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She is very like Trump right now! Garden needing levelled, is it? Just get Mexico to pay for it.
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She should definitely not have shared that sports day photo. Fairly certain I know who one of the kids is ( I live in Banchory) my kids go to the other school and we were under strict instruction that we were allowed to take photos but not to be put on social media. Bare in mind the average parent would habe
no where near that amount of ‘followers’ it’s just stupidity on her part to do that.
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2 reasons why she called it date night:

1) she’s desperately trying to make out that they have a really fun, passionate relationship and that they are so so in love. Not sure who she’s trying to convince - us, or herself. Either way it’s pathetic. They probably spent the entire evening reading tattle 👍

2) she knew that calling it “date night” and asking the sheep for their input would result in lots of comments - comments = engagement on her post which is all she’s after.
You are much wiser than me, I was just grossed out but your assessment makes sense.

Although nothing could convince me that their relationship is fun and passionate. When she posts videos of her rubbing his back or whatever it always looks like she has to force herself to do it. And it always looks like it’s for show.
That relationship is dry white bread.
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I bet she convinced Lee about buying that house by listing off all the Instagrammers who have been gifted free kitchens and telling him that they were sure to get one too.

Unfortunately the cat is now out of the bag that she's a lying, shameless racist - no kitchen brand is going to touch her with a barge pole. When you Google 'Mrs Meldrum' these are the related searches, who would want to be associated with that? In fact, I'm surprised that when she returned from her hiatus she didn't rebrand.

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She's definitely trying to be more relatable since her comeback. We've got no money! I chat to the plebs at the school gate! Lee and me try and do something nice together once a month...

...hang on, pre-scandal, all she ever did was nice things together with Lee. Shopping trips without kids, a night in St Andrews, lunches out. I guess we'll be seeing less of that kind of thing because she's refashioning herself as one of us ordinary folk.
Only thing similar between Meldrum and us ordinary folk is shit... Us out our bums, hers out of her mouth.
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Sorry to de-rail from transformation-gate. Just caught up on her latest YT vid. I can’t believe this is her healthy lunch idea...I would be absolutely starving!!

Start of the video says she will cut out white bread but 2/5 meals is white toast and white pita bread 🙄🙄 trying so so hard there Reb
I know, what absolute bollocks.

Pitta bread & hummus 🙄🖕🏼🙈

She’s ducking dangerous - she’s got vulnerable women hanging off her every word. It’s so wrong.
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Can you let us know what her response was? I’m interested to know what her thoughts are.
I’m not going to screen shot it because I feel like that would be inappropriate.
But I have attached my message.
Her response was that she genuinely didn’t even think k of how it would come over welcoming her back, but that she knows in her shoes she would feel extremely nervous. Although she doesn’t agree with her actions or how she handles things, she likes her as a person and it’s very difficult as they have the same management. But in know way was it a support of her actions or casual racism.

Don’t jump on her response- it was so long and I’ve massively paraphrased it. She’s a genuinely nice lady.


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She only took that stupid photo to get the BMW badge on the ‘gram. She’s so LAME.
I’m starting to think she has a bit of a problem-genuinely. She’s obsessed with the gym and clearly has issues relating to food, couple that with her tunnel vision regarding clothes and what size they are I honestly think she has some sort of problem with food or body image. It’s all a bit weird. She pretends that she’s really happy but I can see through it - she seems completely empty. Hollow.
I've wondered this for a while, she's completely void of a healthy attitude to good health, food portions, including that for the rest of the family. Lee has teeny portions, no wonder he loved his bombay bad boy! As a mother of 3 young ladies she should take a bloody look at herself. We've seen the freezer stuffed full of convenience food.... HOW many yorkies and fish fingers were there? Even that was odd for someone that is 10 mins from the supermarket, she claims she sat and ate a bag of giant chocolate buttons last night. Is it unhealthy guilt she's back so early for a session? Don't forget she has a responsibility to her followers, some of whom have expressed their sadness at not being the same as her deliberately misleading before and after images. She bores the bum off everyone with gym talk, posts and visits. Who the f hangs about outside? She's minutes drive away, surely she knows the opening times now? Lies. Deceit and weird behaviour.
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Newsflash Rebecca you dumb fuck - no one gives a shiny shit how small you are or what size of overpriced poser leggings you have on.
No but your daughters might Rebby, so do everyone a favour and shut the fuck up! Otherwise you may be leading your girls into a lifetime of issues around body image! ( sadly I think she’s a selfish bitch and doesn’t give a toss as long as she’s ok and that includes her children).
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Your ex friends/bridesmaids or hers?

Oh I saw zoom baby mentioned here but had no idea on brand page why thought another ad on her grid.
Dident realise the zoom baby ad had images other peoples ids that must break new data protection rules as used for commercial and public purpose .
Did people complain to zoom baby?
Glad they took more notice than the head.
However all shots of other kids still need removing from her Insta.
I cant believe more parents are not upset by them and mum's actually want to be friends with her.

Do the parents of the kids featured not their kids are splashed all over social media?
Hers, friends she has had for yuurs and yuurs.
I commented on zoom_baby's page. They replied saying that it was a reshare and that if she removed it they would as well. I then replied saying that I couldn't ask her to remove it as I am blocked by her, however I was disappointed that they were gifting items to a non transparent, casually racist influencer who has no care for safeguarding policies. They deleted their post.
I don't know if other parents know, I don't know them all to ask if they are comfortable, I'm very socially awkward so don't speak to many school parents outside of my child's class mates
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Yes, its not hard to correct the image to stay within policy. I've gone back to the head teacher and am prepared to go higher if nothing is done. I've also commented on zoom_baby's post where they have reshared her picture (hi Rebecca, you can work out who I am now if you like 👋 ) I'm fuming, its totally ridiculous that she never learns
This is what really pisses me off. She’s so SHIT at her “job”
It takes all of 2 seconds to crop an image prior to uploading it - she doesn’t ever seem to engage her tiny little brain and actually do her job. The job she claims she “so so loves” - shes bloody useless.
It makes me laugh how completely incompetent she is - I wouldn’t trust her to stuff envelopes in my office.
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I like how Rebecca meant Earth Mother but put ‘Mother Earth’ in her original post.
I have seen a few Channel Mummers put the motherhood rising and raw motherhood hashtags on their posts. Ash Reid in her luxe living room with Gucci trainers and trained pose with her 3 year old in gifted Next...not quite the same as the natural no pain relief still bloody raw motherhood pics, but if the hashtag is trending let’s get on it eh?!
Mama Reid is a moron. That is all.
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Newsflash Rebecca you dumb fuck - no one gives a shiny shit how small you are or what size of overpriced poser leggings you have on.
I read it this in Dec’s Voice (ant and dec) from when they had Dennis wise on “he’s a very small man” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

She’s a very small woman don’t you know! 🤣🤣🤣
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She put a begging post out for birthday presents for Poppy, the next day insta story of post for Poppy! The begging still works so a rug and kitchen are on the list for today 🙄
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Member 1126

" I'm so not crafty"
But get me promoting and hauling in the dolla for not my first, but second, CRAFTY book 🤪
Indoor washing line for the art, nice touch Reb 😋
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Watching the thing she runs and pushes, she wants to be careful she doesn’t trip. She could easily be impaled on it.

More gymshark leggings. Hoping for kindly gifted ones no doubt. Perhaps got to the gym 20 mins early for a cheeky fag beforehand. 🚬
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I guess they’re just very insular people, only interested in themselves. I certainly wouldn’t pick them for my pub quiz team!!
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Can't find it now think was you tube comments

A sad comment from a mum of 3 who felt fat and crap saying she hated herself.
How many sheep will she make feel inadequate because they don't have money for gym personal training or time/childcare.
Judging by some sheep comments quite a few are vulnerable and sad.
THAT'S exactly why the world of 'influencing' is appalling and must be called out. Any one of us could potentially, for whatever reason be vulnerable at points in our lives. What's gone on in both those insta accounts in the last day is appalling. It's dispicable, misleading and irresponsible. Is that comment still there @Kermit or has the nasty bitch deleted it? We've had people in here share openly before. The whole industry is disgusting.
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Meal planning video... Happen to be watching a video by a person of colour - don't often vlog themselves watching vlogs? Just 'happend' to be 'caught' by the vlog camera aimed directly at it... coincidental... or trying to AGAIN smokescreen with *subtle* contrived inserts of diversity within the day to day Meldrum activities... I know which side of _that_ fence I'm on.
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