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Chatty Member
Dry robes are never discounted and you can sell them second hand for near enough full price she has no chance I’ve never seen one gifted either and lets face it her HB huns are not the target market !
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Stacey comes back from radio silence pulling at the heart strings with her grandma and being all sentimental.
Hinch comes back with a whining dog, an AD for her range/home bargains and her Ronnies homework.

Trollomon coming out tops again
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Wouldn't surprise me if she got a home range in Home Bargains. I don't think the quality is any worse than Tesco IMO. They have a Jane Asher cake making and decorating collection and there's a cute display of crafty things in my local, can't remember the brand but it's nice stuff.

Not saying I'll buy any of her greige tat but don't think it would be a bad move for her. Though I think she may just be angling for a zero hours contract with her recent content
The problem being is that Home Bargains isn't exactly high end luxury is it. It's just mass produced tat. Its bottom tier design and the same level as poundland, b&m, savers.

The Hinch Brand is going backwards instead of progressing. Home Bargains IS a step down from Tesco. It means the Hinch Brand is dwindling in popularity.
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Instead of pissing about punching cushions he should have shagged some sense into the gormless cow!!!! They are so cringe and awkward around each other. You never see any affection between them. Their relationship with each other is as stilted and detached as her relationship with the twin toddler mannnnzzzzz bless their aarrrrrts. But shes right were shes supposed to be guyssssch. Pissing about all day with no real purpose
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Chatty Member
1. If she could get those boys’ hairs cut much better she wouldn’t need a whole toiletry bag of stuff for them first thing in the morning (WHY is that downstairs anyways?)
2. What skanky person just throws the dirty nappy on the floor beside the booth- so where did he remove it? Where did he get changed? It doesn’t make sense. It’s faked.
3. As someone else said, WTAF did they eat for breakfast?! A jug of slop?! Doesn’t even look like scrambled egg or beans. Yuck.

She just constantly gets the attempts to be relatable, wrong. Because she’s living a lie. She has help, both with the cleaning and with looking after the kids. Until she admits that, she’s left with faking what a busy morning looks like as she hasn’t a clue.
Also how does anyone breathe properly in that house with the amount of chemicals she spreads around? Yuck.
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How predictableeeeeeeee, I said in my head he's gonna grab or smack her arse when she bends over

Whys she act all giggly. Does she realise she's snagged him and created 2 kids with him? Stop acting like a virgin
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A pic of the gormless cunt 🤣

Also what is wrong with people the way he supports you and your interests. What fucking making a bed, opening curtains and hoovering. Ffs millions of people do that every fucking day. Guess what I did that all myself today & everyday. Im a lone parent who also has a real job. Where's my gold star. 🙄🙄🙄


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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Take your own advice you thick twat. Think of all the times you've actually hurt people. Yeh maybe not physically. But mentally when you've set your pack of mad wolves on innocent people who have the right to freedom of speech.
"Everyone deserves basic rights, treatment and security". Now think about it Sophie. Pot. Kettle. Black. Hurting others just doesn't mean killing or abusing people. Actions have consequences. Work it out for once.

Screenshot_20231011_192355_InsMate Pro.jpg
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I dip into the SSS thread every now and then and a few nustys over there were saying they were surprised SSS hadn’t put anything about the conflict given her family heritage. Wonder if sofa has been snooping over on her tend best bubs thread and got the idea from there. We all know tattle is her greatest source of content! She probs thought I’ll get one up on SSS and prove I’m more worldly and a true peace maker before then stealing someone else’s quote as her opinion.
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Sophie the serial plagiarist strikes again 😤
Once again stealing someone else's words cos she's too fickkkkkk to come up with her own...what a vile, pathetic cretin she is ...Once she reads on here no doubt she'll dirty delete the story 🙄
The only content she's done today is the story of her getting frisky with her dog at school run time this morning and a plagiarised quote ...says it all really
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Brilliant recap 👏🏽..the nicknames we have for that dog are hilarious 😂 id totally forgotten about chicken strip.
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Chatty Member
Hinch could never work in retail, it’s bloody hard work for shit wages, moving stock around doing rebuilds almost daily, she probably just thinks it’s sitting there behind a till smiling at the old dears & dishing out change, she wouldn’t last 5 mins! She has her boys names on absolutely everything & I have a name badge at work as a grown adult it scares me when a customer I don’t know calls me by my name like ‘see you later & my name’ it’s weird.
I used to have wear a name badge in my previous job. This resulted in someone hanging around my place of work in the evenings when I was on my own, offering me lifts in his car at lunch time when I’d see him at the smoking shelter (a habit I’ve now dropped) he gave me his phone number and email address and told me to call him. This freaked me out to the point the evening cleaner would stay with me at the beginning of his shift until I went home however, the final thing that made me report him was waking up one Saturday morning to a friends request on fb from him, no friends or photos etc on his profile. Our surnames weren’t on our name badges so he had done some serious digging to find that out. After that I was escorted to my car by security in the evenings and thankfully I never saw him again. I refused to wear a name badge after that and they removed them from all staff.
and yet she plasters her kids all over social media without a thought of what could happen to them!!
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Ronnie is learning well at school. I noticed he said “r-uh” (he added a schwa) instead of “rrrrr” but he was able to correctly identify sssss, mmmm, ttttt and even ch which was excellent. It indicates that school are actually undoing the incorrect sounds he’s probably picked up from YouTube. He’s doing well though.

However, I will say his pen control isn’t great. Nursery have a part to play in this - we have to assume he’s prob been there full time - lots of playdoh, sensory activities etc should have supported this. But like others have said - it shows he’s prob never allowed to do any drawing at home.

Eta - forgot to preface this with she shouldn’t be showing ANY of this.
Had come on to say this too, fellow teacher! 😂 considering his speech is delayed, I thought he did well with his labelling and phonics. Mummaz knowledge is poor (although phonics is hard for parents) and she should go to the how to teach phonics evening at school. His pen control is very poor but that’s hardly surprising when he is given activities for a one year and isn’t allowed to make a mess.
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Yeah Ron will have a 2 week half term so they’ll be away. She’s so weird, why doesn’t she just admit when she’s away?
Because then she'd have to admit how much she actually goes away and people would put 2/2 together and realise she's not ickle Sophie shining her sink and making cleaning reels. She's a brand that's made millions and can quite easily fuck off on holidays multiple times a year to expensive places and not give her sheep a second thought 😂😂 doesn't play well to the image she's trying to cling on to!
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