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So she's asked for everyone's addresses to give away something then randomly remembered a lady and has chosen her. She lives in maldon so she doesn't have to leave her little village.
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Big Fat Goalie

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Is that actually what she wore to such an apparently important meeting with such big decisions to be made!!! She really doesn’t know who she is, Karen Millen dress for the P&G tend meeting but then trackies for this! Pick a lane woman for gods sake!!!
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She’s just so D U L L.

I honestly cannot understand why any company would want a 4 hour meeting with her. Can she even be amongst the general public, unaided, for that long? I don’t know what annoys me the most, the ‘Oh my gosh guysssss, I don’t know if all these wildly expensive cosmetics are for me’ or the pretend huge meeting with the huge table full of cakes and biscuits. Yeah Soph, must’ve been a really serious meeting, discussing the most pertinent worldly topics, with all the attendees munching on a jammy dodger…
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This is so classic Hinch, and the sheep wonder why normal people have such an issue with her. To be clear:

Lon's 2nd birthday - she posts on stories making a big deal about party anxiety, making food, guests, parking etc :unsure:

In reality - she's got a wedding venue booked, with ample parking, catering and has hired entertainment :rolleyes:

She is so full of bullshit am surprised the whole of Maldon hasn't been evacuated due to the rancid stench.

🐂 :poop: :poop: :poop:
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Is it just me that honestly gets embarrassed watching her stories lately? Like I just kinda cringe? 👀they’re all just a bit of a fucking joke
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Bit of a serious post today from me lovelies 💔

I’ve just got home after what has been a horrible 24 hours visiting my father-in law. Tuesday night my husband got a phone call from his mother with some sad but also horrific news and asked us to come over.

His father is in hospital and their beloved collie Charlie had to be put to sleep. Why? Alpacas!

My husbands dad is a farmer and has bred alpacas on and off when he took over his parents farm almost 40 years ago. 6 years ago he decided to get more alpacas and that’s when he got Charlie.

Charlie and the alpacas grew up together, spent every single day together. Despite this, Tuesday evening, the alpha male lashed out and went crazy which resulted in Charlie getting crushed and his dad getting badly injured trying to save him. Charlie was just lying out in the sun when he was attacked. Due to the severity of his injuries, he had to be put to sleep and my father-in-law is in hospital with a broken jaw, not to mention countless cuts and bruises all over his body. He is absolutely heartbroken.

I’m sorry but I’m extremely angry today, knowing that Sophie Hinchliffe portrays this ‘floofy, best friends’ narrative for the world to see. ONE, yes ONE ‘floofy’ killed a dog and put my father-in-law in hospital. Out of the blue, he just flipped. Yet she puts two little kids and other animals to run freely with THREE of them!!

I knew they could be dangerous but seeing what one of them has done to my family has made me realise just how much 💔

Please Sophie for the sake of those precious little boys of yours, stop putting them at risk and protect them. Start treating the alpacas as livestock, what they actually are and stop playing Snow White for the sake of instagram, engagement and money.

Sorry for this depressing post lovelies, I couldn’t not say anything 😣
Oh my god!
I hope your FIL recovers quickly, and isn't too traumatised witnessing what happened to Charlie 🤍🌈
I'm sending your family lots of love.

Sophie acknowledged herself last week that alpacas are known to stamp things in order to kill them, but still puts her children in front of them. She reads here, she'll read your post and she'll ignore it.
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I see they soon dropped the "Ronnie and Rex best friends" narrative. Was that after Ronnie tried to push Rex off the chair? I have probably remembered that wrong but Ronnie definitely pushed rex or hit him on the head or??? I know there was something but I struggle to remember yesterday so I could be wrong 😂😂😂
I think hinch stopped that narrative when rex was obviously more developed then Ronnie. Made Ron look even more behind then hinch made out
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I’ve caught up on eastenders and seen the clip where hinch is mentioned.
The Slaters have the bailiffs in as they are struggling to pay bills with cost of living crisis. Basically said we’ll explain to the kids where all our stuff has gone by saying I’ve had a spring clean call me Mrs Hinch.
Interesting she didn’t show a longer clip! (Not Disney enough) My first thought was a few of the sheep have possibly had bailiffs round themselves because they’re trying to keep up with her spending money in useless tat and buying HER products
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My friend works in the clothing section of Tesco and she told me today they’ve had to remove all the Hinch pyjamas/clothing off the shelves as after tomorrow they can’t be sold or there would be legal consequences. Anyone know anything? Maybe another store has bought the rights to her overpriced tat!
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Wize Owl

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The only thing I remember from YouTube (not hers) is when poor anxious Sophie lead this meeting confidently and articulately but was on Instagram saying she was too scared to show her face 😂😂

Blesssh’er’arrrt, she was so shy, so anxiousssh. I bet she had such awful tummy shiversssh…. FFS, she even compared herself to Mr Muscle 🙄 I see she took NoNob with her, as per usual 🤭

It’s as I always imagined, right at the beginning of this shitshow there was Sopha, Jimbob and Fruitcake Freda all sat around the table coming up with the “Mrs Hinch brand“ They saw the likes of Mr Muscle, Mr Sheen, Mrs Meyer as well as Mr Kipling, Aunt Bessie, Uncle Ben, took the idea of a character and ran with it.

She got lucky, cleaning accounts were taking off on the gram and even luckier in covid lockdowns when people were home more, using IG more, jumping onto bandwagons like cleaning/organising their home and garden. I wonder out of the 4.6 million followers who aren’t paid for bots how many of the followers no longer even use IG now there’s no lockdowns, furlough, etc.

Her gram just shouts desperation now, trying this, trying that… the blethers, the get ready with me, my weekly shop, come shopping with me, spend the day with me, blah, blah, blah. That and using Rennie and Lenor and the menagerie for content. She’s on a slippery slope downwards and she knows it. Social Media is fickle, she claims she still can’t believe what’s happened to her 🙄🙄🙄 She’s snarky to anyone who doesn’t kiss her arse…. the shoppers/hunzz that are left are so far up her arse you would need a search party to find them 🔦 #mrshinchisover

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Makes me laugh that Astonish have launched a whole wealth of products with scents ‘designed’ by cleanfluencers. And someone has asked where was Hinch? 😂😂. Maybe that’s why she’s suddenly a very important person. Wasn’t even on Astonish radar
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Imagine how busy she must be feeling at the moment? Trains, hotels, 4 hr meetings, cars to other scary meetings, this is a lot to take in for a busy working mum. And on top of all that she needs to conjure up a bit of mum guilt too because isn't it Lonnies birthday party this weekend and here she is, miles from home having to be mega boss babe when all she really wants to do is just be at home, planning a party with a theme that fits her narrative but she's doing it because everything she does is for her boys! Apart from the basics of respecting their privacy and keeping them safe from unpredictable and potentially dangerous animals, everything she does is for her the boys!
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Yes it's Little City. She followed them a while ago. It's not a place though, they come to you. So she's hired a hall or something for the party. All the bs about parking and coats was just that...

Adding to say, if it's at someone's house, they must have a massive one because the set up is huge.
(Me and littlest pumpkin are regular Little City attendees 🤭)
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I firmly believe she only shared that petition reel very partly to drip feed a diagnosis for Ron, but mostly because in the first line that woman used the word “celebrity”, which Sloph clearly thinks applies to her more than the ‘influencer’ title that was also in there.
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