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I've never posted here before but have sat and read alot of posts feeling relived there's others who can see through her fakeness! I used to think I must be so miserable or a hater when everyone I spoke to sung her praises and I couldn't understand how they couldn't see it was all a marketing ploy.

Like alot of people I was a keen follower in the start buying my minkys and scrubdaddys, her books and feeling so overwhelmed when my house wasn't spotless and I wasn't able to make bloody puffpasty spinach pies for lunch everyday. This thread title caught my attention cause not long ago I was homeless living in a hotel with my daughter and partner. We could barely afford to eat and now we're finally in a home of own seeing Mrs hinch brag brag brag and complain about how hard life is I had to unfollow. She has no idea. We feel lucky to have dinner on the table every night even if that is beans on toast or ham and cheese toasties. When youve been homeless you appreciate everything. Our home isn't perfect but it's a home and I don't think that's something she'll ever experience. To me a home is mismatching ornaments you've collected over the years, the sound of your kids laughter and toys sprawled everywhere, last night's dishes still on the side cause real people with real jobs and lives are tired and understand it is normal to have mess (not random loo rolls thrown on the landing to create her tend mess to be relateable).

I am so sick of seeing grey and beige everywhere, where's the colour in the kids room? I bet they won't be allowed to make a mess or it'll ruin her aesthetic! So many of us are saving to be able to decorate just one room yet she's done the whole house in one go. People are choosing between gas and electric, food and petrol and she's swanning around between her two homes bragging about shopping hauls when that's most people's monthly budget for essentials. I'm just so glad I found this place to know other people feel the same.
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Mrs Hinch #540 The real world chooses heating or eating, while Mrs Hinch flogs her overpriced seating

Winning thread title inspired by @whatholsays

Thread suggestions taken from page 30 onwards and can’t contain swears.


The reason for Soph’s quiet spell became clear when a new range of garden furniture was spotted in Tesco. Not posting before a big reveal is a known tactic to increase reach and engagement.

The sheep are falling over themselves to get the new Hinch egg chair, which appears identical to those in B&Q; but far more expensive.
Surely little old Sophie, who has no idea how this happened to her guys, didn’t allow an inflated price just because it’s got ‘Hinch’ on the box?! That wouldn’t be very fair to the boys’ aunties, would it?

In between the huns posting the furniture and Sophie eventually catching up with her pre-records and sharing it herself, she managed to pop to mummy’s for a cuppa.

I’m surprised it’s taken so long for her to release furniture guys, if I’m honest. We all know how much she loves having a sit down.

Then it was back to ‘tend Farm for some Llama lovin’ - except it was the exact same as she posted last week, so we still have no idea where Royoioi is.
In fact, we haven’t seen the other two in a few days, either…

Bespoke rattan wardrobe doors for Lennie, then keeping it relatable with a jus roll monstrosity for lunch.

This morning Jamie took the boys out and Sophie stayed at home to clean. How very 1950’s of you Soph.

A walk in her dressing gown with Lennie around Greyskull estate was followed by a trip to Gepetto’s workshop, then accessorising the dog wash (it doesn’t get any less ridiculous no matter how often I say those words).
Back to Greyskull for a quick undeclared ad for Label Lady (other labels are available), then back to ‘tend Farm to do some ‘tend parenting with a rogue timestamp. Not a pre-record, surely? She’s dropping hints about baby number 3, which is the worst idea she’s ever had.

Amazingly, after all that, she still had the time and energy to try out the dog wash (nope, still ridiculous).

Poor Henry was panting anxiously throughout, and Soph’s grid post shows just how overweight he really is now 😔

We can only hope that the alpaca people like spaniels, and sneak Henry out too.


In ASA-related news, Jamie, Tesco and Flash are all in trouble this time.


ASA link to report undeclared ads and filtered make up ads
Make a complaint

If you’re new around here, please read the wiki
Mrs Hinch

and thread #500
Mrs Hinch #500 Sophie Hinchliffe: This is Me; Life in Lists (of Lies) - The Tattle Truths


Fiddle is Soph’s mum.
Weepy Al is Soph’s dad.
Inch and Janine is Jamie (please read the wiki).
Jamie is short for James.
Ronnie and Lennie don’t rhyme.
Hinch Farm is not a farm.
The alpacas are also known as camels, llamas, Maldon three, woolly wankers, fucking fluffheads, bucktooth bastards.
Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.


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Oh dear. Sheep incoming today I’m sure.
Ploite reminder not to engage everyone, just report.

As a gentle bit of persuasion to try and open some eyes, a few truths:

•This is, and always will be a Ronnie rave thread. Nobody here wants anything but the best for that little boy and we celebrate every step he takes.

•Henry is overweight and looks downtrodden. Again, everyone here only wants the best for the dog, we don’t want to see him end up in an early grave.

•Mrs Hinch, is not your friend. She is a shrewd saleswoman and so is her husband. They both know exactly what to say and what to do to make you part with your hard earned cash. All the while, they get richer and richer.
Any pretence of a friendship between her and you, the customer, is fake.

Sophie hates this site because we can see through all of her smoke and mirrors, that’s the truth. She has no powers of moderation here. She can’t delete negative comments and we are not blowing smoke to her arse.

Interested to read more?
Start here:

Then here:

You don’t end up with 540 threads here for nothing.
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or JusRollWithIt

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Yes but it’s what you choose to share and do with those 120 seconds that we take issue with. It’s the influence those 120 seconds have on the vulnerable which you exploit. It‘s 120 seconds of your children’s private moments they did not consent to being shared with the world. It’s the 120 seconds you use to weave whatever narrative (lie) that’ll line your pockets by breaking advertising standards. I could go on, but 540 threads here speak for themselves.
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She only gets really riled about tattle when the focus is on how overweight Henry is. Somehow she will twist that in her head as tattle say SHE is overweight. If you’ve been here long enough you’ll see the pattern or her “troll rants” usually follows something said about Henry. She knows she’s not got a leg to stand on about her children on here. It’s all supportive for their removal from Instagram etc. but the dog. That gets to her.

I wonder whether she had planned to show the content from the antiques fair. Or whether she had intended to make it seem connected to something else. I don’t know. If she was going to share this content why not share it prime time on a Sunday instead of quite late at night? Or Yano share it in real time without the over editing? That led me to think she had no intention of sharing this content today. I believe she films pretty much every aspect of her entire life. Yet what she then goes on to choose to share is very telling.

And whilst I’m here. Not dummy shaming. Mine had them - one had it obsessively until he was 3. But I didn’t let him have one unless he was napping. He wouldn’t have had one shoved in his gob for sitting on a steam train. Show Ronnie on the steam train? Oh yeah he wasn’t there. I’d bet money on that trip to soft play being from weeks or months ago. There’s no way Jim Bob is going to soft play in thick tracksuits anymore. He strikes me as a “shorts as soon as I can” kinda guy.

Oh and sopha. Whilst I’m here getting this all out. I wouldn’t have spent 3 years of my life on these threads if I didn’t believe you were a dangerous, toxic individual who needs calling out. You are the troll.
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So she's apparently seen 'the most beautiful pictures' of the Hinch garden range in shoppers homes... but if you scroll through her tagged pics there is not one pic of her garden furniture 🤣 no-one in their right mind is buying that tat.
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Ah Sophie, does the truth rankle? Here’s the thing, you’ve chosen to share 120 seconds every day for years because it brings in the money you’re burning through at an alarming rate. Your choice. If you don’t like some fair and justified criticism, come off Instagram. Except you won’t because it’s the only hope of affording your new place for a few more years.

As for the 120 seconds, people rightly assume you’re showing the best 120 seconds. So when you’re making shitty pastry concoctions, failing to engage in a non hysterical way when your son is trying to talk and lying round in grotty tracksuits on the sofa, we assume that’s how you live. The content is all provided by you, not us. That’s what you’re choosing to share.

In your heart of hearts, do you think your life is aspirational and you’re genuinely shocked that people have the audacity to criticise you? Or are you just scared that the faithful sheeple will realise it’s all a filtered pretence and your income stream will stop? I genuinely don’t know the answer. Either way, try some self reflection, stop the lying and the bragging and you might start to understand why you piss people off so much.
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Tell us more….
It was at an antique fair near where I live. She was with her mum, her niece (maybe?) and Lennie - no Jamie or Ronnie that I see anyway!

She was cuddling Lennie and he was smiling away but one of the staff at the fair said something to her and she gave a one word reply and walked off, she just walked around with a bit of a superior air if that makes sense? And she was wearing ginormous sunglasses…it wasn’t sunny 🤣
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Considering it was you, Hinch, that trolled Tulissa, and that poor lady who’s cat had passed away. Maybe take ‘your own’ (more likely another plagiarised quote) advice and quit bitching and sniping to others. 🤷🏻‍♀️
so if anything it’s actually worrying that she’s got a terrible opinion formed of her based off short clips then surely? Surely if she is so brilliant and thinks she’s Mary Poppins, she’d have an abundance of time to show the best moments of her day? This literally makes no sense. If people can find you being a cunt in tiny clips then and your trying your best to show the best bits then yeah. Something isn’t right.

Also, I do not believe anyone needs to be nice to you. Practise what you preach. You want people to be kind but you won’t?


1) you use your children and put their full identity out their to millions, including bum stretchers and cumsluts. All of us here know their face, full names, where they live. The world is not full of nice people. Some people will take that information for bad things. You are not kind to your kids.

2) not kind to your kids point two. They can’t consent to the use of their images. The human rights act in the U.K. says we all have the right to a private life, yes, your children could easily sue you as adults under this legislation as you took it away from them when they had no capacity.

3) you are not kind to animals which to me, is always a sign someone is bad. People have been very gentle about how large Henry is, he has been over weight for nearly 2 years. Actual alpaca people have made comments you keep your livestock in an area too small and more comments are coming up that they are also looking fat.

4) you stole the quote from a woman with an autistic child. As a mother of an autistic little
Boy, the things I write are from the heart. If people want to use my words with credit I wouldn’t care. You took the words of another mum because you can’t think of any nice words for your own kids. You couldn’t even apologise. Shocking.

5) you have some real ableist shit going on. Diagnosed or not and none of us know if Ronnie is. I’ve seen some stimming, some meltdowns (not tantrums) and the way you talk to that little boy is disgusting. Ableist people aren’t nice.
fyi you clearly don’t want him diagnosed and I doubt you’ll seek it but unfortunately for you, this will lead to a life time of misery and there’s every chance he’ll self diagnose like lots of autistic people do now and resent you for not supporting his true self.

6) you are not kind to your fans. You know your demographic are low earners and watch you as they believe you are relatable but you aren’t anymore. We all know you are not arsed about hauls anymore yet you still encourage it and pretend you are to get people feeling like your mate. Your house isn’t b&m now. Studies have shown people who form intense parasocial relationships are higher risk of having mental health problems. The people you target feel alone and like they don’t fit in. You know full well you target vulnerable low earners. You are not nice.

i am nice to people that are nice.

oh and we won’t just not watch you. All of us watch you because you are unethical. Immoral. Selfish and you are a parasite off the fans that got you to the place you are now. We also want to see your lovely son grow up and get the fuck away from you. If you don’t like that people view you as all these things either get off the internet or act the kindness that you want everyone to show to you!
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Remember that time you set your Hinchers on someone who commented on your post and did nothing to stop the vitriol they spouted at her?
Remember the time you stole quotes from other people and didn’t credit them, just turned it back on them?
I don’t remember you being KIND or NICE then 🤔

Remember that everything you put on SM will be there forever. Those 120 second clips of your sons or your dog can be viewed by anyone and yes people will have an opinion of how they look, act and how you treat them. You are exposing your own children to who knows what in the future.
If you don’t like it, don’t put their lives, details and images out there, go private and keep MrsHinch as a business account for your shilling of overpriced tat and stolen hacks.

Lastly Sophie Rose Hinchliffe, If posting your whole life to a PUBLIC Instagram page is affecting your own mental health, then I respectfully and kindly suggest that you step away if you cannot deal with anyones opinion that doesn’t align with yours.

edited for awful spelling and grammar
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I’m not too proud to admit that I got sucked into the Hinch mania when she first started for 6 months. Back when she gave out what I thought at the time to be good tips so there I was with me Flash bathroom and my Christmas bauble bag.

First, I was rambling off all these tips to my 70 year old mum who was like….”yeah, I know. People have been doing that for years.”
Then, I clocked how much money I was spending on cleaning products and a fucking GREEN SPONGE, read Tattle, had a word with myself and here we are.

Glad I got out then so that I now don’t have to find myself going on the game (or to be more modern, Only Fans) to afford a dog wash for a dog I don’t have purely because Hinch has one.

She is so bloody unrelateable.
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For any new members or trolls coming to have a go. A lot of us have been here since the start. She has MASSIVE form for this. Whenever there’s something big coming or she’s spent a fortune or there’s a negative article in the msm or even just criticism on social media, out comes the Sopha playbook. We’ve had depression, anxiety, ‘arthritis’ in her wrists, broken coccyx, toothache, more depression, PND, broken toe, the use of a filter that made her look terribly ill-like seriously unwell. And sadly we’ve even had her use her children (especially Ronnie) when something is afoot.
Hinch if you can’t stand the heat get out the kitchen. Top tip-not everyone in the world will like you. That’s not how life works. You put yourself into the public forum, folk will comment. Been happening since humans first roamed the earth. Get a fucking grip
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Comments on her latest grid post. Take notice Hinch. Although I suspect the block button will be used instead.

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