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Chatty Member
Why hasn't she got the play house and bouncy castle at the farm (when this wind and rain die down) for the children to play on outside? All the outside toys the boys playing with. It's a crying shame.
Totally agree.
All has to fit the perfect aesethic which is totally NON kid friendly.
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Biggest storm in 30 years, let's hope the Maldon 3 are OK left alone tonight😒
Is it bad i couldn't give a single shit about the 3 overgrown, deformed sheep 🤭. I am more concerned about Henry being scared of the wind lol (dog lover, I make no apologies lol 😆 😄)
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I knew about the Middle East but seriously ... so rich men can crap on her? 😳💩
It was Mr Panda who ruined my week by telling me that this kind of stuff is going on! Did a little Google (not too much cos I’ve got a sensitive stomach) and it does appear to be true. Not sure about this person in particular, but yeah, it’s how a lot of ‘influencers’ are able to promote that lifestyle.

I wonder why Soph a is following her… in all honesty I hope it’s not for more work on her face, she just doesn’t need it and it’ll only lead to more insecurities in the future.
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She’ll probably show up to Solomons wedding in a white dress to try and steal the limelight and post to say she’s so embarrassed and didn’t even realise it would look like a wedding dress! 🙄
I'm kind of hoping she does now 🤣🤣🤣
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Urrgh ... the sickly 'staged' photo of faux laaarve hand holding, chavvy thumb rings & making sure the freshly manicured nails are on show guyyysch! Almost looks like it's part of a photo shoot? 🤔

"Me me me ... I'm 32 dontchaknow, humble, mature and full of wisdom - chapter fucking 32 here we come!" 🙊🙊
What a load of cock & bull!

Feartaah tomorra and a hotel booked by Inch for a bit of "haaaarz ya farrrfer" hide the birrrday cocktail sausage ? 😉
We just know it's going to be another "I'm soooo blesssssed" vomfest and gushing over messages from her sheep saying how much she laaaarves 'em all! 🤪🤢
I literally snorted laughing at “haaaarz ya farrrfer” 😂
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Her mate SS hasn't wished her a Happy Birthday yet. Such good mates they are. Not!!
Well I suppose she is actually working for a living, and is apparently spending her free moments calling Joe and the boys back home 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Bob's Aunt

Well-known member
"Sausage90, post: 8461565, member: 213501
Great shout on the vow renewal.

I've never understood that myself. I made vows to Mr Sausage years ago and I meant them.

Unless you've broken your vows, what is the need to renew them?

I feel exactly the same, coming up 17 yrs married, when I made those vows I meant them.

Hinchypoo is a pisstake, she seems to have no clue about what real people going through. Our heating is off as much as possible, log burner going and the doors open to let the heat go through the house. Hot water bottles and blankies to cosy under on the sofa. All this and we never had the heating up very high. Don't even get me started on food shopping !!!
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VIP Member
Rumour has it Jamie likes to run around soft play shouting 'RONNIE HINCH', he probably loves the idea of Sopha's huns fawning over him by association of their leader 🤢
Nothing like endangering your offspring, oh but wait, aren't Hunchers all Ron's aunties? So it's ok then isn't it?
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That’s the badger! Mr P did tell me that but I think I forcefully removed the information from my brain so I wouldn’t be tempted to Google it 😂
It's even worse than I imagined, drugs are illegal in Dubai and drink but not that depravity, and Hinch follows her😳
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Chatty Member
There’s no way he’s packed on all that timber by eating the portions she dishes up.
If he has, then the professional in me suggests a blood test.

the way she’s grabbing all those gifts back from Ronnie as well 👀
Noticed that, snatchy grabby bitch
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Managed to go and get her nails done too they were dark this morn 🤭
Those new nails will be a bit recognisable for pre records. Although she won't keep them for long, haven't they got little lovehearts on? Surely that would have been for Valentines Day. Didn't see them yesterday. :unsure:
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