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Sorry NotJustMeThen - I didn't make myself clear. There's nothing unsustainable about veganism or taking public transport or maintaining a small wardrobe of well-made clothes etc etc etc. It's N's approach to whatever turns her head that week, where she instantly makes herself a judgemental cheerleader for whatever's the cause as if she's halfway to achieving Nirvana. Hence, Denise's reaction to N being plant-based from 1:40.

I think it's because lies are generally unsustainable.
I think it is time that they made way for new people on the panel. The same old faces churning out the same old stories, everything is always turned round to Me Me Me...ITV needs to rethink the direction the show is going, I dont watch it, but it sounds like it is really boring.
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I'm just looking at the tabs open on Nadia's phone in the new vlog.

Track package, shopping, VERSACE, ocado.... and online returns. I think that sums her up.

View attachment 277188
Well spotted....They don’t realise what they are putting on view to the world
.....Shame they haven’t got a professional EDITOR to edited this stuff out 😆
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Chatty Member
Don't get me wrong i wasn't making excuses for unacceptable behaviour.
I can well imagine the atmosphere when he feels in a mood and how unfair that must be for his daughters to witness.In fact growing up with a depressed parent who was always unavailable i understand that only too well.
The only point i was trying to get across was how i wish he would in a sense give up fighting the good fight as it were.Its getting him nowhere and its becoming tedious. Accepting or admitting defeat and yes i don't know who i am or where i'm going or what i'm doing or even what i'm saying? Lol.Would be imo a huge step in the right direction.Maybe he needs to be quiet maybe he needs contemplation he has seclusion (in the house like a hermit anyway) so why not use that to his advantage?
If you accept your limitations (unhappy,frustrated whatever) you can work with them instead of letting them rule your life and potentially ruin that of your children.
In other words he should stop trying to be something that he's not because its not fooling anyone anyway imo.
He doesn't have the answers so maybe he should stop probing himself like a crazed lab rat ? Anything has to be better than that surely?
Together with their ‘selfish Narc’ and ‘enabler’ personalities they have created this as his persona though haven’t they? It’s now who they both are as people. He wants to have these difficulties, he wouldn’t know who he was or how to behave without them.

Also, was just thinking about talking therapy for him. He would need to look deeply into himself and question how he thinks, how he acts and the results for himself and others around him. He too narcissistic to be able to do that.

Mark is not some frustrated genius whose mental health is holding him back from living a fulfilling life.

He is a nearly 50 year old unemployed man, who lives in his toy cave and lives off his Z list celebrity wife. He has preyed on vulnerable people and persuaded them to feel sorry for him, and to part with their money in order to fund his layabout lifestyle. Anyone who does not feed his ego or buy into his self proclaimed victimhood is muted, deleted, blocked or branded a Troll.

He is totally self absorbed and only interested in himself. He is not deeply kind, if he was deeply kind he would not have treated his previous partners and children the way he did. He is a selfish ego maniac who is a legend in his own lunchtime.

How can you tell if someone is an egomaniac?
Here Are the Signs You May Be an Egomaniac
  • They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. ...
  • Egomaniacs exploit others for their own benefit. ...
  • They have a huge sense of entitlement. ...
  • Egomaniacs are often addicted to social media. ...
  • They have no regard for others. ...
  • Egomaniacs are attracted to jobs in politics and entertainment. ...
  • They love excess and extremes.
You have worded that perfectly to describe him 👍. Mark? When you next pop in here for a browse, read this, it’s 100% correct.
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Chatty Member
For a fella that’s worked every Job and travelled the world has he a hobby, a friend, anything in his life except sitting in a room full of dusty plastic figurines alone with a camera talking to strangers 🙄🙄 Jesus I’d go insane living like that. Get a life
He has nothing, hence why he talks crap every day!. 👎

Go on Hilary 👏


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Sorry think I said this before but Lisa and her family come across as so likeable funny and warm with a beautiful tidy clean house. My question is what are they doing with Manky and Nitty? Opened up Daily Mail online this evening sat back having a nice read when there she jumps out at me from the pages Nitty banging on about how their marriage takes work - this deranged woman will do anything to get herself attention and get in the news. Regarding comments here on Betty in my opinion she comes across cold and dare I say slightly snobbish.
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Mark is not some frustrated genius whose mental health is holding him back from living a fulfilling life.

He is a nearly 50 year old unemployed man, who lives in his toy cave and lives off his Z list celebrity wife. He has preyed on vulnerable people and persuaded them to feel sorry for him, and to part with their money in order to fund his layabout lifestyle. Anyone who does not feed his ego or buy into his self proclaimed victimhood is muted, deleted, blocked or branded a Troll.

He is totally self absorbed and only interested in himself. He is not deeply kind, if he was deeply kind he would not have treated his previous partners and children the way he did. He is a selfish ego maniac who is a legend in his own lunchtime.

How can you tell if someone is an egomaniac?
Here Are the Signs You May Be an Egomaniac
  • They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. ...
  • Egomaniacs exploit others for their own benefit. ...
  • They have a huge sense of entitlement. ...
  • Egomaniacs are often addicted to social media. ...
  • They have no regard for others. ...
  • Egomaniacs are attracted to jobs in politics and entertainment. ...
  • They love excess and extremes.
Your so so so spot on with this analysis of Nark. The more nadia speaks on loose women the more she sounds just like him because in their house its his egotistical way or he'll sulk.

It must be hell on earth living with them.

The youtube channel was his plan to run his own TV channel!!! I remember when he said it, I thought you egotistical prat.

As much as he needs therapy I think he's too far gone to be helped. He's only going down the route of talking about therapy so he gets more sympathy from his submissives.

His dream of running his own TV channel has failed and he's trying to do reverse psychology. Instead of doing woe is me for the zillionth time, he's pretending after 50 years he's going to get help as the genuine caring subs cannot fathom why he's not getting treated for his issues. He's not getting treated as he's doing OK dossing off his wife's wage, stealing from the tax man, pretending he's a big TV exec to his 200 morning followers.

He's far from stupid, but he's failed as a home educator, failed as a decent youtuber, failed as a provider for his family, he's a complete failure.

His older children's actions speak louder than their words, his younger children will follow suit when they realise just how much he's impacted on their young lives.

His relationship is a tinder box waiting to go up, or fall down due to its non existant foundations.

Not everyone unfortunate to have a tumultuous childhood spends their life blaming the first few years of their life on ruining their whole life. He chooses not to resolve his issues with his living parent who won't be around forever, he chooses to mock and bully her instead of knuckling down and working through things to resolve them.

He doesn't want to change, he has all of the trappings to pay to sort himself out, but like his boundary less wife he'd rather give all of his money to Amazon than a psychiatrist.

The way he treats strangers on his channel is a massive red flag for the way I imagine he treats the remaining people in his life, all or nothing.

I know people with real depression and not one of them could get up everyday without fail and dictate to the world as he has done for over 7mths, sometimes several times a day.

I've never believed he's stopped drinking as per previous lengthy reasons I've given.

He stupidly opened the door into the Sawalha-Adderleys life purely for the egotistical power of running a fake TV channel and financial gain by manipulating vulnerable people and the tax man.

NOTHING will suprise me re this man.

He's fudged up big style and like his wife, they've not made their filthy bed but they have to lie in it, (unless they defraud the tax man by sleeping in a clean luxury bed down the road purely for tax evasion purposes)

He is a filthy, lazy, lying, boring, morally bankrupt, selfish, bullying, egotistical, narcissistic tax evader who cannot handle the truth.

His only purpose in life is to deceive himself and others on a daily basis.

His children and animals are who I feel very sorry for.
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Chatty Member
I’m well behind, just watched the ninja ‘ad’. She didn’t do anything that can’t be achieved by chucking the stuff in a grill tray in the oven. Wouldn’t it be obvious that a grill machine can do such basics? Wouldn’t ninja expect something more imaginative I.e. an actual recipe that the customers can try out. It was 100% about the ninja, not an adult as part of a vlog, so why did she start by dancing about, why is camera shaking all over the place, why is Mark showing himself when he hasn’t even brushed his hair?

Could it be...that they have a contract to run to the end of with ninja, and are doing the bare minimum to get their payment only? Note at the end where Nadia holds up a piece of paper to record that it is was video number 10 for ninja. Wonder if they are trying to make their point to ninja that they are meeting the basic requirements. I know it gives the product exposure, but paying for product placement surely ninja expect better quality videos?

Anyone that isn’t a fanatic sub who was researching buying a ninja and came across this video, it’s more likely to put them off the product than attract them. As many of the subs are vulnerable people, it follows that they also could be both easily led to buy things just so they can have the same thing Nadia and Mark have and try to get a reply from them in the comments about having bought one, also not being mean...but as learning difficulties seems to be a common theme going by the fans video, they are also more likely to be on low incomes and as it’s an expensive toy basically and unnecessary for most basic home cooks, how many actual buyers are going to use their discount code? It’s interesting that this is the first time that Nadia has been given a discount code...I wonder now whether ninja have done that in order to justify breaking their promotional will prove conclusively how few sales she seals for them.
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Grace Kelly

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He uses free rubbish youtube music to overlay his video so no one can hear what is being said and he calls that setting an atmosphere? I am still laughing at Shaky iPhone footage programme making.
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Cockerpoos are very sensitive little dogs. They hate people getting upset or angry. I can only imagine the stress those two dogs are under sometimes.😟
I hate it when they ignore Toffee.😦 She was often wagging her tail and looking up at them excitedly (when I used to watch the Vlogs-seldom do now) and I'd be willing one if them to just acknowledge her! I found it heartbreaking the way they never did, and that includes those girls. I'm an animal lover, and I don't get why they don't want to make more of a fuss of those dogs. Not worming them properly is downright cruel😥
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Gloria Roscoe

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They delivered the book. N wiping chocolate off her nether regions with Mark's old sock was a particularly memorable part of the Vlog.
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Yup you are entitled and so am I. I wasn't telling anyone off just adding my opinion like everyone else on here
Hi @RedPenZen, welcome to our friendly thread, we discuss all aspects of the Sawalha-Adderleys behaviour on their monitised channel. We call out their lies and offer a variety of opinions regarding their behaviour on their channel. Is their any particular aspect of their behaviour that brought you here? Mine was their treatment of their then 11yr old child on their channel.
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Thank you ❤ thats very kind of you.
Masterful work notSUBmissive.

Now I can't wait for the comments to kick off under this article, where M has no come back. Although, he's not like he's actually fussed about the garden gnomes trolling his wife. M seems to be able to leave the 'your cooking's shit' comments alone ... but then had a nervous breakdown about Jay the little rat catcher speaking truth to power.

I wonder if he'll be popping next door to have a toke on his father-in-law's hubble bubble pipe whilst admiring their beautiful garden? :sneaky:
Says she with an 18ft pile of rubbish in her garden most of it plastic toys from the girls toddler years which she can't be bothered to give to charity let alone recycle. AAAArrrrgh :mad:
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Grace Kelly

VIP Member
They aren’t going to deliver any of the other ones, I bet.
And shouldn’t they have marked the latest vlog as an ad for the part where they promoted the masks?
And the Me Winchmore Hill market stall clothes, Lisa/Nadia are obviously getting it all for free in return for showing/mentioning it on their social media accounts .
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Chatty Member
I do have to laugh at Nadia's acting the breakfast cooking live.

'Oh, we wouldn't usually cook a breakfast on YouTube, but this is so good we just HAD to! Lisa BEGGED us too!' Nothing to do with the fact that she's getting paid for it then?

Also, is a Ninja not essentially just a huge pan with a temperature probe?

Genuinely though, the Ninja confuses me. Surely everything will just taste the same as you only have one way of cooking everything. It's hardly frying - it's just cooking between two hot plates.
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They delivered the book. N wiping chocolate off her nether regions with Mark's old sock was a particularly memorable part of the Vlog.
Yeap memorable for all the wrong reasons!!
Nadia covered in kit kat it looks like poo...classy....and mark struggling to pixalate his naked wife in the garden which he did (maybe on purpose) very very badly.
Nadia later worries that the neighbours saw her naked behind...which is a bit like closing the door once the horse has already bolted..jesus wept...😟
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I do wonder, the awful repetitive signing and dancing to one line “I’ve got a good idea” in the last vlog (partly while her 13 year old daughter who is more mature than her stands out of shot silently).....I wonder whether that is something she does for the camera, to lengthen the screen time for herself...or would she actually act up like that if the camera was off?

I just can’t see how she can be like that in real life and the rest of the household not tell her to shut up and stand still.
that drove me mad when she was doing that, there really are no words fora 56 year old woman to act like that

Imagine having a husband who constantly tells you they arnt happy and has never been happy. How depressing and soul destroying must that be? How could you not take that personal. Trying to make someone happy every single day must be incredibly draining. He is miserable and manic at the same time. Nitty i dont feel sorry for, this man is her choice, because she is chaotic and codependent. But the kids, they didnt choose this but they have to live it, day in and day out, walking on eggshells and been aware of the mood in the house constantly, its no wonder they hide in their rooms and suffer with such a degree that they have to take meds. No mans happiness (or unhappiness in his case) would come before my have left him to save them long before now.

Oh, and i do believe the reason for his depression is down to not being able to drink, he is obsessed with alcohol. I think its the only thing that has given him joy.
Yes I agree he has never got overgiving up drinking
Look at Denise Welch she is 6 years sober and is thriving she doesnt go on and on about missing drink at all - also Trinny gave up alcohol and drugs and she is so happy and healthy
most people give up drinking because they want to - he never did want to she forced him to do it
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