions and feelings every five seconds is extremely damaging. Not everything Maddie says and experiences is half as important as they make out.

I was thinking about Maddie this morning and the terrible place the arts are in right now. She is still going to drama classes I think. A lot of people in the arts are currently looking at ways to retrain and use their other qualifications as a fall back. I have a friend who is an actress and was working for the Royal Shakespeare Company when the virus started. She is now considering going back into supply teaching. Maddie has no fall back. She doesn’t have one GCSE. Mark and Nadia have really failed their daughter big time.
She can fall back on her parents and that's the only reason she's gotten away with not going to school or getting any qualifications. This is practically a death sentence for working class kids but I'm sure Maddie will be fine. She'll never have to pay her way in life.
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The 'teen room' and the ulility room are minging! There's literally no excuse for it... People work full time jobs and still keep on top of their houses. It's not just messy, it's dirty, it makes me wanna vomit.
Lovely what Dina did for Teddy in his garden though!
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The absolute cheek of him. He fails to send his children to school or educate them properly or ensure they get even basic qualifications yet there he is on his channel playing teacher!!!!
He's an absolute control freak. Any bit of power available and he takes it. Bossing his submissives around. Who the f*****g hell pays to watch a channel run by a narcissistic power crazed idiot????
I joked about Stockholm Syndrome the other day but seriously, it gets more cult like by the day. He loves telling others what to do, having power over them. He's quite pathetic. He's definitely deluded and he's an absolute embarrassment. Failed to educate his own children but plays teacher! Absolute weirdo 😡

Stop PRETENDING to teach your vulnerable subs and ACTUALLY educate your children!!!! 😡
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Denise has got a face like a smacked arse.
Because of Nitty or generally? 😂

In the latest vlog ...

1. Nitty spends quite a bit of time fiddling with his new mask. No one reacts to it being upside down.

2. Burnt right?

3. 🤢 Really?


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Hilary weeks from what I've seen on here isn't as much of a fawning all over them sub she says some pretty direct comments and marks comment above was so unnecessary he posted, to her so all other crazy subs would gang up on her. Classic bully just like maddie and just like nitty. The irony
He's a passive aggressive arsehole, running a dictatorship which has it's foundations based on misogyny.
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hometime had no content except them waiting around for a freebie. honestly, having to get the freebie of someone coming in to sort out their rubbish......
For the first time Mark actually showed symptoms of that anxiety they go on and on about, because there were STRANGERs coming in to their home, and no doubt his narcissistically high self-opinion was coming udner threat.
Piggia makes out that they are doing an amazing favour by having the cleaners/organisers come in and do them for free and that they are supporting small businesses etc. She is such a self-aggrandising cunt. Supporting them might be paying them and promoting the service on their instagram or channel. What this is is what everything is on their channel- them with their snouts in the trough. Do you remember that time she bought a pint of milk from the local shop and went on about it like she was mother theresa?
I honestly hate her guts.
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Mank has uploaded a film review called Mank how funny.😂
His instagram post asking for opinions about his hair really does show how egotistical he is, he has been busy deleting all the comments which don't tell him how great he is. Isn't Nadia embarrassed by this? I'd be asking my husband to get a bloody grip. I have to say one positive at looking at Mark's Instagram makes me appreciate my husband more....I am so glad my husband has a successful job, keeps himself busy...and washes:ROFLMAO:😂
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Puss Kins

For years people have slagged off the LW panel but surely this is a new low:

Nadia anchoring. 🙈
Stacey sitting there with some truly hideous (probably #gifted) hair extensions.
Linda Robson - nothing. Just nothing. Spooky - literally as I type they've started playing the theme tune to Birds of a Feather. Apprently it's some kind of anniversary. Still nothing.
And then Kaye from home plugging her own book on the menopause.

Time to get the lunch on.
Is there anybody on television in the Uk that hasn’t written an F-ing book ?
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she couldnt handle covering for Lorraine, she would be a disaster on This Morning! and him well no chance!
They would be a total and utter disaster on live TV. This Morning and Lorraine - absolutely no chance. They don't even ask her back for the cooking segments on TM or Lorraine, as there are so many better cooks and real chefs out there. Of Course she has presented quite a few programmes..... but correct me if I am wrong, most of them have been pretty awful, even the ones that are pre-recorded (so she could film the scenes again and again until she got it vaguely correct) She has NEVER been asked to present more than one series (e.g. Nadia's family feast only got commissioned for one series). If she has been asked to anchor LW now, it's simply because they are desperate. Why else would they would want her again as she has definitely not done a good job on LW in the past. In fact when she presents, you realise just how great the other LW presenters are!!!!!!!
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The cake she took to Lisa's was definitely burnt and what a performance to get it sorted ready to carry. I had to switch off I couldn't bear to watch all that stupid cackling around the kitchen she acts like a hyperactive little kid. As much as I dislike manky the pompous git I don't know how he puts up with her she is completely out of control, completely up her own arse definitely not the full shiling......does she seriously believe she is entertaining. Everything we say about her on tattle is true but she seems to thrive on our comments and the more she reads the more irritating she gets....
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