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Wize Owl

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Post on November 2nd


Post on November 9th


Post on November 10th


Guyssssh, I’m getting November anxiety because I’m doing as she suggested on the 2nd and living in the November moment.... I’m beginning to think it’s all bollocksssh to be honesssssscht 😂

The Big Bad Wolf is beginning to make as many appearances as her Big Bad Wedding dress 🙄😂
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My boy is ND and loves lining things up. All it takes is a quick Google to look at autism traits & lining things up is one of the first. She's deep feeding information that the public do not need to know. Why can't she leave the poor boy alone & stop posting this. Here Ron stand next to your tins so mummas can take a pic for auntie Instagram. Whether he's ND or not whys she doing this to him. He's gonna resent f out of her when he's older. Like it's all a big joke too her. One thing you don't wanna do Hinch is piss off ND Parents. We've fought enough fights for our children. We don't need your sh!t as well.
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Kids do stuff that is weird, it's because they're kids. They'll grow out of it (unless they take after their mother!) Why does she have to make everything they do into something that it's not, and why does she think that random strangers on the internet care or need to know about it?
Ron had a record player, he liked paying music on it. Lon likes the story of the Three Little Pigs. Ron wants to line tins up in a row. Who cares? If one of them suddenly memorised the periodic table or could play Ferdinand Küchler's violin concertino, that might be something a little bit extraordinary but her kids are just as dull and uninteresting as everyone else's. In fact, that goes for her entire life!
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Very Kate to the party soz

But the chopping board with the writing was gorgeous, my mum died 10 year ago and when we where little and all my adult life she often made this certain meal that she totally made up and it was gorgeous, everyone loved it, I now make my own family it and it's one of my kids fav meals. Same for my sister. Hopefully one day it'll be my grandkids favourite. It's written on paper in a special place. I'd love to get the recipe on a board hung up for me and one for my sister, in her writing, but because they've used someone like Hinch to do their advertising. They've lost a customer. So fuck yourself there.

Hot chocolate with mummy xoxoxo bet she's put her titty powder in it as milk. She's pathetic. When her mam goes to HELL, she's not gonna cope at all.
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
The hunzzz are fick as fuck thinking Sopha came up with the idea of that cake, if you type “Bonfire cake” into the gram’s search there’s pics of them going back 10+ years 🙄

Also, the BS about the toddler twinsssh thinking most occasions need a cake…. 🙄Where’s the reels about their Easter cake, Christmas cake, Father’s and Mother’s day cakes, etc etc etc 🤔🙄

I’ll just leave this here….. 🤭
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All her money and all that hinting about "something I've always wanted to do/Fiddles and Inch have been building it"......and it turns out it was nothing but a wooden bench and the most basic crap fire pit I've ever seen!!
Seeing them all strategically sat around it, being forced to look happy (although Inch & Weepy couldn't muster anything beyond despair and depression) was beyond cringe.
Bet they all had 1 marshmallow, then put the fire out and went back indoors. Riveting!
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"Jamie, what would you like for Christmas?"

"Oh Soph, now you're talking! I'd LOVE an Arsenal season ticket! "

"Hmm, I was thinking more about a photo album of our wedding?"

"Erm, you mean like the actual fucking wedding album that we already have?"


"...thanks 😒"
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Chatty Member
Another drip feed, yawn. Completely appreciate having a ND child is a challenge and you have to compromise. But she seems to have no ability to say no.

He wants 30 more tins? Off to Tesco. Not that’s all we’ve got so we’ll line up something else or find a new game. Same for her his hundred other obsessions. My kids don’t get 10% of what they ask for as I don’t want them to be spoilt little brats and appreciate what they have, rather than what they don’t.
Thank you! I'm glad someone else thinks the same as I do! I agree, that she has no ability to say No to them kids and just does what they want and gets what they want. Imagine going out late at night to buy tins because your 4 year old told you to! :rolleyes: 🤷‍♀️
My little one has ASD and he gets told no a lot. Just because he is Autistic it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to play games at trying to get what he wants sometimes, just like all kids do.
My child doesn't get a free pass with me or anyone to be a little brat because he is on the spectrum, unlike what she is making Ronnie into. Mark my words he will be the biggest brat when older and expect everything he wants and wants it now! Bit like his mother doesn't fall far from the tree.
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No knob had one job. Post on Wednesday so she doesn’t have to. Fucked it up by posting Ron’s haircut dated 3/11 when we’ve been subjected to two different videos of him “reading” the Popsa books woth long shaggy hair.
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Do you know what I‘ve found the weirdest thing today, and believe me there’s a long list including Fiddle’s “Sopha’s Toad” recipe board (WTF)……. it was when Ronald pointed to Sopha and NoNob in the photo book and seemed really happy that they were “Friends” 🤔 What does that even mean and say about their relationship 😳 I know it’s been mentioned on here already but it keeps coming back to me. I just think that they must argue/bicker a lot, or their bantering comes across to Ronald as something negative that when he saw them sitting together it was unusual for him to see them as “Friends” or maybe to see them without Fiddle 🤭

My toddlersssh understand that Mr Owl and I are married and although we don’t snog in front of them, we‘re both affectionate and will often hug or give each other a little kiss…. my whole family is affectionate, I have 3 sisters and we’re always hugging, greeting with kisses, saying “I love you” etc. It’s more the fact Ronald pointed out that they were together and looked like “Friends”

I’m not sure if that makes any sense to be honessssscht. I just think she’s shown without meaning to that all isn’t “Couple goals” for Mr and Mrs HinchCliffe, as shown from their own child.
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See the record player has been swapped for tins. Why can’t she just be NORMAL. Kids enjoy doing things for 3.5 seconds and move on to the next. It’s not their entire personality you absolute fuckwit. Just because you have to be all about mangoes or marshmallows doesn’t mean your kids have to have ONE OBSESSION AT A TIME. Also you didn’t buy so many tins of spaghetti to placate Lon, you bought so many because you can’t cook and feed your kids shite like your animals. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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Stacey: "Crazy morning here, film crew 🎥 all over my house!"

Hinch: "erm, here's my dirty llamas, depressed dog and exposing my kids who despise me".
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Hot choc in Costa, what shite Home Bargains pre-record are we in for now?
Do you mean she hasn’t bought her hot choc from a small independent coffee shop, instead chosing to visit a major worldwide coffee chain instead? 😮 ‘Small business love’ my arse. This woman will say anything and support anything so long as it lines her greedy pockets -she’s not authentic- she’s extremely disingenuous
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
She won't be there, it's not about her, however FiddlemeTimbers will be there in her self appointed unofficial cheerleader role🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣BenditliketheHinchers oii oiiiiiiiii
I’ll just leave this here……

(Volume needed) 🤭
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I suffer from PTSD as i worked the eve of the arena attack so I hate fireworks. That's my choice to say no I am staying in and distancing myself from the noise.

Am I messaging my friends to say - but if YOU don't want to go out, that's absolutely fine... course not, my problem, not my monkeys.

Soph, stop 'speaking' on behalf of everyone, nobody gives a shit.
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