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Active member
I agree, I liked her in the beginning.
She seems to be getting more manic and desperate by the day. Her content is pretty boring too, very repetitive.
And I know this is cruel, but in the last tik tok where she pulled out the hair extensions, she looks so like Jimmy Saville. Sorry, I can't unsee it.
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Not a good advertisement for that Vacious vest Christ it’s like she has another set of boobs in her armpits 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s bet onto her.
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Chatty Member
All the communion posts are absolutely disgusting. Now im no holy Joe myself but you dont sit there and let a child mock an important religious sacrament. If you’ve no interest in religion/ church then dont have him make his communion its that simple. But to make a mockery of it like that is disgraceful in my opinion
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I really don't mind Caroline but walking out like she is some kind of celebrity. The world has gone mad.
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Chatty Member
Theres a difference between being real and being scummy. She is scummy. House filthy dirty, encouraging the children to curse and be rude online and constantly drinking. She often said it this is her job now she’s trying to make money at it, you think she would be a bit more professional.
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Cork show must‘nt be selling very well if she’s taken to the radio to promote it and sell a few tickets! She totally delusional! She really thinks she is going to make it and hit the jackpot by making a few tik toks everyday and making a show of herself doing try on’s in clothes that don’t fit her!! She’s not well
Like I've said before I was at the show in Ennis. People had travelled from Cork to that show. And I can tell for sure and certain that they won't be parting with money to attend again. There was no show. Apart from Jimmy C who did make up which no one could see as there was no camera on it and a brief chat with the menopause expert, that was it. She brought the boys on stage and the sister. Dimplestilskin the comedian wasn't able to attend but nothing put in her slot. The DJ kept the show going and he was fair bad. The disco after was like a really bad hen party.

Caroline was a breath of fresh air at the start but the penneys, dunnes, shein, charity shop hauls are just ridiculous at this stage. The same BPerfect make up every day, slathering on that bronzing stuff and getting it all over her hair and neck.

The irony is that Caroline is a nice person, when she's being true to herself and not performing for the camera, I know she has to keep the content up but the more I see the more I think that she'll turn people off. I don't find her even remotely interesting any more, the more I see I'm just verring more and more towards thinking that she's bordering on being quite vulgar. Pity because like I said, she seems nice and even a bit vulnerable and I think she won't take her social media demise well, neither would she take commentary such as what is said on here well.
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For the life of me I will never understand these idiots putting on these shows… like what makes them think they are worthy of a show? What is their talent? Who the fuck is paying them money to talk skutter for a few hours? Its mind blowing that idiots out there would blow €50 on a ticket to see a a one thats full time job seems to be is her standing in a dirty wardrobe that resembles Hiroshima doing Penneys hauls of clothes too small for her
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Chatty Member
I was at the show. If you could call it a show. Poor show more like. I actually love Caroline but the show was shite. She came on. The two sons were on stage briefly. Then a short discussion with the menopause lady. Then Jimmy C did her sister's makeup on stage. But there was bad lighting and no camera on them so they lost the audience at that stage. The comedian couldn't make it. So after another brief skit about a Penneys haul with the sister that was it apart from the disco. Tha disco was about as good as a bad wedding. Goody bag contained a Jenny Glow deodorant, perfume sample and something from BPerfect. I sincerely doubt she will sell out another show. Lots of no shows on the night deffo at least 50 empty seats.
I still like her though she's harmless enough. She made time for everyone too which was nice. She's stone mad and what you see us what you get.
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New member
Honestly I love real people on Instagram bit she is an absolute disgrace.
Her house is filthy, she never cooks,her husband has to come home from work & hoover & clean.
She thinks she's a size 10 & is wedged into most of her clothes,with horrendous fake tan & makeup & she seems to drink every single day.
She encourages her younger son to curse & runs down the older son
Whoever is buying tickets to her shows must be as nuts as her
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Chatty Member
I was at the show and there was nothing from Claire’s brand in the bag. Not even a voucher so don’t know what was going on there. I wouldn’t imagine Claire would have given 400 samples of the sun drops or whatever else she’s selling. The bag had a Jenny Glow body spray, perfume sample from Valley of roses, Mini mascara from B perfect, VIP magazine and a couple of discount codes and flyers for the stalls that were there on the night.
Caroline would really need to learn from the Ennis show and put on an actual show in Cork. I know the comedian let her down due to personal circumstances but even aside from that there was no content. The menopause lady would have been good if she’d gotten more time. Poor Jimmy C came eventhough he was grieving and he got no chance he didn’t have a ring light or a close up camera on what he was doing so the audience were lost while that was going on. Only for the DJ who did a few atrocious games with the audience there really was no show as such.
I like Caroline. Her podcasts are good and she comes across as nice. She’s vulnerable though and I’d be worried how she will cope with the inevitable fall when it comes. She’s gaining notoriety for being a mad bitch but being in cahoots with Scurvy Sinead and Lizard Reaney isn’t going to serve her well in the long run.
And her shopping addiction is on another level. How many bags of Penneys clothes can you buy in a week. I know it’s content and you’d be hoping most of it is returned but it’s quite overwhelming watching it unfold.
You’d be worried about her health too she spends her life eating takeaways, breakfast lunch and dinner.
And finally while I’m on a roll, having the kids so exposed is just wrong.
Phew I didn’t plan that long post 🤩
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Sunday Roast

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I think she’s not the worst of them, we have enough huns pretending to be something they are not. At least she’s not portraying the perfect house for the gram. Fair enough her wardrobe is messy, I’m sick of seeing curated homes, homework time in my house is a nightmare, I cook dinners too that no one will eat. She’s more relatable than an awful lot of accounts. Questionable clothes/hair/drink and makeup choices but if she’s happy that’s all that counts to her, not to me. I’ll bow out now before I get beheaded. I’m not Caroline either.
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Chatty Member
Her latest tiktok 😳 dancing around in the bodysuit 🙈 I don't mind her too much, it's just her hoarding of clothes and constantly buying more to add to the pile of others on the spare room floor. Where would anyone have time to wear all those clothes? It's a ridiculous waste of mone.
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She is a lazy pig of a thing , she needs to clean that room with all the clothes , maybe donate some of the clothes to women who have nothing and this one goes around adding more clothes like there is no tomorrow and that filthy room , . Her kids seem like an absolute brat , spoilt little fu**Ker , if any of my kids acted like that they would get a boot up the arse !
I feel sorry for her husband .
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I think a little bit of entitlement is creeping in. I don't like to talk bad of her because I think she is a nice person. But the Electric Picnic thing the other day and now today asking where an ice bath can be gotten. We all know when they ask online they are just looking for a freebie.
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Wouldn’t wait for car wash how old is he 8/9 ?? dictating what she’s does he be getting a swift kick up the hole little shit I’ve 4 boys not a hope I let them determine what I do.
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New member
The businesses in Ennis need to stop giving this woman free services. I saw her come up on a business page I follow recently and decided to check her out. No idea why people like her content so much. She’s probably a lovely person and I think I could understand the odd funny video every now and again but the constant desperation for views, speaking in third person and over acting is hard to watch.
I actually saw this woman on a hairdressers page who’s brilliant at blondes and extensions and couldn’t believe that she was responsible for Caroline’s hair. When I had a look through her TikTok videos then I saw her ripping the extensions out of her head, apply a home bleach and then have her husband cut her hair and laughed that the hairdresser would be cringing watching her.
First of all extensions are expensive and take a long time to install and people who get them, including myself, tend to mind them not rip them out or cover the bonds with bleach and crap faddy products. Secondly I completely understand that saving a few bob is important but when she’s getting an expensive service for free, or heavily discounted, you’d think she would give a bit of business back and pay the hairdresser and support the business to get her roots touched up.
All these instagram and TikTok people are such leaches and it would really put me off going to a business that supports this behaviour own return for a few extra views on their socials.
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The eating on camera 🤢

I dunno she’s why she’s all about getting Botox and whatever else when the real issue is her face collapsing in around her mouth because of the lack of teeth!!
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