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VIP Member
Lee's deleted this morning's story.
He doesn’t have any sense. Ask if it’s ok to film first ?
Her grammar and spelling are terrible and I noticed mummy troll wasn't much better last night. ?
She claimed this pork ad was some bloggers meet up or similar event this morning. Not that she's even a blogger - that's way too much work for her. Her editing skills are primary school level.

Now it just turns out to be an ad involving Scottish meat so it's no surprise it's near her! Just scooping up a few of the Aberdeen influencers that promote anything.
Promoting Scottish meat. My arse. Being in farming industry she doesn’t know zilch about the industry and Scottish meat. Twat! If she was a supporter for Scottish meat she wouldn’t be eating and saying publicly she’s eating more veg based meals in January. Contradictions left right and centre
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It's odd lee went

I think pork and telling porky pies
They think they good at that.

Another post on grid moaning about poppy again.

She never moans about flobell..
Least a break her whining about s.

Shouldn't it be labelled ad as the hat us gifted by next.

She's never declared where poppys coat is from.

Also what difference does it being a weekend make? She’s had ‘pottering days at home this week... why is the weekend such a big thing.?
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Yes I feel she is full of shit. People close to me can barely leave the house for school runs with anxiety let alone going to the gym, socialising with friends etc. We all knew it was coming at the weekend
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Chatty Member
Lee’s on the phone with the CMA. The rules could not be clearer selldrums. Why fight the system. Own it.
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Well-known member
Last night video showed you how fake instagram is....she was involved in the cupcake making just long enough for an instagram photo then lee took over and did the rest...
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Bet when he writes her valentines card he writes all the poems over it like

“ I wish I was a rangers scarf, hanging round your neck, cos every time they scored a goal, an extra kiss I’d get”

“Postie postie don’t be late! Take this to my true loves gate”

So funny, most of us left that capers back in secondary, which ironically was Lees pulling area of choice of course. My partner has more chance of getting his leg over buying me a mars bar than that smoochy crap ?
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???? and we love the m all the more for it! It's not hard. Just LOOK at that beautiful BATHROOM Katie has MrsM? Isn't it lovely? Have you commented on her post yet?? ? Did you know she's thinking on doing her kitchen next and she deserves every gifted bloody tap and tile. You know why? Because she respects the people that have put her where she is, she deserves success. Why? She is professional in her industry, passionate and shows maturity. The people that follow her are the same people you block and delete for no reason, argue with, allow bullying of. She's appreciative, relatable and sincere to these people. She does ads, but chooses wisely, she is consistent, she does not tout tat, she does not treat followers and regulations with disrespect.
Waft in her glory MrsM..... Meanwhile keep flicking through the home improvement brochures and local yellow pages whilst having ASA etc on speed dial..... ?
We need to let Katie know how wonderful we think she is ?
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Active member
I'm so sorry to hear that you've had such a tough time, and I hope you've been taken seriously and offered the support you need since then.

I'm sorry that my post came across that way and I can assure you that I take every single person who asks me for help very seriously. It's sad to hear about other services failing like that.

You're right- mental health is never clear cut and can affect ANYONE, it's just the way that Reb is handling this (alongside the incredibly suspicious timing, of course) that has bothered me.

I'm sorry if my post didn't come across in the right way, I was just angry and you are exactly the kind of person I want to protect from that kind of flippant trend setting around mental health.
I think the issue a lot of us have with Rebecca is that she has obviously lived a very sheltered life and had a hugely privileged upbringing. That in itself is not her fault but it has meant that she hasn’t experienced much and so any feelings of worry are turned into anxiety, a headache is a migraine, people living on the breadline must be completely destitute. It’s black and white thinking that is a product of her upbringing, there’s no middle ground. Where it does become her fault is where she point blank refuses to be educated or told otherwise. If she say there and said ‘I’ve been so naive, YouTube has given me the opportunity to see a more diverse view of the world’ I think everyone would have so much more respect for her. But she won’t, she likes her bubble and anyone who tries to pop it and drag her into the real world is the one with the problem. I have no issue with people living in their comfort zone for the most part but she is putting herself in the public eye and touting herself as a role model.

And going back to the anxiety, yes it does affect everyone differently but that is why what she’s saying is so problematic. She’s perpetuating the idea that people are ‘absolutely fine’ while living with anxiety. Some people can cope and get through the day but so many can’t and they are the ones suffering because people expect them to just ‘pull themselves together’.
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anony mouse

Chatty Member
It really is the same shit different day. How can the sheep not be bored yet. Yes we get it there is some snow ???? Nobody needs to see another picture of the bloody forest. Also why do they comment on each other's Instagram? how sad, they are probably sitting in the dungeon liking each other's posts......but then again they do come across as having the mentality of a 13 year old.
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anony mouse

Chatty Member
They asked everyone on suggestions on what makes a happy marriage and I write lots of sex cause I knew it would wind her up funnily enough in the video she said someone has said lots of sex not looking too impressed! She blocked me not long after that for something else
Ha ha I think I would request a separate bed and a lock on my bedroom door if I was married to someone like him ?
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Member 1682

Cringing at the photo of old Edgy on the motorbike......!!!
Lee, you probably needed stabilisers on that. And knee pads and a tena lady, you absolute muppet!!
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Rebecca showing her sheep the Usborne books in her stories, gets all the guff in from script re 20 yuuur anniversary of 'that's not my' bla bla bla... I had to lol when she goes "the writer who wrote these books must be worth a fortune"

I agree, I also came to this conclusion after about 3 minutes of internet searching ?

But then why not just state that! She doesn’t need go in to her parents financial affairs but could have said it’s an investment property and we are very very lucky to move in to the house?oh I. Forgot it’s Rebecca Meldrum we are talking about the biggest billy bull shitter on the block
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soupy curry

New member
That poster looks way beyond reasonable doubt to be Rebecca's mum.

She sounds every bit as ghastly as her daughter.

Minimising a murder then going on about the quality of the houses in her development, school catchment area and the mature woodlands?! I don't know if I should laugh or cry!

The new house may be individually designed, but it's a rubbish design.

Fools and their money.
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I’m going for one of Lee’s brothers partners.
I thought that, then I read through previous posts and not convinced she does know them.... But yes, if she does she's a partner /girlfriend of a brother and another nicer daughter in law of wonderful grannie that makes cakes.
Then with all this talk of houses, prices and mortgages (mainly from the Postcode princess's mummy) thought.... Wouldn't it be great if @Hazology was from the offices of solicitor /estate agent or even better the mortgage broker ???
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How about purchasing items and clothing on your own and not having everything’s gifted! That would make your lives a lot easier! Wouldn’t have to ad and gift every bloody post! Can afford 600k house with whopping mortgage and pt sessions but not a snowsuit or even a hat for your baby?? Ridiculous. Clearly see where their priorities are. Me me me me. Lee lee lee lee then the kids.... joke. I hope it all ends for her she doesn’t deserve the time of viewers anymore.
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Chatty Member
Hello CMA, it's Lee Meldrum here
Having trouble with the new rules, they're not very clear,
Declaring all as an ad is going too far,
Do you not know who we are?
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VIP Member
The problem I have is because she has lied so much in the past and bullshit comes out of her mouth daily it’s very hard to believe anything she says. Every time there has been a backlash on her social media she retreats and says she’s having time away. It just so happens there was a lot of backlash the past week and she’s realised she can’t get away with what she’s been doing with her business and out comes the mental health/me time card again. Then she says she’s pulled up her positive pants and it’s back to “water off ducks back again”. It’s very hard to keep up as she is all over the place. Everything she does is very carefully thought out and sneaky/decieving. Sadly, once you have displayed this kind of behaviour it’s hard to believe someone or take their word for it. Everyone here is extremely sympathetic to mental health and of course no one can tell her or say she’s lying as we don’t know. However, we all tread with caution because of her track record and how these little outpouring of emotions are always placed at the most convenient times.

To the poster who is saying she must be having an awful time/people speaking about her etc. Honestly, she’s had so many opportunities to change the way people perceive her and actually be a nice person but she’s so mean and unkind to people. So if people aren’t nice to her or bitch about her behind her back then it’s no-ones fault but her own. Im sure she’s having a horrible time, but she can’t be that bothered as she continues to bury her head in the sand. If you don’t like the way people see you or talk about you, perhaps it’s time to reflect and admit that maybe it IS something you’re doing and not everyone else around you ?
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