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VIP Member
Wow that poor wee soul looks so unwell with dark circles under her eyes. The last thing I would think to do is film my child struggling to breath without coughing! All that damp air on the daily walks is probably having the reverse effect they are hoping it will. I don’t generally like to comment on their parenting methods but time to put the phone away and comfort your child till you can speak to a doctor.
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Chatty Member
Bloody hell Reb your child is ill we all know you read here get your fat arse out of bed and get her to a doctor she needs to be checked she is clearly struggling oh and also pick her up and comfort her you will be amazed how much help it can give a child to have their mother comfort her but for now put the phone down and get her to a doctor, on your 3rd child you should not need to ask what to do when your baby is so obviously unwell. GROW UP REB your the adult not the child.

Sorry if that sounds rude or harsh but I've seen her insta stories and am just so mad someone could lie there waffling on on instagram while their child clearly needs to be looked after cuddled comforted and taken to a doctors.
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VIP Member
I’m more upset & angry about this than anything else that’s happened. I can’t bear seeing a little baby being filmed clearly feeling awful while she’s chatting away trying to engage her audience with her ILL child. MummyDaddyMe had one poorly a few weeks ago and she said I’m not filming today as I have a poorly little one. This is beyond disgusting actually. Where are Poppy’s rights in all this? This has really upset me and makes me think of doing that to my children and it would break my heart. If you’re reading this Rebecca please stop filming her ill. Do the right thing and have a break filming till she’s better!
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Member 1682

Her sister is also removing followers at a rate of knots!!!! Ha! Something has for sure gone down today in the Meldrum/Cannon camp! ???
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Well-known member
My gosh that poor baby. Rebecca I'm always the sort of parent s who gives it a while before I take my child to the doctors but come the fuck on stop taking a poorly child outside and just get her checked over!
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VIP Member
Apparently if I buy Safiyahs book ( (because let’s face it, she’s the only one who seems to genuinely loves art/craft) I may be interested in these two other books....putin and Trump!!!!! ???
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Active member
Although I’ve gone off Mrs M and don’t agree with the way she conducts herself in general I do think you’ve taken it a step too far to by making dedicated Instagram pages and emailing companies she’s working with. We all have opinions on people and sometimes it’s nice to vent to people who have noticed the same things (i.e omg why is everyone doing SO many adds etc) but when you’re taking so much time out of your day to email companies who are working with her and set up Instagram pages it really does strike me that there must be something seriously lacking in your own life to possess you to do that. Perhaps something to think about.
I don’t know why but it was your passive agressive ‘perhaps something to think about’
finale on your lecture which really riled me.

Slapping down people who are doing something much more constructive (directly contacting companies who are paying them and who we all use probably) is a far better use of time that venting on here.
You have posted lots of messages on tattle, an email giving direct, honest feedback to a business is exactly the right thing to do and it’s what companies rely on and appreciate if the behaviour of one of their ambassadors is losing them custom.

You would hate me, I emailed a building company last week when I saw one of their drivers go through a red light on a pedestrian crossing. I spent three minutes on that and I think that my life is pretty fulfilled actually.

Ive been reading this thread for the last hour and i think as much as you want to have an argument, unfortunately you have taken it way too far and it completey negates your points. You have commented on her appearance, the way she stands, her home, how much she wipes her kids noses. Writing like you are the pillars of society alongside making nasty carols and accusing her of loving her kids differently. And we should all be more like you? Really? You write about her not being present with her children over xmas because shes here reading these threads.... can u see the hypocrisy? What is she reading? Things YOU are writing? Therefore how present are you with your own families? Rather than wasting hours writing on here and reporting her to companies that will already have a team of people to do that job, go and enjoy your Christmas. There really is nothing to be gained in trashing a family like this other than destroying their self esteem. God forbid she ever did anything silly over these comments, you’d be totally responsible (no not her, you) and you’d have to live with that for the rest of your lives knowing her kids might read this one day, when actually you could just unfollow her? I totally agree that the ASA have guidlines for a reason but let THEM follow things up. You don’t need to write about how you’ve reported someone. If you believe someones shady, report, and move on with your life, surely? You don’t work there. Unfortunately, you’ve breached all laws in terms of online bullying and wouldn’t have a leg to stand on should they be telling the truth about knowing your identities. Some of you have broken the law in terms of online bullying. Look it up. It’s your only hope that they don’t know you. Honestly, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, why let this take up so much space in your lives. All it does it make it look like you are missing something in your own lives and it does come across like you are bullying her. Do you realise you’ve written over 600 pages about them? You could have been living your life and not even had to look at them in that time. And before you reply with the below, im not a sheep, not a meldrum, not interested in how you have a right to the same as the ASA neither do i want spiel about how you’ve said nothing wrong because you have ALL laughed at her for personal things. I honestly think you should take Christmas as a time to call it a day and go be with your families. This has been the most wasted hour of my life i cant believe you’re on here everyday. She could post a picture of a plain wall and you’d all have 50 things to say about it. It screams ‘fill the void in my life’ guys. The Instagram page was proof of that
Yet you are still here viewing- you do know that you profile shows when you are reading the forum?

Off you trot with your pretend legal knowledge and your veiled threats. It’s laughable ?
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Chatty Member
Anyone who comes on here to comment about how we’re wasting our lives by coming on here to comment is HILARIOUS.
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I’m guessing the cinema tickets are gifted! The Mummy Monolgue who is also a vlogger in Aberdeen got tickets gifted then run a comp on her page to win tickets and food at Zizi for Union Square ?
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VIP Member
Why couldn't they just be honest and say 'we've moved into this new house and we need Lee to have a steady, regular income to make sure our girls' futures are secure' - they could have done a whole series of videos about YouTube and it's pros and cons - that would have been interesting content.

I really hope the number is up for these stupid 'influencers' - it wasn't so long ago Anthea Turner got dragged through hot coals for daring to advertise something that was sponsored - can we please go back to those days?!?!
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Member 1682

Oh god
She’s got a book?!
I’ve heard it all now!
(In reality Channel Mum have pulled a few strings to have her name plastered over a crappy activity book....and will be taking a hefty cut)

She’ll be thinking she’s Danielle Steele right enough......

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Well-known member
If there is one saying I hate more than 'mooch', it's 'good egg'. It makes me cringe ??
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Well-known member
I just found nice log basket for £30 in John Lewis. What does she want that is 'soooo' expensive? Oh yeah, a free one.
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VIP Member
She said she didn’t have to go to the FareShare Depot.. was it just by sheer coincidence then that the visit was also attended by a journalist from the Evening Express?!

The ?? are on the rise... poor Reb is sitting in the couch in the dungeon on her new To Me from Me (actually from Argos but hey, what’s the difference these days) Microsoft Surf looking through tattle, back to YouTube to delete and block.. she’s on the phone to Lee’s Mum to see if she can maybe come back from her holiday in Spain early as she’s never gonna have the time now to make the pavlova herself for taking to her Parentals so she’ll need that done for her. It’s been days since we’ve heard about the self care challenge so that’s obviously been binned off as she wasn’t getting much engagement from it. The decluttering commenced and she’ll show us all the bags but actually she won’t because she either won’t finish or she was once again talking shite about donating anything to charity.

Ella’s Kitchen Pouch on the grid tomorrow is my bet. Poppy will need to have that at the Christmas Eve party as the 4 pack of baked potatoes, 2 salmon fillets and cous cous Lee picked up on the Christmas food shop won’t stretch far enough between them all.
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New member
First post here! I have read bits of most of the threads and I just cannot believe she is still going. I have unsubscribed on YouTube but am still on her insta. All her recent posts about new year goals. Here’s one, stop exploiting your kids, start being a proper mother and get your poorly baby seen by a doctor instead of shoving a camera in her face and asking a load of mind numb sheep on insta what you should do!! Thank god her looney bin husband has had the snip or I would be worried they could procreate again and add to this mess!
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VIP Member
On another note, they're going to take a poor little snotty, coughing infant into a place where other people are eating... which isn't good either????
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