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rather not stop

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Rebecca, this isn't what I wanted. Honestly, if you'd been honest about DLP, and taken proper responsibility for Liftgate, you would've kept me as a sheep. You silly girl.
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I may be wrong, but in the past a ‘story’ has been deleted with no explanation probably in the hope that not too many people saw it and it is dismissed. The fact that a carefully worded statement was issued to apologise for the middle finger post shows that this single story could have had consequences far more damaging to her relationship with Whalar , Tropics and other collaborations than Rebecca could ever have imagined.

Rebeccas instagrams are essentially company accounts and Mrs Meldrum Limited is classed under ‘ Video Production Activites’ .They are expected to provide a professional service to the brands they collaborate with.

This was not two fingers about a fat face dress and nail polish or a No F**ks given about what she alleged was a background comment, this was a middle finger following calling out her deletion of blackout Tuesday post which was a global event following the brutal murder of a man by police, about recognising and opening discussion about deep seated racism in society ( my sincere apologies if I have not phrased that well)

This is not a local tit for tat petulant up yours post. That one story put up in my opinion in a fit of pique when Rebecca thought she was being oh so clever has required someone to step in and draft a three page story damage limitation apology as she was incapable of doing that herself.
And at that point surely for the life of me, I hoped that parents, friends, management all stepped into say that’s it rebecca, time to pull the plug. Game over. I’ve said for a few years now. She’s dangerous. uneducated and
both Lee and herself are so full of themselves it’s scary what they Do. Rebecca always wants to get the upper hand yet it fails miserably. Where’s the parents in this her mum and dad and Lees mum. Surely they must see it too. Though I’m pretty sure daddy cannon has his head screwed on about work and possibly has tried to help his scatty daughter. For her to come back from this I don’t know. You can only cry wolf so many times. Viewers will be oh gee it’s the same old same old story with her. It will be watered down everytime she tries to claw back from a major booboo. It will have no substance for each time this happens. She goes and she sulks for a while, planning her revenge on return to the few trolls on here who have supposedly ruined her life. She’s in a vicious circle that she can’t get out of now. More and more people catching on to what she’s doing and seeing through the crap she posts. She can only run and hide and delete and block for so long before the past catches up with her
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But she’s still not bloody owning what she’s done! This is rubbish. The whole ‘it’s been a tough year for all of us’. No. For lots of us it has. I haven’t seen my parents for 3 months and won’t for longer still. My kids miss their grandparents. I’m a teacher and nervous about exposure. My kids are back At school and I’m worried about them. She’s at home, seeing her family daily. Her kids are with her. Her life hasn’t really changed.

Not diminishing that this time is worrying for everyone, and my situation is better than many peoples. I’m lucky really. But her main issue is that she yet again shown her racist true self, but won’t accept that.
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I’m as much of a fan of Mrs Meldrum as the next person (ie not at all!), but I can’t help but feel a bit annoyed about the Tropics response.

I don’t think they should be sharing as much information as they are. If I was Rebecca (although I understand she’s in the wrong), I’d be annoyed that the finer details of my disciplinary etc are being shared.

All Tropics had to say was that they were dealing with the matter internally and Rebecca no longer represents them. I just feel it’s a bit information overkill and potentially breaching some confidentiality.
I disagree. Brands need to publicly show that they are distancing themselves from racists, not allowing their name to be associated with those people who think it is appropriate to put racism out online for 100s of thousands of people to see and urging those former employees with bigoted opinions to educate and improve themselves. That’s what being anti racist is. We shouldn’t just walk away from racism we need to call it out, punish it and demand people re-educate themselves. Quietly walking away is not enough imho.
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Chatty Member
Quite surprised Rebecca Lamb has commented showing support 🙈 Surely most influencers would want to stay the hell away from this. If they are her real friends they would pick up the phone and call her to see if she was ok. Not post on her husbands Instagram
Yeah but shes as thick as pig shit isn't she!
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Powerful stuff! And things like this is why I will never let rebecca tell people it was because of trolls that shut her down. And although I’m not on the dole lordcks which I take is short for lord dickhead all anyone ever wanted was a heartfelt “sorry”. Sorry for DLP, the KKK joke and many other things but they just couldn’t do it could they! No one ever wanted her to be out of business I certainly didn’t in fact I’ve never complained to any brand she’s worked with as I believe in karma and I knew if she didn’t right the wrongs then it would come back round at some point and unfortunately this time seems to be the time. Slow and steady wins the race I always say. But they cannot be let off with making jokes like that I’m sorry they can’t. If we tolerate behaviour like this then our children and their children and so on will think it’s right to act like a racist dickhead to get a laugh.


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@G&TGal I am so happy to read about the jewellery business’ decision and their conclusion to Mrs Meldrum. There are 2 businesses in Aberdee very close to my heart and it would make me very angry if she affected their business. I’m pretty certain I know which, I know they are savvy and their due diligence does not surprise me!
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She will be back, she’s just gonna hope it blows over. Even if she comes back and re brands I do believe it’s over for her!
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Why does the bad bitch in me want to comment on Lee's instagram post (particularly to our overweight and unemployed friend) saying "Have you seen her private facebook and tropics skincare account posts? She explains why she is giving all up social media. No? Oh right. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it. How do I delete this comment?" and leave the stupid bastards to realise that she doesn't consider them worthy of an explanation from her.
The man that made that comment (about everyone on tattle being overweight/on the dole - how original) is yet another wannabe Dad-influencer - selling his kids out to the highest bidder.
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Familytoon .... Don’t worry 😉 any reasonable person on here can see the word ‘ Lynching’ wasn’t intended to be used in the context you meant!! Sure aren’t we supposed to be a ‘ nice’ lot on here?!! 😇😂😂😂
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I remember hearing the KKK comment in that vlog and my heart dropping. As much as Rebecca’s professional conduct pissed me off regularly, I actually felt sick to my stomach that she had made such an enormous mistake. I thought that it would probably result in the end of her career and sympathised with the stress that was going to put on her family. I expected the video to disappear completely and for her to start shutting things down. But then the music was put over the top of the joke and I immediately started to feel skeptical again. It wasn’t long until I realised she gave zero fucks, as she so subtly let us know, and she had decided she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Cue the highly inappropriate “follow friday” recommendations. I don’t think she would have budged at all if it wasn’t for Candice publicly calling her out. Until then, in her mind it had just been another tit for tat feud with the 15 jealous bastard trolls. So she had her little hiatus off social media, where I’m sure she spent lots of time self reflecting and learning about why that joke was so offensive and has no place in society let alone on a family YouTube channel. She also managed to squeeze in her last free trip abroad before returning to social media which she was now referring to as a hobby. Her apology downplayed the joke and maintained her victim mentality, but lucky for her the sheep lapped it up. It didn’t take long for the gifts and deals to start rolling in again. The deals would eventually be taken away from her though by those 15 jealous bastard trolls. This would be the catalyst for a tearful trolls video that would temporarily revive her flatlining career. As I type all of this out, I’m not really sure what she thought would happen when she decided to become involved in the BLM movement by posting the black square and then deleting as soon as she could. I think all it really did was highlight how little she has learned in the last 12 months and by deleting her profile, she has shown how little she wants to learn.
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She'll be back, she's doing it so her sheep will blame foodiequine for it and they'll start lynching her!
Completely inappropriate use of language and the term
‘lynching’ here after everything that’s happened in America and now globally.
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Theses influencers are all the same, all me, me, me, look at what I have, just constantly showing off, see how pristine my white and grey house looks, their show homes are all the same inside, if one does one thing, they all follow.

I would hate to be like this.
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@EdgyLegend I completely agree she will be back. That statement is nothing more than a self-indulgent, woe is me crock of shit Lee and you know it. You are both your own worst enemies this has nothing to do with trolls and everything to do with the way you and her act. And Lee I don’t know if you’ve noticed but 2020 has been a bit of a hard one for EVERYONE on the planet you know with the global pandemic, people dying, loss of income for some etc but I forgot sorry it’s been particularly hard for your wife 🙄 Ah well if Reb stops blogging completely then maybe Rebecca Lamb will be able to shake her thrupenny bits to top tier now in her place 😂
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I am truly bereft!! Where's my lockdown entertainment now?! I am not ashamed to say I loved these threads, have had a fair few laugh out loud moments. In all seriousness though, she really was already on borrowed time and I think has ultimately done the right thing for her sanity, and God forbid before she dug her already deep hole even deeper. She seemed to be getting ruder and more flippant in her videos and it was clear she was already sporting a "no f*#ks" given attitude. A little part of me does feel sorry for her, but like many have said, if I had acted the same way she has in my job, I would of been out the door a long time ago. Also having been furloughed for nearly 3 months has made me see how working does your mental health the world of good (I already knew this I guess, but being away from a job I love for so long has highlighted it!), It would be good for her and the girls if she got a part time job, she'd have some positive structure to her week. I really hope it's a turning point for her and the family and she starts to enjoy life a lot more.
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