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Chatty Member
Powerful stuff! And things like this is why I will never let rebecca tell people it was because of trolls that shut her down. And although I’m not on the dole lordcks which I take is short for lord dickhead all anyone ever wanted was a heartfelt “sorry”. Sorry for DLP, the KKK joke and many other things but they just couldn’t do it could they! No one ever wanted her to be out of business I certainly didn’t in fact I’ve never complained to any brand she’s worked with as I believe in karma and I knew if she didn’t right the wrongs then it would come back round at some point and unfortunately this time seems to be the time. Slow and steady wins the race I always say. But they cannot be let off with making jokes like that I’m sorry they can’t. If we tolerate behaviour like this then our children and their children and so on will think it’s right to act like a racist dickhead to get a laugh.
Oh don't 😥 this is what makes my heart sink. A grown man calling out for his mama (who died a few years earlier), imagine being so scared you call out for someone who has already passed. Rebecca's behaviour has been discpicable and racist. I know she'll come crawling back out at some point because she's addicted, but gosh I wish she would stay away forever and live her boring privileged existence in silence.
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Hi all, long time lurker since liftgate. I can never get over how passive aggressive rebecca is?? Like what ever she says in day to day has always got a nasty tone to it? Never seems sincere and all the over the top hi guyyyyysssss is always really forced. There is something about her I cant put my finger on maybe its her arrogance. Dont get me started on the obvious tone of regret and resent to poor little poppy!
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Just shows how ignorant and privileged they are that they have, during a time like this, made such a fuss about her when people are going through real hell.
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Why put the effort in to monthly review though? They mean we’re waiting for this to blow over cos she earns us ££££
I think they have told her to suspend all social media platforms to allow the so called trolling to stop and if it does they will take her back. It’s obvious if she doesn’t post on social media she won’t land herself in deep water and no need for people to call her out.
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i think the word lynching was used because one of Reb’s followers messaged FQ saying she was lynching Reb, I doubt any harm was intended
Doesn’t matter. It’s inappropriate and insensitive to repeat it just because someone else did. I’ll probably get a warning or such for commenting on what someone else says but with what’s going on in the media and real peoples lives I’ll take the hit to say it isn’t ok to use language like that here. I find it offensive.
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Chatty Member
You know what. I’m cooking tea and reflecting on what I have read. If she well and truly has decided enough is enough - good on her. She has shared this from her own account so I can understand why it is written the way it is. We are only reading it because someone shared. She wants sympathy from those closest to her which is natural (I am trying not to ask where all her chums have been around each shitstorm). she also needs to save face a little.

Good luck to her.

If however it turns out she hasn’t deleted insta and her 100 000 followers ... my softness will be retracted.

I suspect her hand has been forced by re ent events however if she needs to blame nasty people so be it!
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Chatty Member
You don't need to defend the person who used the word The context doesn't support that theory. I'm not wanting to make someone feel bad just telling them not to use that word.
See this is the thing, it about education and learning and growing. Rebecca should have straight away apologised for that joke and then opened up a conversation. I am learning more, trying to be better, I thought my knowledge was pretty good but its not. If I ever said/say anything that wasn’t right I’d be glad to have it pointed out, to acknowledge it, to teach myself to be better.
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Interesting that she couldn’t delete her account last year in the thick of the St. Andrews kkk comment but can do it now she has tropic to fall back on.
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Why put the effort in to monthly review though? They mean we’re waiting for this to blow over cos she earns us ££££
There’s no way she can maintain sales without an online presence - she won t do it for a couple of hundred pounds! Making out it was the trolling and now we see the truth from tropic - she could not lie straight in bed!!! X
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From her Tropics Facebook page tonight ...
God it infuriates me the word 'trolling'

YOU ARE NOT BEING TROLLED, you are being called out on shitty, shady, racist behaviour, sure some comment on your looks or your clothes but most people are angry at you behaviour, the mess that YOU have created and done NOTHING to fix or improve, get to fuck Beggy.
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This had always been the problem. She can't separate personal and professional, as seen in the "think about me as your friend/mum/aunty" crap
She used the friend/mum/aunty trap as a sales technique to reel people in and then once she got their money it was goodbye
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The difference now why she cries to lee is that not just because she can’t cope. Shed cope ok if the money was rolling in. It’s because she’s angry that the career ended. That’s the difference now
To be fair if my career ended which then stopped me from having free holidays, freebies galore, basically a lavish lifestyle then I'd cry all of the time too
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All those comments on his Sharpys post just show how strong oppression and white privilege is. Company’s don’t drop someone who make them money because of ‘Trolls’ they drop them because of a number of mistakes and bad responses - good riddance
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Damn, you guys! How will I get through a quiet nightshift now? Spend most of it reading through this and now she has gone....
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“Spend her time focussing on being a mum”- well that’ll be a novelty for her!!!
She will spend the first week sulking and being moody and probably farming the girls ( well at least Poppy) onto Lee’s mum as much as possible. She isn’t interested in being a mummy- because it doesn’t inflate her ego enough. She needs constant ego massaging.
Sadly she won’t actually learn anything from this. She could go away spend time with the kids and do some homeschooling (!!!) and really enjoy those girls. She could use the time to reflect on where it all went horribly wrong and decide to either address the issues upfront, educate herself and if she chooses to continue with the influencer life actually own her mistakes and demonstrate what she’s learned and how she’s changed. She could then possibly think about re-branding her channels/ instagram and be authentic and honest.
Trouble is that would involve some serious looking at herself and changing her attitudes and let’s face it, Beggy comes across as an egotistical, narcissistic lazy bitch so it’s just too much effort for her. She just won’t be arsed.
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Does anyone actually use Tropics, are they good? I was tempted tor have a look at them ( was I influenced)😂 but tbh they have seemed so wish washy over this it’s put me off. Shame as i like their ( or what I thought was) ethics.
Dermalogia is the way to go. I won’t add a swipe up 🤪
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