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Effing gloating/bragging about flowers from Tropics... Reward for selling by sneaky swipes in the teetering edge of the world's worst humanitarian ,death dying ,economic disaster the world will have EVER seen.

That YOU Rebeccxa Meldrum, and by default yr parents ....because you know exactly what what your daughter is doing, David Cannon ( director of her brand/ company) and Karen Cannon do NOTHING to morally guide yr daughter makes YOU culpable too. Everyone can chsnge.... But Rebecca won't unless you do it with her. Said with teeth gritted , as a teacher, thinking of YOUR grand kids for whom this is how normal. It is SO obviously not.
Biggest/ main news centre the Shard news buildng... Here the contactvlink. We need serious journos investigating influencers like her. I am going to look up And email investigative journalists. Hey greedy can do this and be online teaching with my class.. No break... No mugs of tea from 7.30 till 4.30 ... That's a normal no break 3Omins lunch ....leave at 5/5.30 then still read up on lessons and make sen resources usually on a laptop in bed . Repeat next day lazy arse Rebecca Meldrum😠😈😈😡

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Walking in the woods, stupid selfish woman and of course no one can comment unless it’s a devoted sheep saying she’s goals 🙄
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VIP Member
Hello fellow bastards,

So last night was day 7 since my first symptom. I cried myself to sleep as my husband is away and I'm on my own with 3 children and I didn't think I'd make it all night again. I honestly thought it would never end, and my body just couldn't take it anymore. One eye was swollen shut with horrific conjunctivitis and I was shaking with cold wearing my coat under 2 duvets and a quilt with the heating on.

However I woke up this morning after maybe 4 hours sleep in total and feel a bit better. One little tip I'd give you is try some fizzy water. Until yesterday evening I was being sick almost constantly, I haven't eaten anything in 6 days as it was coming straight back as was all liquid. Every drop was being forced straight out and I was in agony. I read someone else had recommended lemonade, we didn't have any but my daughter found some fizzy water and it really helped. It just took the horrific taste away that was constantly making me gag and meant I could keep some liquids down and some paracetamol too.

This is really the most unwell I've ever felt. It feels like it has taken everything out of me. Nothing is worth the risk. You might get a mild case but you also might end up like me, and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

Oh, and Grab? Who took the photo in the woods?
Shit the bed, you poor thing. I really hope you make a super speedy recovery. Sending lots of love my fellow bastard xx
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Why always a towel I her head.
I expect Photoshop to feck.
She can't wait bugger off alone and leave Lee with the kids.
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That's what they all do, if something doesn't have many sizes left claim they are "selling fast". I'd love to know if the so, so tiny reb managed to snag the very last so, so tiny size, as there's no way an "L" would fit her flat arse!
I know. She’s speaking Rubbish. Of course she looks at the time first and sees that only one size left and uses it as a selling fast item and then uses swipe up. By using the selling fast she’s getting into the mind of easy targets on her page to go swipe up as if she’s said that said item is selling out then unsuspecting sheep will frantically all go swipe up. Rule no 1. Never ever swipe up on an influencers page. They are just pure rotten. And oh by the way thought she was saving ever so hard for the dream kitchen and holiday in the sun. At £50 a pop for pjays I think she’s telling porkie pies. Her holiday in the sun has all been forgotten now 🤣
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“ Happy kids,sunshine and bubbles”In her last post ... ha ha yeh 😜😂.... no sign of those ‘happy ‘kids of yours in that snap reckon it’s beggy blowing away on the back door step whilst she has those poor kids strapped to their beds ... whilst she has a wee cup of hot tea!
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Greedy ITV news right now... Charities like AGE UK who employ workers who are on phone support, are facing possible collspse... So stop the selfish greedy swipe ups and instead ask your sheep to make a donation to the cost of the yr very pricey Tropic product to Age UK is AGE concern instead of swiping buying and lining yr purse with commission. and you bloody make a donation. 😠😠
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As posted on the Coronavirus thread my daughter has been ill with suspected Coronavirus for 9 days now. Two doctors have told me now they believe she has it as she has all typical symptoms. We won’t know for sure until she has the antibody test. It’s been an extremely unpleasant 9 days as she’s only 7. Started with the highest temperature and headache, then 24 hours later a dry cough which after 4-5 days turned into a crackly cough. The cough is relentless and completely and utterly exhausting. My daughter has never been so ill to be honest but we are managing. This selfish woman could have infected others by taking her children out. We are on day 9 of isolation waiting to see if the rest of us get it. She shocks me at her stupidity!
Hope your daughters better soon.

She really is unbelievable announced 1021 deaths in UK so far.

I hope this makes some sheep realise how awful and thick she is.
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They don’t have any money worries. Mrs Sugar is rolling in it. 💵💵💵💵💵
If they had money Lee would not be back at work.
They would have booked and paid for a holiday.
She wouldn't have done desparate mlm shop
I'm sure mummy paid for the horse

They might be 2 year fixed mortgage.

I vote they skint and desparate.
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
Hello fellow bastards,

So last night was day 7 since my first symptom. I cried myself to sleep as my husband is away and I'm on my own with 3 children and I didn't think I'd make it all night again. I honestly thought it would never end, and my body just couldn't take it anymore. One eye was swollen shut with horrific conjunctivitis and I was shaking with cold wearing my coat under 2 duvets and a quilt with the heating on.

However I woke up this morning after maybe 4 hours sleep in total and feel a bit better. One little tip I'd give you is try some fizzy water. Until yesterday evening I was being sick almost constantly, I haven't eaten anything in 6 days as it was coming straight back as was all liquid. Every drop was being forced straight out and I was in agony. I read someone else had recommended lemonade, we didn't have any but my daughter found some fizzy water and it really helped. It just took the horrific taste away that was constantly making me gag and meant I could keep some liquids down and some paracetamol too.

This is really the most unwell I've ever felt. It feels like it has taken everything out of me. Nothing is worth the risk. You might get a mild case but you also might end up like me, and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

Oh, and Grab? Who took the photo in the woods?
I do hope you’re feeling better soon. Pretty sure my husband has it now, hasn’t been out of bed for more than an hour or two since Friday, full of aches and pains, freezing cold and shivering but sweating so much it soaked the pillow, no sickness so far thankfully but feeling dreadfully ill, it is definitely worse than people think
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The photo of her in the kitchen has been photo shopped as well, as the drawer has a rectangle indent but you can't see this between her thighs as it's been coloured in white. Normally I wouldn't make a comment about peoples appearances but it irritates me when people who are suppose to 'influence' others are being dishonest. I worry about other peoples mental health with the portrayal of such images.
Omg you’re right. You’re fucking right. Sort it out beggy
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Chatty Member
Okay I’ve just been able to catch up it’s been nonstop today but my partners home so I’m having 5 mins to myself but I’m actually shocked at someone who says they don’t smoke or drink has aged that much in such a short space of time! I reckon she’s a bottle a night once the kids are in bed 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Re. The online ordering.

Alot of people who are self isolating are ordering medicine and other essentials. It's also a safety barrier for those who are vulnerable/have mental health issues and cannot cope with the new social distancing behaviour

Remove this lifeline from them and the implications for those in the already overstretched care industry are huge.
I ordered a bunch of stuff from ebay and amazon for the kids, we got rid of all our outdoor stuff last year as it was all so worn and broken so ordered new bits for them to play with in the garden and a selection of crafty type stuff. Genuinely did not have a clue that this was so bad and of course every flaming item is arriving separately and now I feel awful! Certainly wouldn't be buying any expensive skin care online etc just now thou
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Hey fellow Tattle Bas*£$%"

Hope you don't think this is inappropriate but if your like me and can not justify the price of the skin care products that madam is trying to flog us all.
Superdrug have 1/2 price on all Sanctuary skin care products if your interested.
Yes I am bad but have just ordered 3 products and saved £21. My skin is so dry and awful looking at the moment.
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