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The Green Triangle

Chatty Member
Blesssh’er’arrrt, she was so shy, so anxiousssh. I bet she had such awful tummy shiversssh…. FFS, she even compared herself to Mr Muscle 🙄 I see she took NoNob with her, as per usual 🤭

It’s as I always imagined, right at the beginning of this shitshow there was Sopha, Jimbob and Fruitcake Freda all sat around the table coming up with the “Mrs Hinch brand“ They saw the likes of Mr Muscle, Mr Sheen, Mrs Meyer as well as Mr Kipling, Aunt Bessie, Uncle Ben, took the idea of a character and ran with it.

She got lucky, cleaning accounts were taking off on the gram and even luckier in covid lockdowns when people were home more, using IG more, jumping onto bandwagons like cleaning/organising their home and garden. I wonder out of the 4.6 million followers who aren’t paid for bots how many of the followers no longer even use IG now there’s no lockdowns, furlough, etc.

Her gram just shouts desperation now, trying this, trying that… the blethers, the get ready with me, my weekly shop, come shopping with me, spend the day with me, blah, blah, blah. That and using Rennie and Lenor and the menagerie for content. She’s on a slippery slope downwards and she knows it. Social Media is fickle, she claims she still can’t believe what’s happened to her 🙄🙄🙄 She’s snarky to anyone who doesn’t kiss her arse…. the shoppers/hunzz that are left are so far up her arse you would need a search party to find them 🔦 #mrshinchisover

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Absolutely this. She's created the brand Mrs Hinch to be this dim, anxiety ridden woman who just got lucky with her account when in fact the whole thing has been meticulously planned* (with a bit of Covid luck thrown in for good measure). But now she is inexorably linked to being Mrs Hinch when we all know Sophie Hinchliffe is a very different kettle of fish. With no skills beyond the theory of marketing she is unable to separate Mrs Hinch from Sophie HInchliffe so she cannot head in a different direction. She is always going to be Mrs Hinch and she is always going to need other people to give her content. Fancy living your entire life through Insta, having to pretend to be someone you're not and knowing whenever you are out in the wild someone may see you for who you really are.

* pity the planning didn't involve an exit stategy and she was too arrogant to think that maybe one day Mrs Hih might fail her..

And despite this, of the not so numerous actual followers she does have, so many are cleaning/grey home accounts who think that maybe one day will be their day and they'll be able to cash in big time as a cleaning influencer. Most of them wouldn't think twice about trashing Soph if it meant they could get her "fame" and money. Their interaction is all just suckin gup to each other as they circle round all their accounts hoping one day they will break free and "make it". Meanwhile out in the real world we "trolls" are enjoying our lives with our beautiful families and friends, creating genuine memories that we only share with the people who need to see them.. Guess I know which life I prefer.
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Fucking party anxiety? Oh for Christ sake, is there anything this twat doesn't affix aniexty to?
She's had parties before for Rons last three birthdays and for Lennie's 1st birthday right? So why is she going on like she's never had one before. Worrying about when to cut the cake and if they should be put in party bags. Heard it all now. If that's what's worrying you in life, you got an easy fuck life!
Maybe I'm old school but just chuck the coats on the bed and be done with it.
Fucking cunt makes a mountain out of a molehill over everything 🙄
As for the give me your address! I'm actually shocked.
Also how convenient that whoever she dropped it off to was pretty local I assume? She wouldn't go more than 5 mins out of her way would she?
Also chucking them in a few carrier bags, surely she could have presented them a bit better. How about in one of your many baaaarskets?!
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I just do not understand the need for quite so many cleaning products.

Here is what I use, these are the ONLY cleaning products I have in my house, I DONT use anything else because its just not needed:
•Method anti bac all purpose spray
•Fairy but not her shit one
•5 litre bottle of white vinegar
•Citric acid (brill for descaling the kettle)
•Viakal (VERY hard water)
•Harpic (the black one, again limescale)
•Method floor cleaner to go in the mop
•Morrisons own brand non-bio
•Dr Beckman carpet stuff

That is it, I have no other chemicals AT ALL! We don't use wipes, we don't use unnecessary plastics, it just blows my mind the shit she sprays everywhere!

ETA- sorry I forgot my aldi cheap as chips dishwasher tablets! I'm still learning guys!
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Hinch should not be given any skincare or makeup deals because the only thing she likes to wear on her face are FILTERS!! She shouldn’t be allowed to advertise anything beauty or skin.
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It’s all an act - I don’t believe for a second she finds her fake meetings scary. I am quite sure she thinks and acts like a major diva.
she pretends it’s all so scary because she talks to her followers as if they were ‘********’ children. Tbf most of them are.

this whole acting goes hand in hand with ‘i don’t know how any of this happened to little old me guys’

She’s a demanding selfish entitled cunt and she knows exactly what’s she’s doing and what’s she’s going for.

She should be scared and should get the shivers thinking of how she endangers her children’s safety every day. But she isn’t because she doesn’t give a fuck.

Whatever she’s working on to sell isn’t going to sell. I’m more than happy to see the corporates marketing strategy fail.
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Soph, we are already well aware you're a lying cunt, but there is no way Febreeze has been in your life since you were a child at your parents house. Flash, Lenor, Fairy ... yes. Febreeze? Fuck off.
She began insta life spraying her furniture and curtains with watered-down lenor, she’d not even heard of fabreze then !!!
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The Green Triangle

Chatty Member
Not sure how comfortable I’d feel writing my address on a comments box on insta that she could easily just share. I’m sure she wouldn’t, but still….
I imagine this is all part of her marketing to find out where her followers live thus giving her useful info on the demographics of her followers/shoppers. She'll get some good personal through that one story. What a horrible way to gather info on people that she'll use totally for her advantage.
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Her voice over is like reading a Janet and John book... Like how a child would describe their day.
I'm sure everyone was so glad they got to see her put her ticket in the machine at the train station 🙄 who the fuck even films that?!
I don't think we need to worry too much, she'll probably do these for a couple more days then these 'spend the day with me' attempts will be binned off to the big bin of failed ideas like the elf on the shelf, the blethers etc. She will find a new obsession/phase to go onto and absolutely rinse it to death.
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I admit I didn’t watch the “vlog” sound up. I get the impression she claimed Lonnie had a club to attend. What sort of club for a 2 year old requires a book bag? I don’t buy it. I think that kid goes to nursery.
I agree, I have always thought that house is too quiet to have children in all day?

Normal family life, however big your house is, usually has kids running loose most of the day so we would catch a glimpse of one of them?

I think they are both posted off first thing and probably don't return until 3/3.30pm that's why she calls it "school"

Which then gives her the whole day to do......

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Imagine being incapable of doing something nice without posting it all over the net. It just makes you a CUNT, Sophie.
That could've and should've went to someone who was struggling, not someone you know who's clearly doing alright for themselves by releasing a journal.

It's like the videos you see of people feeding the homeless, but recording it and putting it on the Internet. "Good deed". It's pathetic.
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She’s excluded Ron because as parents we know what happens on birthdays- they fight over the presents- but Sophie wants it Disney perfect. We just deal with it in our house and always get the one whose birthday isn’t to buy and wrap a gift, the other one gives, and that is what they most excited to give them rather than be the one opening them. We would never ever open presents for anybody without both the children being there whose ever birthday it is. Really sad.
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God help us in the North, time to round up the villagers with torches and pitchforks and drive her back to Essex 😂
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Wouldn’t it be hilarious if LF dragged her arse up to Manchester for a meeting, she got all excited getting in her ‘Boss Babe’ mode & they just wanted to tell her they were dropping her due to all the flack they’ve been getting with her advertising products with filters etc….sigh, one day guys 🤞
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Scary meeting...oh fuck off.
I wouldn't mind one of her 'scary meetings' where she will do absolutely nothing, maybe a few 'boss bitch' nods 🙄 and then sign a contract for an obscene amount of money to be a useless dull cunt getting paid for nothing. Makes me sick.
Makes me more sick these companies are paying her to be a useless cunt too aswell as plying her with freebies and expensive hotel stays.
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Hinch babe when you read here later. Yes, it’s tricky when you have two young kids close in age to navigate “birthdays and sharing”. But it’s possible. What we do is make a big fuss with the sibling about buying a present from them to give and making a card. We now have no issues from the older one about it being the younger ones birthday because they love the idea of GIVING and see that there is joy in giving. The younger one is getting there with this notion too - because it’s been modelled a lot.
They’ve also figured out that any toys, once opened by the birthday child will end up in the playroom and open to play with by all. So just chill and wait patiently 😂😂.
We called it that the playhouse would be indoors. Ronnie will be playing with it as much as Lonnie. She should have just accepted that anything she gets Lonnie at this age won’t ever just be for Lonnie.
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Look Fantastic: So, Sophie, thanks for travelling up to us! There was no need though, we could have done a zoom call?
Hinch: I'm fank yoo. Well Jaymeee said I should come up and film it for content and I thought yeah, it would be good cos you'd have to give me a nice hotel and freebies and I wouldn't have to put the kids to bed. I mean, I wouldn't have to take them to see the boats.
LF: erm..right. Well anyway, we've got big plans for you, Mrs Hinch! We're thinking that you do an edit, the things you think your followers would buy?
Hinch: riiiight, gotcha, and I say "I just laaaave it!!", but I don't have to use it, do I?
LF: Well, yeah, that's sort of the point? That you're endorsing it for your fans?
Hinch: ahh * nods and points *, its OK, I never use anyfing that I flog to the shoppers! I like all the proper expensive stuff that I never show them!
LF: FFS, knew we should have got a Love Islander instead...
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So she was at the Hut group studios - will they be helping her bring out her home range and sort out logistics for her? Homebase could be a red herring as someone suggested. If they have signed a deal with her then they must be mad given that Tesco have got rid of her - they couldn’t even flog her garden set. I can honestly say that no family members, friends or school parents ever speak of Mrs Hinch - she’s not as popular as she’d like to make out. As for having her name on cleaning products…well people just need cleaning products - it’s as simple as that. P&G could probably stick my dogs name on one of their products and if the packaging looks good and the price is right I’m sure it would still sell 😂

we are seeing the real Sophie - confident and smug as hell. Still fake with her kids though. She should try parenting them once in a while!
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