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Why has she decided she's the guru for everything? Sexual assault, male suicide rates, skincare, eyelashes, home renovations, expert mum, vegan, sober coach, fitness expert.

Her latest blog for the Echo is about co-sleeping with her child, who is about 13? That is weird and the kind of thing you'd get bullied for. Anything for clicks though.
How the fuck is she trying to be the authority on MALE suicide and mental health issues? Sorry, but a woman can’t relate just as a man can’t relate to a woman’s viewpoint. Not saying the opposite sex can’t empathise but we are all looking at the world from different viewpoints, especially as different genders. She needs to get the fuck down from her high horse. And yes Sarah, we get it. You can afford to have therapy and facials, or at least have the contacts to get them gifted, so you represent no one in the real world because you are talking from such a place of privilege it is unreal. Yes, some people might be spending excessive amounts on alcohol, clothes etc and if they really budgeted, could divert the funds but the truth is, the cost of therapy is not sustainable for most. Is she advocating for mental health or what? She should be using her voice to get funding for universal mental health treatment or at the very least a higher standard than the current.
fuck me, buy a few followers and have a few weeks off the ale & apparently you’ve got all the answers… must be great being her

wish she’d go back to being a full time hot mess if I’m honest cos now she’s judging everyone because she’s decided to spend her money a bit more wisely. Wait til this fella bins her off then see how fucking zen she is
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Just unfollowed her, she's been doing my head in. I was one of those she followed only to unfollow -- maybe last year?!

Can't deal with the laminated eyebrows.

And the trying to come across cool, and being anything but. The way she starts laughing before she starts talking in an instagram story, urgh! And she reposted something from Scousebird last week -- I didn't have the sound on, so don't know what SB was saying, but probably something having a moan about Tattle or "trolls". GET IN THE BIN.
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Lawd, this woman. I know a few of the same people so she was constantly on my ‘explore’ page to which I was like, no, fuck off, I don’t care about your self-consciously hipster glasses and socks or the kid you’ve literally groomed to be some kind of kid-influencer, epic block.

And then I had to make an Insta for a work thing and she was all over that explore page too. Go back to the land of roundabouts!

I’ll concede that I enjoyed her extremely undignified behaviour on social media in the wake of her break-up though. All these mothers flaunting their personality disorders when they could be doing literally anything else. Too busy blagging freebies when they should be getting therapy (although this one fancies herself as a bit of a self-help guru, doesn’t she. Projection.)
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I genuinely don't see what's cool about drinking wine out of a water bottle sitting at a skate park with your 12 year old kid?
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She reminds me of those ecowarriors from the 90s who dressed like scruffs and bleated on about stuff yet grew up in a massive house and drove a Merc.
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This comment on one of her posts made me angry. She's not Batman but she is profiting off women's sexual assault with her line of teeshirts so what a horrible response.

Too busy posing for the camera to remember who she's making money from.
And aren’t some of the profits going to RASA?! What’s a disgusting thing to say!
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This whole pic of her fella thing - who the fuck does she think she is? Some no mark fella … so what. And don’t promise things you have no intention of honouring ya mullet headed Tory - turn ya big dish shaped fod in and get a bit of humility. Couldn’t believe my eyes and ears with them stories. She really is her own biggest fan isn’t she
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Lol she loves a line doesn’t she. Feel ashamed for her, she’s a fully grown adult crying for attention, does the echo know their “parenting expert” is a bad beak head 😂🙈
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Chatty Member
Totally agree - massive try hard now - they all read off the same script. Charity work or not, she’s just another insta hun monetising EVERYTHING & churning out content.
totally ! She used to look like some one you would be accidentally having the best chats too outside the pub having a smoke knowing all the same people and stuff. Now she thinks she too cool she only fits with her latest selling venture or lazy journalism for that rag. And that was her insta appeal to me
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Did anyone see her talking about how she shaves her face? With just a normal razor not getting it dermaplanned? That's really unhygenic and bad for your skin imagine trusting someone who doesn't know that to do your eyelashes, you'll probably get an infection :sick:
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I read all of her Echo pieces. They are rubbish. Boring yet smug, uninformative and preachy. She’s getting ripped in the comments tbf
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Chatty Member
Shes asking for “market research “ about old wives tales , next week it’l be in the echo
I bet a chewie a used saverway and one of her t shirts thats taken three hours to deliver .
Beacaue it rained and theres was no advertised party to pick your camo socks up or something ….
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It’s mad that her son’s dad is an alcoholic and she’s letting her son drink underage. My mind is blown
Did you see the post when she was being all cool mum and she said she’d buy her kid and his mates weed to smoke in her house if it meant he wasn’t hanging round on the streets doing it? How’s about educate him not too.
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She's not spending her money is she, it's all freebies. 😂 £200 facials that are free for her but you can get 10% off if you use this code.
True, true. That makes it worse tbh. She was preaching the other day about spending money on facials instead of drinking or whatever. Easy to say when you don’t have to spend your own isn’t it.

She’s full of telling people what to do, whilst not having to part with much herself and getting all of the benefits. Another example of how disconnected she is now.
They never take long to go full prick once they go full time on insta.
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