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New member
I think this tops her batman post
Have you seen her post about male sucide ? Apparently everyone can afford £35 for an hours therapy with some therapist shes tagged in the post ( is that an ad ?)
They just chose not too is she fucking messing ? What is she thinking ?

Shes infuriated me with a throw away comment .
I’ll go and shout at cars out the window for a bit
That is fucking shocking.
there’s a plethora of reasons why people are unable to access therapy - and most people actually don’t have £150 a month for months and months of sessions. What fucking planet is she on.
So many people will be struggling with illnesses which PREVENT them from looking after themselves and taking logical steps , ie depression, addiction. Imagine telling a depressed alcoholic who was abused as a child how easy it is to access counselling -her self righteousness and naivety is nauseating.

Also, recommending a therapist she is being paid to recommend is all kinds of ethically wrong.
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VIP Member
‘You will find the money’ How horrible for people to read that are struggling and really can’t find the money 😔
Tell me you have privilege (and likely zero money worries) without telling me. What a stupid thing to say in the current climate
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She’s a pure bell. Left her job which was probably quite well paying to do lashes and try and flog stuff in insta. And do both of those badly.
She needs to stop pimping her lad out as well. He’s going to get proper bullied in school because of her.
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I had to unfollow her because she’s unbearable, actually can not believe what she’s done to her face. You can tell she’s got no real mates to tell her that those lips don’t look good. 😕
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Chatty Member
I came here because of the apple juice...

She left her son alone at a skate park in London late at night to go and get him the apple juice he demanded. He refused coke because he really wanted apple juice. She went somewhere that didn't sell apple juice and then asked them to make some, waited ages for them to make it from scratch, then tootled off back to the skate park.

Is this for real
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Considering she has a difficult relationship with alcohol, it’s sad that she thinks it’s insta worthy to show her underage son drinking. I’m not against teenagers having the odd bottle on special occasions, I think if you take the mystery away then kids probably less likely to be swigging cider in the park or binge drinking as much because it’s not taboo, but if she’s letting him get pissed then It’s likely starting his own misguided relationship with alcohol.
A strange departure from all her preaching earlier in the year
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Hahahaha her stories 🤣 who the fuck does she think she is. No one gives a fuck who ye fella is you fucking ox

that hair is shocking it looks like it’s been cut with a knife and fork
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She’s never gained any followers since she’s been whatever the hell she thinks she is now. Still be bought and from following then unfollowing. Turned seriously unlikeable barrie must piss himself
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Bragging about a free spa treatment today but hasn't marked the stories as Ads honestly feel like reporting her because what a beg. Apparently its important to do nice things when you haven't been well sorry MBS but not everyone can spend a friday on a freebie trip some people have responsibilities and proper work. She's the worst type of influencer.
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Can we please discuss these monstrosity eyebrows she is inflicting on the population of South Liverpool??
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The other day she said her son wanted to be a “John Ed” is this a common nickname? What does it even mean? I’ve never heard of it and I’ve seen a tattler use it on a different thread so now I’m convinced MBS is this tattler 🤣
A John Ed is like a North Face Ninja, walks around with their hood up, wears 110’s and stinks of weed. I think.

A john head is a scally , a north face ninja with a man bag and a bike .
Shes trying to be relatable down with the kids and cool she’d have fucking kittens if her boss lad was a john ‘ed
Snap 🤣
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remember when you used to have to be good at writing to be in a newspaper? The echo is such a rag full of typos and shite.
It’s gone awful now and half the journalists aren’t even Scouse but trying to do these articles pretending they actually went to Pleasure Island, Quiggins, Lewis’s, Liverpool Show 😂
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‘You will find the money’ How horrible for people to read that are struggling and really can’t find the money 😔
it's the charity hopping for me, always jumping on the next bandwagon but you can see its all about her and she doesnt care about people
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From reading some of that poster’s posts she’s too derogatory about Instagram to be Sarah who I think has 100% drunk the koolaid
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Chatty Member
She takes on the personal of the fella shes with too , barrie was all menswear so she matched it with westwood etc now shes gone all skater kid /cosmic scouser she’l be growing a ket wig next
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Chatty Member
I came here because of the apple juice...

She left her son alone at a skate park in London late at night to go and get him the apple juice he demanded. He refused coke because he really wanted apple juice. She went somewhere that didn't sell apple juice and then asked them to make some, waited ages for them to make it from scratch, then tootled off back to the skate park.

Is this for real
Then went back as he "demanded ramen, if he wants ramen, he gets ramen" is what she said. She needs to grow the fuck up, stop being his ' best mate/cool mom/down with the kids/i'm dead funny me'.....the only thing funny about her is her bad over bleached mullet.
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