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Well-known member
I’ve just looked at Inch’s page to look at his story, and that photo of Ron, the first one on the page. He has the cutest little face, but why have they dressed him like Del Boy?
He’s either dressed like a baby still wearing babygrows for bed, or like a little gangster I don’t get it? Can he not just wear something comfortable with bright childish colours?
When family buy for my little boy they get him lovely outfits, branded sweatpants and jumper sets etc but when I buy for him I get him rainbow striped tops, purple tops with dinosaurs on, FUN clothing!
Is it just fashion now? I’m only early 20s but am I being old fashioned and behind?😅🤦🏻‍♀️
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'You are exactly where you are meant to be' is the biggest load of 💩 I've ever heard. The women is a soulless cretin.
That's probably one of the more insulting things I've ever seen her post. Is she implying that people who are living on the brink of poverty, or stuck with an abusive partner, or were themselves a victim of abuse as children, are where they're supposed to be?? Or does it only count if you're doing well?
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I know a few people that were in a MASSIVE band a few years ago. There was always all this talk about a member “ not giving interviews” as they were so private and mysterious……turned out rest of band and management had BANNED them from doing interviews as they ALWAYS fucked it up
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Why does she choose the worst possible names for everything. Its like everything must be comically named right down to ronald and lonald, or she just has some weird obsession with east end stereotypical old man names oi oi ya cunt.
Her kids names are a strange choice very much reminds me of The Kray brothers (Ronnie & Reggie) oiii oiii! I think Inch may have had input and James had to be in their middle names not just because of Jimbobnoknoborjob but Weepy Al's middle name being James too!
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Well-known member
Hahahahhaha omg you can’t even see how bad it actually is. I bet it looks horrific in person. She’s an arse for not using a Brillo properly for all of her sheep to witness and the sheep are just thick as Ron’s mural pigs shite. They FEEL abrasive af just holding them, can they not tell it will scratch the hell out of that sort of surface?
The hinchers just don’t have 2 brain cells between them all. The lights are on, but nobody’s home springs to mind 🥴🥴
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VIP Member
Well she did have a secret garden until she broadcasted to the whole of instagram....not so secret now is it Soph
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VIP Member
Hmmm you’ve got my brain working now!

You’re not the wife of the garden centre man are you Fanny?

You said Hinch popped up on your doorstep (in your garden centre perhaps?) at the weekend, and some of your post that day was en français….

Understand if you can neither confirm nor deny, but I’m wondering…..
Merci Madam,but you cannot be serious.
I am a nobody from Maldon.
I know Hinch is boring but don't start making it up as you go along 😂xx
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Pink blancmange

VIP Member
I hate how she keeps posting all this stuff about Ronnie about how 'he's exactly where he needs to be' 'he's so loved by millions'. She's really pushing on him that he has something 'wrong' with him. He's not had any diagnosis hes just supposedly little behind with talking isn't he?
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Oh my days - Oh yeah, Santa made a one off spechiaaal delivery on New Year’s fucking day?? I mean he’s usually done and dusted for children of the WHOLE WORLD by Christmas Day, but not for the hunch household, oh no 🙄

Sopha, you’re so see through, it’s so obvious you read here. Hi 👋🏻

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Chatty Member
"I made these treats for Lonnie"
No you didn't. You froze a sachet.
You didn't personally puree the fruit.
Absolute twatwaffle
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Sounds like she was a right nutter, maybe it was Freda herself then 🤣
Hinch woukd have been fine without Fiddles, remember she's got her hanky with her moms perfume to sniff on .
Freda Fiddles has got much to answer for. Her daughter still thinks she's a child herself with a spoilt self centrered persona & is a compulsive liar.

From some of those comments I've read written by her Mum, she really doesn't sound like a "lovely mummaz" at all - quite hard faced and rough - looks like she's chewed on a wasp! 😖
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