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Personally when one of the “littles” in my family get a bit overwhelmed, anxious or upset.
This is how I help them settle down so they can deal with their feelings.
#AD #chancer #affiliatelink #moneyforthekids #soicanbuythemjumpers #mentalhealthjumpers #screwbooks #joulescuresanxiety

View attachment 28046
You my friend are comedy gold!!!! 😂🤣😂👏🏻🏆🏆🏆🏆

She’s breaking the rules every single time she posts the affiliate links. They are all supposed to be clearly marked as ADVERTS - it’s plain & simply written in black & white on the ASAs very handy idiot proof influencers guide on how to mark adverts. It couldn’t be any easier to understand. She deliberately and constantly breaks the rules. She’s so underhanded and so so so shady & sneaky.
How is she continuing to get away with this?? Seriously, she is blatantly sticking her two fingers up to the rules!!
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I’ve noticed how often she has to mention that the kitchen is either her least favourite room in the house or her least favourite room to clean.... we get it. Us peasants work hard & save our money to renovate / upgrade what we don’t like in our houses.

I think she’s just looking for a company to offer to work on it for free, it’s so obvious.
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Chatty Member
I think they have known for a little while lee was going back to work/had a job offer.
I think the very fake “hey babe, read this email that I’ve just got” insta story today was a load of shit.
I think he had a job offer before she filmed the trolls video and certainly before she filmed the video where she mentioned that he was going to be going back to work.

I’m not sure why they are pretending that this has all just magically fallen into place in the last few days but in my opinion, it’s all a load of rubbish.
They are pretending so the sheep think that Pat going back to work is all the fault of the trolls and so later on when shes struggling she can blame the so called trolls again. It's always gotta be someone else's fault and tattlers/trolls will always be blamed for this, shes played a blinder have to say the cunning cocunt played this one well from putting that fake cineworld #AD up (which was really some company for an app no one had heard about) her saying it was the whole caboodle when being asked what was being advertised she knew was being misleading but unlike normal Reb was very obvious with it knowing people would complain so that she could do the whole trolls shit then Pat's going back to work very well played. However anyone with half a brain cell knows it was all her shitstorms that lead to Pat going back to work with liftgate being the nail in the coffin.
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I can't lie, my heart does break a little bit for the children. Two or three weeks is a long time when you're 2, 4 or even 7. I know plenty of families have to learn to adjust to similar working patterns, and they will get used to it soon enough, but initially... they've been so used to him being there. 😩
If he is having to go back offshore that’s down to their own greed with that house.

Don’t want to rehash old topics but that is the reason he would require an offshore wage. If they had stayed in their cute little starter home which was more than big enough for their needs they would likely of had a small mortgage or mortgage free.

But Rebs just had to have the big house next to her parents, he wanted to wait and see if they could get the house cheaper but what Rebs wants Rebs gets.

He could have easily gotten and onshore job but then that would have never had paid the amount that they would require for that massive mortgage they must have.

Yes it will be an adjustment for the kids, but if he worked in a office he would be off out in the morning before 8 and not home until 6, so
apart from the weekends he wouldn’t see much of the kids during the week. Least offshore he would have 3 solid weeks to spend with them doing school run and everything else.

There are worse offshore shift patterns than 3 on 3/4 off believe me.
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Didn't she say on one of those shit 'ask me anything' videos that she had never wanted to live abroad?! Honestly, is she a total fantasist, pathological liar or just a bit thick?
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Chatty Member
Haha no unnecessary spending this summer well if it's like no spend January she will be buying loads of shit later today and booking a holiday by the end of the week.
Oh my God Reb have some self respect you are far from having to pinch the pennines probably is your not used to spending your own money so stop acting hard done by and think about all the families who genuinely worry about how they will feed their children over the holidays.
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I literally cannot believe that they have sold every part of their home and lives, their address, the layout of the property, doors, garden, and now they are sharing he’s going to be away and she will be home alone with the girls for weeks at a time. So so stupid. I’m not saying he’s some masterful protector but 2 adults in the home is completely different to one who’s only don’t the school run with all 3 once and has to film herself practicing taking the bins out 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Iconic Member

Tattle this is all about using your words I did when I attempted to doxx one of you and sent my sheep to attack you lot

Saying nice thing penis trolls:m
being kind I share my affiliate links for nothing
being caring, I always ask for feedback for the interaction but it looks like I care 🤷‍♀️
teaching them how they can impact someone and effect someone’s day doxxing someone can indeed effect their day
rather than say something unkind...or make a racist comment/allow it on your platform that can make someone feel better about themselves instead
by saying sorry when they’ve messed up, but let’s ignore that bit.
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New member
I don’t like the way she shows things in her stories that she’s had “so so many of you asking about” but hides the website and adds an aff link! Sneaky!!
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Chatty Member
I can't believe she is going to do a series of videos on how to prepare to go to school.
Because she is what....a parenting expert???? She is one of the worst parents i have ever every sense!!

Who on earth would look to her for advice??
How did I manage without her advice when my oldest ones went, so glad she can help this time.....said no parent ever 🤦🏻‍♀️ Get over yourself woman! I bloody hate these influencers like we’ve never been able to parent/make choices for ourselves 🤬
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I don’t think him orang off shore is that bad, think of all the military folk who are away for months, plus he gets paid very well! Just wish she’d stick to her promise of cutting back, let those girls be off line!!!!
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Chatty Member
Make up free!!! What about filter free!?? Not real life is it!!!!!!! God she does my head in!!!! So bloody fake!! No really a make up free picture is it!! Because of the heavy filter!! 😂😂
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If it is an offshore job and he’s a contractor then it could easy have been an email confirming he’s on the job, that’s how it works.
I know for a fact he hasn’t been looking for work since two weeks ago, he got knocked back about 6 weeks ago from a firm my friend works for.
I see my children sometimes struggle when their dad is offshore so if that is what he’s doing then I feel for the girls while they try and adjust. Which they will.
As will Rebecca 😂😂😂 welcome to the real world!
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Chatty Member
Ohhhh now, she’s going to delight us with a full vlog all about the kitchen transformation.

Wonder if that’s also a 90 day transformation?

Bloody hell mate - she’s toshed some paint on a few cupboards and she thinks she’s Sarah Beeny.

Aside from the colour of the cupboards what more is there they can transform in there without actually doing a kitchen refurb?!
May not be anything great but at least the 2 work shy muppets of murder mansion are actually doing the painting this time instead of Lee's mum.
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Well-known member
Here is also an example of difference between anxiety and anxious. She will be anxious and nervous about lee going offshore ....not the same as anxiety!
You are right. And if she needs to practice wheeling a bin down the drive it’s about bloody time one of them are back to work.
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It was on her stories I think, someone asked if she was worried about lee being away again and she said yes.

If he’s going back off shore as we suspect then I honestly don’t know what more there is to say?! What do the sheep want to know?!

Person with family/partner to support gets a real job.

It’s not exactly earth shattering news is it?

The vast majority of us are either working or part of a household where someone is working.

If he’s not going to be doing something connected to social media/“influencing” then they need to put a bloody sock in it. He’s got a job- fabulous. End of discussion! He already worked off shore - we’ve seen the whole “I’m a wife of an off shore worker look how hard my life is” shit from her already - it was dull then and it will be even more tedious if she tries to pull that card again!
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VIP Member
Aw, they don’t have any holidays or big trips planned for the summer holidays....
Why’s that then? Oh, no more free Neilson holidays? That’s why!
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Pat hasn't even gone yet and she is banging on about possibly moving abroad, coping on her own and enjoying being a 'full time mummy' (hate that phrase too btw), let's first see if Pat manages to pass his probationary period first. Have they addressed how he is about facing getting back on a chopper after the near death experience and suffering PTSD from it?
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