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Why on earth she can’t write “the storm is bad isn’t guys. Whilst we all cosy up here’s something I filmed the other day at the tend farm” is beyond me. She’s soooo rigid with her content calendar.
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Those pillows are god awful 😞 that mural isn’t much better, it’s suffocating the room, what happens if Ron is terrified of it? Reminds me of this

I love the recaps 🤣 and another outstanding @Andioooop creation. The futtzzz 🤣🤣
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What the fuck is that fish story about? Ronnie is happily holding a fish, Lonnie is mildly interested but happy to play with whatever toy it is he has, they aren't fighting or arguing, L9nnie is too young for that. SHE is the one causing the problem, demanding that Ronnie gives up a toy he is playing with. Why is she so nasty to him, she comes across as a right bellend. It's so sad to see, she makes it so clear that she sees Ronnie as a problem and Lennie is the favourite. Horrible woman.
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Good god, how cruel can one woman be. I’ve watched the story once but can’t bring myself to watch it again or catch up with all the comments, I’m sorry.

Thread suggestion - she’s got pretend problems, I feel bad for her son, she’s got 99 problems but her kids ain’t one
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I would judge someone for having knives and forks with hinch on it wtf 🤣 you have to be a complete crackpot to want some nobody from Essex stamped on your cutlery?! That is some bizarre shit.
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Soph thinks that is a tantrum? A placid lil bubba just giving his big brother a glance to see what he's up to? Do one, Soph. I had a bigger tantrum last night when my SO ate my leftovers from lunch (and I'm almost 38).

I can't have kids and though I've come to terms with it, it's bloody hard when I see people with little ones treat them poorly. Ronnie is a beautiful little boy, and deserves better than being used for interaction from the sheeples.
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Has she actually photoshopped the pic to put Lennie on Ronnies lap?
I've actually laughed out loud at this!!!

Lon is twice the size on Ron and there's no dent in the cushion where Lon 'the gigantic' is laying 😂
Ron looks like one of Gullivers people ffs against his baby brother 😂😂

Hands down this is the funniest thing I've seen in ages!! 😂
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Absolutely love the thread name it is never been so true literally in that boat right now £300+ debt with my energy suppler as it a choice to feed my child with disabilities and a disabled husband or pay a energy bill. Why bellend and skank lavish it up in a trashy hotel and rub it in the faces of her hunnays and us normal folk struggle like fuck. The woman is boiling my piss more and more
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Only person having a tantrum today was you Hinch.

That wee boys happy with his book and for god sake, let Ronnie have his fish he’s happy. Notably less happy when you opened your gob.

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Guyzzzzz I broke my little toe. Don’t worry I’m sure it’ll be like hinch where I’m walking fine after a day 🙃
Oh, love!
Can I get you anything?
Oramorph? Radio interview? Seemingly last minute trip to Scotland?

(In all seriousness - I hope it doesn’t hurt too much!)
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There was no kindness in how she spoke to R , but her voice is full of love when she speaks to her alpacas . And if she thinks that's a tantrum she's in for a real shock when one actually happens .
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The tone with which she speaks to Ronnie is the awful. I am capable of barking and snapping at my two. Man yesterday the almost 3 year old scraped his toy car all up the wall of the hallway and scratched half the paint work off. My instant reaction was to exclaim “oh come onnnn”. But then the look my sons face was one of pure sadness, so quickly I changed my tone and said “ok hey baby sous chef we can’t scrape our cars up the wall. We can play with our cars on the rug. Shall we make sure we keep our cars on the rug?” “Yes mummy” he replied. Then I said “would you like to help me try to fix some of this?” He did. Together we gave the wall a quick scrub and sorted most of the scuffs out. I keep a pot of white paint to do instant touch ups on stuff like that. Fixed within 30 mins. No probs.
i am not perfect. I struggle to not lose my cool. I’m used to dealing with teenagers where I can be a bit more direct. Toddlers you can’t. Toddlers you need to think long term. The bigger picture. The lesson yiu want them to learn. I also don’t upload interactions like this onto Instagram.
I know full fucking well she follows loads of those gentle parenting accounts. Loads of them. The big ones. The ones that tell you to NOT do what she does in that video. She thinks it’s relatable to be pissed off with your kids but she’s not Victoria Emes or one of those comedy accounts who show how shitty being a mum is. She’s Mrs hinch the cleaner. She doesn’t get the balance right of doting mum and exasperated mum. She’s not a mum account. So when she shows things like this all she does is show she hates being a mum.
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