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Sorry but she has a long hot shower alone whilst her three young kids eat their breakfast?

And I’m sorry but how the fuck does she listen to an audio book whilst driving her kids around? Does she force them to be silent so she can have her me time? 🤯
Beggy, when you're on your own for a few weeks to parent three children under nine, there's no such thing as 'me' time. Leaving them unattended while you take a long hot shower and they are eating and then leaving them again to stand outside with your tea is called neglect.

So if your three-year-old needs you while you've fucked off to the garage in the evening to do a workout, what happens then?

If this is what she really does and posts it, what else is happening! 😬
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So of the work that she has submitted to the girls’ school today, one piece says the child is worried about being abandoned and hungry and another piece says that Mum couldn’t do the division calculation? Bet that looks great Beggy 👍

I can’t with the ‘me time’ thing either. Hands up here who has young children and is getting loads of (or any 🤣) ‘me time’ at the moment?! I’m certainly not, because we’re in the middle of a pandemic and my children’s welfare and happiness come first.

I remember watching either Stories or a vlog years ago when Florrie was 1 (I remember because my daughter is exactly the same age) and once when Lee was offshore, Beggy was busy filming herself putting on make up and eye fucking herself upstairs in her bedroom and said, “I have to go now because I can hear Florrie coming up the stairs.” I was SHOCKED. Why would you leave a one year old on their own all that time, worse still, with a flight of stairs to climb when they felt like it?? I presume Safiyah was there too, but she was what - 4? But I suppose I’m not shocked at all now she’s admitted to multiple incidents like this....
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The Meldrums are not what I would call “upper class” in any way shape or form. Lee is very much working class. I’m not particularly comfortable with the whole class system anyway because really, it’s kind of null and void now. There’s lots of people with money who wouldn’t consider themselves “upper class” - I’m one of them! I come from a very humble working class background, grew up in a council house, we didn’t have much money etc but I’ve grafted my whole adult life and I’m now (with my husband who comes from a similar background and is a tradesman) in a very comfortable financial position, we built our own home, have no financial worries etc but I’d always consider us to be working class.

But to address your point, no, I don’t think it’s anything to do with “class” - it’s just lazy as fuck parenting from idiots who are too wrapped up in themselves to give a shit about the kids.
Yes i totally agree. I think im similar to you, my mum (my dad died last year) still lives in the council house i was raised in and they were dirt working poor. But somehow i happened to be abit more academic than most of my mates on our council estate and i went to uni, did my BA and MA, and im now considered 'professional'- im a social worker. My partner is an electrician. We have both worked so hard, and we are aware that our own children have much more than we ever did growing up. Im the first person in my family who has ever been to uni, and got a mortgage. we would be considered middle class if you went by our bank balance, professions etc etc. But im so not. I absolutely consider myself working class, but im aware we are very lucky to be in the position we are..But we have both worked bloody hard! As for Beggy, she has no class, no education, she hasnt worked hard for her 'profession'. Me and my friends laugh at her for the way she tries to come across. In fact me and my friends dont even discuss money or feeling we have to ascribe to a certain 'class' because we are just normal. Beggy is a joke.
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I think we may see some princess tantrums today despite her slave being home !! Both my friend and I reported her Arbonne on stories as they weren’t labelled as adverts and we have both just heard that ASA agreed that she had breached their guidelines. You would think she had got the message by now, but you just can’t teach stupid!

The problem with Beggy is that perennial problem. She got together with Lee when she was very young. Her parents were relatively comfortable money wise, but she had nothing going for her except her youth, bleached blonde hair and tan from her Uni placement in Florida. No wit, no intelligence, no kindness and no humour. We know Lee likes young women (his commenting on other young influenzas bikini posts 🤢 and the fact he started going out with Beggy when she was 15 🤢🤢) So she keeps up this teenager mentally.
She a mother of 3 in her 30s - and she doesn’t even do that well. Overall she has nothing to offer any employer, she’s a poor mum, a whiny wife and lazy housekeeper. She is entirely selfish. She’s not even doing a good job of training that fugly dog. He’s stealing the kids toys, climbing all over the furniture, and as we saw on stories the other day biting her when she was talking about Florries worries. Absolute failure.
I’ve reported her a few times because she isn’t labelling fuck all. I hope they actually do something about it.

*** go and check email and I too have had a response... GOOD
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Banchory is a small town and lots of people either follow her [for laughs] or look at Tattle.
She has sold her daughter’s private worries to the highest bidder!!
It will all come back to BITE her:mad:
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Like so many of you here I find it bonkers she spends so much time concentrating on herself. Yes, absolutely it is important to take time for your own well being but she seems so unbalanced.

I can spend months on my own with my children 4&7. whilst my husband is at sea, but I would not feel comfortable fixing them breakfast and disappearing for a LONG shower. I’ve absolutely grabbed a quick shower whilst they have been settled watching a film or playing in their rooms together.

she just feels so out of touch. I don’t know how old exactly her children are, but them must all be in bed by 8ish so that leaves a few hours in the evening so do what ever she feels is necessary. Also, home learning can be flexible, she can make a routine to suit her and the girls.
her kids are 3, 6 and 9 I believe.

she’s just completely out of touch with reality. Her behaviour and her whole attitude is absolutely ridiculous. This whole “me time” nonsense is just some airy fairy claptrap she uses as an excuse to be neglectful and selfish. Sorry but she chose to bring 3 children into the world and frankly when you have children they are the priority. You look after them first, you put their needs first, you put their safety and comfort first. Most regular normal people living in the real world don’t even consider this sodding “me time” rubbish! Like you say, when her kids are in bed that is the time to wind down, have a shower etc.
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It’s ridiculous isn’t it. Fruit should be readily available to kids with no restrictions. She’s an arsehole, she really is.
That’s the one thing that’s “free” in my house. My son would literally eat all day if I let him. He asks for his snacks in between main meals and he’s not denied (within reason, I’m not dishing out chocolate Willy nilly) but the fruit bowl is within reach and a free zone. If he’s genuinely hungry and not bored then a banana, orange or apple is fine and he can help himself. Or if he wants some of the fruit we’ve cut up that’s in the fridge (melon, mango etc) then I’ll happily get him a bowl. Making him do a chore for it would put him off wanting fruit all together: I’m not going to discourage healthy eating.
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God what an absolute arsehole. Imagine sharing your wee girls genuine worries with 111,000 people and giggling at the same time. Horrid woman.
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All it will take is for another school mum to watch this with their children in situ, then they mention it to Safiyah and Florence when school starts back
Children can be cruel and Reb’s children are only being subjected to this all because she thinks it is funny and suitable to share on social media. At what point is she going to realise what an idiot she is and what she is exposing her children to. She has stopped sharing their faces (too little too late), but still sharing their personal thoughts 👏👏👏👏👏, great mum Rebecca😤😤
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Why would you let your dog take your daughter’s ‘special bunny’ like this?! When my dog was a puppy he used to try to steal the kids’ toys but we always took them off him straight away and he learnt not to do it. But beggy just takes a photo instead 🙄 I’m sure she’d react differently if he took something belonging to her! Let’s just hope bunny gets a wash...
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Lovely.. all ready for bed in the same loungewear she’s had on all day, been out walking in, dry humping the dog in and doing her press ups in... 🤮🤮
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My questions
Why can’t you stick to anything ?

What’s the longest thing you ever stuck to that wasn’t making you easy money ?

why do you keep coming back for more attention?
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Does anyone remember in a past vlog, Lee filming him and the girls playing hide and seek in the garden and the girls hid IN THE SHED 😱. He didn’t tell them to come out or anything, acted like it was perfectly fine! I seem to remember the girls were maybe filming themselves and lying on the floor and giggling (it’s a bit of a hazy memory) but they were definitely in there alone and hiding. It gives me the utter creeps thinking of it!

There was a bit of a discussion on here at the time as to whether it was the same actual shed that the poor man was hidden in and not a replacement and I think the consensus was that it was the original shed.

I’m someone who is quite relaxed about the high probability that someone will have died in most older houses (someone aged 40 died suddenly in mine - the previous tenant). However, there’s a huge difference between that and a brutal murder happening in your home. I couldn’t get past it, personally. Nope. Just nope.
yup. It is 100% the same shed.

remember when Rebeccas mother came onto tattle to try to downplay the whole thing and made up an absolute pack of lies to imply that it wasn’t as awful as it was.... they are absolutely disgusting. Not an ounce of human decency in them. That’s why I honestly don’t believe her when she makes claims about people’s health or anything really - they would lie about absolutely anything. They make me sick.
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There’s so many more deserving than her! When I had a load of school uniform, it was barely worn as we moved to a new area and my daughter had less than a year at the school. I emailed the head teacher saying ‘I’ve got this uniform, logoed polos sweatshirts, games kit and a load of school skirts, hardly worn and freshly washed and ironed please can you pass it on discretely to a family you know needs a bit of extra help’
That’s what this ungrateful selfish if it pig should be doing with the food boxes. Her girls school may have kids struggling and it’s no more covid risk to deliver there than to the Meldrums.
She’s so out of touch. Does she not know about Mark Rashfords campaigns and news stories that show how kids on free school meals are going hungry??
Even taking to the local old people’s home so the folk there could have a pastry for a treat would be better than Beggy scoffing it.
Jeez I knew her mum dropped meals round but I didn’t think it was because they needed free food!!
My mind is blown by this latest behaviour. Unreal.
Her constant attempt at justifying it by repeatedly saying “it would just go to landfill, if we didn’t take it, it would just go to landfill”
No you dumb ignorant waste of skin. It would go to a family who actually fucking need it. A family who haven’t got the money to buy shopping. A family who haven’t got the money to feed everyone so the parents go hungry in order to scrape a meal together for their children.

This woman is absolutely repulsive.
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To the tune of I'm a little teapot -

My face is like the moon
And my neck so wide
Lee has gone offshore
So it's Rami I must ride

My hair looks like rats tails
And my dog is a horse
I don't do any housework
As that's all Lee's job of course

I wander in the woods
With hot chocolate in a flask
No home school today
It's just too much of an ask
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How boring must it be for poor Poppy out for a walk & her mother is busy speaking to strangers on the phone. SAD.
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