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Chatty Member
He looks like something from a remake of the Shining.... Instead of "Here s Jonny!!!" ... It would be " Here s Gingerella!! "
I see poor Poppy has another vile name to list of motherly insults... " the insomniac"😢😭
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'No scams'
Na just the whole business model 😂 who the fuck are these people? Get a really fucking job and stop pissing about on Instagram taking pics of your prince and protein shakes - laziness and entitlement aside, how is she not dying of boredom all day long? No wonder she always feels like shit and is knackered.. it's because she does fanny adams all day long!
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Grandad news is sad.

What really gets me in the feelers is the fact that she is out for a walk. Just her and her daughter. Yet she can’t dedicate that time to exploring and being present and forming a connection with her. Instead she is on the phone, filming, talking utter shit that 100k STRANGERS do not need to know. Like what the fuck. Poor smallest inconvenience. My kids would think I was bat shit crazy if I did that. Your kid is trying to interact and talk to you. Fucking be there and talk back you self obsessed idiot.
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How bizarre, i have never heard of a scheme like she has described. Surely all the food "waste" from retailers which can be things to do with labelling, bashed tins, packaging burst etc would automatically go to people in need. I doubt aberdeenshire has helped everybody in need and therefore can give to people living in houses worth half a million? Something far wrong if that is the case. Surely you must give a donation for it or buy it at a discounted rate? yourself, in fact buy the whole family, a bloody packet of pain au chocolate. Costs what a £1 from the supermarket. Go on spoil yourself rebegger....plate it up in your £30k kitchen with your £100 hot chocolate maker. So bizarre to get excited over free food.
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Nah you got fired love 🤣🤣🤣
Trolling? Here we go again 😴

Why on earth would she think they should support her? They're not responsible for your twattish behaviour love, YOU ARE.

Honestly, despite everything she will never take responsibility for her actions. Always someone elses fault. Unbelievable. 🤪

Begsy love, if we left you, who's fault would that be? 🤔 Trolls?
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Elderly neighbours AKA her parents??!!!
she is shocking, shes had two boxes now that someone in need could have had. It’s absolutely disgusting. Why didn’t she show people last week when she got one to let her followers know about it and who could have benefitted from it? She’s just embarrassing
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The woman who blogs about food and food banks (the one local to her who calls her out sometimes) might pick up on this, I hope so.
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Won’t show the girls... adding highlights to her daughters bedroom instead 🙄

also and this is a small thing but why did she buy her a new single? She’s away to be 10 this year, why not get her a double bed? Wouldn’t that be more logical?
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Totally made up for content.
She would know this was ordered and coming. Pretending they can do this spontaneously to show off their fake wealth.

I think he wanted to get that whopper chavtastic 55” beast so they can watch Brigerton together on the big screen when he’s back home!
It’s all relative to their teeny tiny size. A 55” is practically a cinema size screen, great for watching ye olde corset undoing 🤪
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She’s got a push bike.... why doesn’t she go out for a cycle on that? Instead of wanting to waste £3K on a fucking fad peloton bike

she’s a colossal bellend
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Chatty Member
...and showing off a large TV is hardly a sign of class and wealth, you turnip.
all the ‘proper posh’ folk I know would rather sell the family silver than have a monstrosity like that in the house. They either don’t have one full stop or have a 20 year old one that gets two channels and gets used twice a year!
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What’s infuriating is the fact she can’t give the kids her full attention.. regardless how shit this whole situation is, focus on the kids not on bloody social media!.
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I can’t get my head around leaving such a young child to eat without supervision. It takes seconds for something to happen. Makes me feel sick to think about it.
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Even though she's a c*** I don't believe she'd lie about her grandad getting ill. I dont think she should share his private affairs online to people either. Maybe grandad & kazza has asked her to not speak about their health online?
She lies about everything. Everything. She wouldn’t think twice about lying about him being ill. Karen Cannon loves being spoken about online - she came into tattle to share private photos of Tegan’s engagement. She’s as batshit as Rebecca is!!!!!
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Is a size 8 really that small though for someone who is 5ft 2? Don’t shoot me I’m genuinely asking, as I’m 5ft 8 and I’m a size 8-10 depending on shops etc. I know we are all different shapes and sizes, but il weigh more because of my height I expect. Although I may have more bone weight but it may even out with her neck 🤣
I dont think she looks that slim tbh, she just looks average to me. I might be hyper critical, or sensitive due to my own body issues but she just looks meh and average to me. She just looks like every other 30ish year old, with kids. She doesnt have a particularly great body in my honest opinion.
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