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I’m glad I won’t have to see that irritating light up mirror with the chord wrapped round it again.
Or her shoes tied so tight they are almost overlapping, with huge bunny ear loops dragging along.

Ha, good times.
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Chatty Member
looooooool I must admit I got lots issues but overweight isn’t one! How dumb are these sheep’s what’s weight got to do with anything!!!
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I bet she was charging up her crystals in the light of the new moon last night.
The Strawberry Moon will rise on June 5, as the new lunar cycle begins in June. This month's Full Moon is known as the Strawberry Moon, originally called the Rose Moon in Europe. Astrologers believe that the Strawberry Moon is a time for healing and letting go of your workload.
How apt is that….
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Imagine being away working 12 hour shifts for 3 weeks and having to deal with the shite your wife has caused?!

this is the best thing for their family her coming offline. She needs to focus on her children and herself as a mum. The money is irrelevant, I’m not sticking up for her but she must be stressed to kingdom come with everything that’s gone on, but ultimately it’s her own doing.
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Chatty Member
Rebecca one thing you misssed out on your post...Racism has NO place in social media either! nor fat shaming, calling someone dog rough and saying you won’t be happy until someone is being dragged across the room by their hair!! hmmm #bekind needs to start at home! Until lee is private on insta and YT is gone I won’t believe shes quit.
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From her Tropics Facebook page tonight ...
Is she fucking serious?! Wtf? She STILL doesn't get it? You are not being trolled. You are being educated. Even your mates are telling you you've fucked up. Are they trolls?
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I’m not sure I would have said “Mrs meldrum will haunt me forever”. I would have said something like “thank you Mrs meldrum for all the opportunities you gave me and my family over the last 6 years but it’s time to be Rebecca now”.
Even if the last year has been difficult for her, her online profile has given her family things she and lee would never have been able to afford on their own so I’m not sure it’s right to say it will haunt her, seems a little dramatic/ungrateful.
And i find it quite disrespectful to Lee. I know he’s not well liked but he’s still her husband and she’s basically shit all over his name.
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Well-known member
I honestly can’t believe this thread is still going 😂 I honestly thought that was the end. Now I’m waiting for the comeback 🙄 seems it’s all been engineered for when Lee comes back to blame the “trolls” and start again. FFS is this going to be like when Robbie left Take That 🙄
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Chatty Member
Why put the effort in to monthly review though? They mean we’re waiting for this to blow over cos she earns us ££££
Yep sadly Tropic haven't come out of this looking squeaky clean either as I'll bet they'd have been a lot quicker to sever ties altogether if she wasn't so lucrative for them.
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strange that Pat was up at 8:30 to do the post on his grid too, given he had done a full night shift 🤷‍♀️
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Iconic Member
the best way for her to play this is to delete her account,

get her followers worried.

Come back crying “troll” and mental health issues,

Influencers have turned “mental health” issues into the new “boy who cried wolf” and it’s becoming a go-to excuse.

She’ll act much like Imogen did,
we all saw it worked for her. It’s the best thing to do when you mess up, and in a strange way they come out the other side better off 🤷‍♀️

the frustrating thing is it should never have come to this, Rebecca upset a lot of her followers when she first messed up,
She upset them, but she could have come back from it,

she refused to apologise and instead ignored them,
took their voice away, and then goaded them with passive aggressive posts and digs,
Her followers that were upset with her, eventually got angry at her, That’s natural.

she doesn’t have the personality for this life, how many times does she need to screw herself over before she realises that and steps away from social media.

it can’t be worth it. It really can’t
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I really genuinely hope Rebecca finds her way back to enjoying life and her children, for their sakes. I’d love to be a fly on the wall to observe how they all adapt to not filming/staging everything and if her relationships with her children thrive in the way I hope they do.
All 3 girls are are so aware of the camera and S & F have both walked away when realising they’re being filmed & asked not to be filmed. I hope they love having a sense of normality and can enjoy the rest of their childhood privately.
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VIP Member
I think her downfall was getting really popular!

She showed her true colours with greediness. Lee giving up work was a massive part, she lost all relatability. Even though I didn’t like her I did like the off shore aspect as I have friends in that position.
She took ad after ad, most products she’d never mentioned or used and instead of being honest claimed everything was a ‘firm favourite’.
Then came the months of moaning about being sole earner and struggling to balance work/family. Watching routine videos with 2 parents home all day was bad enough but her vlogs showed her ‘pottering’ all day then working as soon as the girls got home from school which really grated on me.

DLP was the first big nail though, that sent me here! The bare faced lies followed by the ‘boob’ apology showed how little respect she has for the people who put her there.
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Well-known member
She’s had a tough year? Oh sod off Lee!
Both me and my other half have lost our jobs because of covid, my mother has had it, she nearly died, I’m in mass amount of debt and having to use food banks to feed my children. I’m one more disaster away from wanting to just disappear. I don’t think they will ever truly understand actual hardships or what it is to go through pain and suffering. I hope this is a big wake up call for them.
I am so sad to read this. I hope your Mum makes a full recovery and that you can soon see her again. Don't let the thought of a disaster make you want to disappear, you are worth far more than that. It is going to be a slow road to normality but you can do it and don't be scared to reach out to community organisations for help support and advice.
Hang on, check in here and let us know how you are doing xx
Sending a virtual hug from one tattle bastard to another.
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Chatty Member
I don’t think she’s gone for good, just a rebrand or, as others have said, waiting for it to blow over. Sadly I think she’s too addicted to the Insta lifestyle/easy money to leave it. Which is a shame, because life can be so short, and it’s not worth being unhappy or anxious if you could avoid this by simply staying off social media and living a normal life.
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New member
If it is a rebranding plan then it’s a really bad one.
To delete your account right now when you should be open to some discussion and to take a little heat over past wrong doings. I don’t think any brand would be interested in touching that. You can’t just delete your account when you can’t be bothered and then come back and expect all the royalties.
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I actually remember back in the day when she spoke about Mrs Meldrum merch! God that feels so long ago ... back when she seemed just your ordinary girl next door!! I quite liked her back then......... wow how a person can change/ greed shows your true colours........

Although I do have to laugh cos I’m sure we’ve seen Lee wearing a Mr/Mrs Meldrum t shirt recently .... bet that’ll be being burned on her dreamy fire in her dreamy living room in her dreamy house!
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I still think there’s more to come with this. She just can’t let it go. She’s too convinced that’s she’s the wronged one. I’ve been following the MoD and SV threads too (think they could form a club?!) and they’ve both, to some extent, acknowledged wrongdoing. Still means they’re both awful people, but Rebecca cannot and will not do that. In her head, it’s all about the trolls and her ‘poor me’ narrative. She won’t go down without a fight.
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Well-known member
FFS Beggy please let it go. If she was really really done with all social media she wouldn’t be looking for things to post. It’s like she can’t let go she craves the attention. And as for Tropic not being able to handle your trolling that’s a load of bull. Remember when you doxxed people and sent them nasty messages or are you just glossing over that.
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