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Its good content though isn't it! let's not be concerned that they are the actual genuine worries of a 6 year old 🙄
It’s the way she actually takes pleasure in completely making fun of her daughter and the invasion of privacy yet again. And telling the world that Safiyah found the maths problems difficult. Rebecca is just an awful horrible individual. There’s not 1 single decent thing about her.
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I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say that she’s had an enjoyable day with her kids! She never says a good word about them! It’s always thank god they’re being quiet/thank god someone else has them, it’s so bizarre!!
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All it will take is for another school mum to watch this with their children in situ, then they mention it to Safiyah and Florence when school starts back
Children can be cruel and Reb’s children are only being subjected to this all because she thinks it is funny and suitable to share on social media. At what point is she going to realise what an idiot she is and what she is exposing her children to. She has stopped sharing their faces (too little too late), but still sharing their personal thoughts 👏👏👏👏👏, great mum Rebecca😤😤
Exactly. If she’s going to stop using the kids for content then she needs to stop it completely- don’t mention them, dont discuss any aspect of them at all.
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She's the sort of person who wants people to think they're well off but really they're tight penny pinchers struggling to pay their mortgage and will take any freebie they can get their hands on.

The lowest of the low.
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Pre-Meldrum I used to love the term Potter and would use it often as its a great way to describe that kind of day when you have no real plan and just mooch around doing a few jobs or seeing a few things. For example if we are on holiday (remember them) we might say we were just going to potter around the local town that day. But now she’s ruined it and I have to mooch !
Dude she uses the word mooch also....!
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Why is it another businesses responsibility to support someone who puts themselves out there in the public eye? That’s like me becoming an Influencer , people disliking me abs giving me grief then expecting my ACTUAL employer to deal with it.
What a hot steaming pile of shit.
Just admit it rebecca, you are work shy wannabe kept woman
She's a prick that's been brought up to think she's a Princess. But all she's really is a very thick. Ignorant little bitch.
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Eye fucking her dog.....they were sharing something quite special and intimate there. I know she’s unbearable but if I saw anyone doing that I would think they were fucking weird.....because it is weird.....and disturbing 🤢 she should just send Lee off to the rigs permanently and let the prince take his rightful place 🤢
It was very weird, a little disturbing and almost a bit eerie the way she was looking at him and smiling..... the woman has completely lost the plot. Short of mounting the dog and humping him, she was practically there. Creepy as fuck.
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Aw asking herself questions again. Bless her.

Over 300 calories in that hot chocolate. With that and her daily protein shakes, she will be needing to size up on her size xxxs leggings.
Bloody hell! No wonder she's developed a few more chins. Haven't seen the dogtooth leggings for a while Begsy, have you had to dig out bigger sizes? Cue fancying her teeny tiny bony arse in the mirror, flicking the elastic waist of her leggings and stroking down your fluff to your legs, maybe a wee turn lifting your foot to a jaunty wee angle as you fancy yourself in your bedroom mirror, mess behind you. Predictable. 🙄
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I never trust a well written list! It’s what people do to waste time rather than actually doing the tasks!!

My rushed lists of shit I have to remember and it’s really important look like they were written by the 4 year old
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Chatty Member
Rebecca is the most selfish self centred cow I have ever come across. Seriously. Mocking your child is an absolute all time low - yet she has the cheek to cry crocodile tears when anyone dares contradict anything she does. (she has the cheek to call tattle trolls yet she mocks her own bloody kid) What an absolute cow.

Maybe give yourself a wee shake too Rebs as if you maybe stopped eye fucking yourself for a wee while and actually helped your kid (going to a cafe for homework doesn’t count) then maybe the poor toot wouldn’t struggle. Yes helping your child means putting THEIR needs first

Lee - you lurk on here regularly. Grow some balls mate. You can see how much self care the spoilt brat takes whilst you are away. Stop being the doormat when you are home. It’s pathetic and no it’s not kind to princess Rebs. She is taking the mick. Oh wait just like mocking her kid. Spotting a theme ...
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Maybe she could use some of that me time to wash her hair?! 🥴
If she hates being a parent while L works away, why don’t they both get jobs where they live?!
She will never never never go out and work at a real proper job. She thinks she’s something special, that she’s too good to go out and work. She honestly thinks she’s some sort of celebrity.
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So she is opting to ”tighten their belts” rather than do a part time job that she doesn’t enjoy. In principle this is fine and is totally what we did when I wanted to get out of teaching BUT she then makes a mockery of this statement by ordering a shit ton of stuff online and AF linking it. So which is it Rebecca ? Tighten belts or buying belts......and shoes......and jumpers ....and lounge wear and the list could go on
She doesn’t know the meaning of “tightening the belts”
she’s utterly clueless about every aspect of money, managing finances, working, budgeting. She hasn’t got a bloody clue about any of it.

When she was on stories last night, why was she wearing her rancid dog walking old lady fleece and that germ infested buff around her neck? What on Earth is going on with her recently? She looks rough as shit and she’s always wearing these bizzare clothes. Obviously yes, wear that get up outdoors to walk the dog or whatever but why does she keep it all on indoors? She looks ridiculous.
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I don’t think she comes on here anymore?
How do you know it’s her?
She definitely comes on here. No sooner as something is mentioned on here, a lovely little Q&A pops up on Instagram to answer everything that is said. She watches this page like a hawk.
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Wow....what an example to set for her kids. Got the attention span of a gnat, can’t stick to anything or even hold down a part time job.
Spoiled brat who still hasn’t matured into an adult.
Blaming TROLLS and still not recognising she is creator of her own destiny. F£&@ing grow up Rebecca, you’re well past your sell by date😤
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