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Absolute prick of a woman ! Being an ex home bargains employee after 7 years you for one would not be allowed to stack an end bay! That’s a managers role! She’s also on the main till with the tannoy again that’s an experienced member of staff role.
Getting on my high horse here , but again she wouldn’t have clock on card for tills ! So that’s obviously another staff members , same with the uniform ! And where is the staff member who is training her ? Is that pleb who works minimum wage for an actual living not good enough to appear on her stories as she plays shop ?

not commented her in a long time but that has really got up my nose !!!

especially at the height of the pandemic I would stand behind my till almost in tears with fear at taking covid back home to my family ! With my youngest being 10 months old !
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She wouldn’t last an hour working in a supermarket, it’s not all scanning items, smiling & chatting at the till it’s bloody hard work, she has no idea the ignorant cow bag!

Do a proper shift Soph, minimum wage, lugging your tits off then tell us how much you love it!
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Is they yet another seat for Lenor? Does he ever just lie on the floor under a gym or trying to roll around to reach stuff? He looks so uncomfortable stuffed into that seat. Get rid of the vanity table of books and have that as a play area ffs, it’s not forever, for now your house needs to be geared up for the kids not you, you soon get it back again.
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So the troll crying story about the harvest haul has been deleted too. She really must have got some backlash and I don't just mean here on tattle. Its never been like her to delete a "poor little me" story. Now she needs to delete the home bargains stories that are very insulting to anyone working in retail. Actually see while she's at it, just delete her Instagram and fuck off social media and actually care for her kids and walk her dog ✌✌
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Soph if you are reading here later, please have a think about period poverty and whether you can add some sanitary products to your ‘harvest haul’.

Also toilet roll. Not a massive big pack but a few 4 pack size maybe?
Baby wipes?
Washing up liquid?

Don’t take it all to school and expect them to deal with moving it. Give Ron a couple of things to carry in, and quietly ask or email the office to ask how you can arrange to drop off a larger amount.
Or, offer the use of your cars for them to load up and you and Jamie go and drop them to the food bank! It’s not like you’re having to worry about affording to fill the car up with increasing petrol prices is it.
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You know, you could go and work scanning shopping and stacking shelves if you want Soph, working for minimum wage and being treated poorly is so much fun for normal people who struggle and have been subject to awful abuse and conditions over a pandemic.
She’s a fucking flannel - such a joke to her isn’t it?
I worked in a supermarket years ago at weekends and nights to fund university, and it is a job that I don't think I could go back to - and nothing to do with 'thinking I'm above it' or anything. I honestly don't think I could sit and put up with the way staff are treated again, nevermind with the pandemic mixed in. I've been treated like crap within the NHS at times, but nothing compares to some of the crap I was expected to put up with in retail, often with absolutely no support from superiors. The entitlement within society is shocking. Being chastised as I dared speak and ask for payment while someone is rudely chatting with a friend on the phone whilst being served, customers already eating products and just staring at you expecting their bags packed whilst they stuff their face with goods still unpaid for. It being our faults as individuals when a product was unavailable. I'll always remember the day I was grabbed and threatened over a kiosk counter because I had refused alcohol to someone who was definitely already drunk, and the day I was screamed at because someone's milk had turned when still in its 'use by'. I did it for 4 years before I decided I couldn't balance work and med school, and had to rely on loans, and I don't think she realises just how many people, esp in the current climate, are not there through choice but because they NEED to be there dealing with all this crap to feed their kids or keep their homes as they aren't rinsing followers with books of nothing or putting their name on existing poor quality products with bumped up prices (judging by some of the Tesco reviews). I wouldn't be surprised if as well as the shop employee, the other 'customers' she served weren't plants or picked out. There is no chance in hell she'd have been made to sit there and listen to anyone complain or talk down to her. She and P&G were tone fact HB too. Can you imagine sitting there while she 'plays' knowing you are on minimum wage having to actually do it, meanwhile her contracts probably mean it was lucrative for her to be there (and for probably HUGE amounts more) with her essentially mocking how you make sure your family's needs are met?
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Yeah working in home bargains for a couple of grand for an hour or two would be buzzing... Try 12 hour shifts, 5 days a week for minimum wage, you'd soon be bored shitless and fed up
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I'm not being funny, I'm a single mum and work 4 jobs, I'm on a shit income really and have extortionate rent to pay, we don't have much but what we do have we're happy with. I do this every month to the local food. Not once have I put a picture in social media, not once have I told people what I do (apart from you lot as you don't know who I am so makes no odds) it's not a lot really, I probably do £40 a month, i usually do one big shop and it's looks about the same amount as this so we'll done Mrs Grinch, it's about a minutes worth of income for her. She hasn't done it out if the goodness of her heart, it's too cold for that, she's done it for the gram
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Just so angry.

So many of us in retail. Shit wage. Over worked. No proper breaks. STILL skint. Fuck off hinch. What an absolute fucking joke.
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I don't think that woman has a genuine bone in her body. Everything she does is 100% for credit and likes. She has no idea how awful it is not to have food on your table, or worrying where your next meal is coming from. Nothing about poverty is fashionable, or insta worthy, or something to be part of for the amount of likes it will give you.

This food will be going to real families at a time in their lives when they probably feel the lowest and most vulnerable. There is no need to post your Harvest Haul on your shitty Instagram page in a pathetic attempt to make yourself feel better and to try and convince your sheep that you are a good person. Because guess what Grinch...your mask started slipping a long time ago and we all see you for the fame hungry, desperate wannabe you really are.
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I think she's not cottoned on to the fact that hinching is rapidly disappearing. Hinching was all about following all the (crappy) cleaning tips she used to churn out. Not about getting a new TV or making wooden crates as gift bags. She's lost her way, and her 'hinchers' are losing interest fast. Cleaning was the only way she knew to keep and grow a following. Hinchers aren't interested in what's inside Inchs joggers, they want to know how to get 'that' stain off the front of them.. No one wants to see a middle aged woman flirting with a grim chav like Inch, it's just 'smutty' (as my mum used to say) and stomach curdling, it really isn't funny Soph, even if your hard-core ultra Hinchers tell you it's funny. Lose the stupidity, stop pretending to he something you're not, get back to the cleaning or give up. Because your page is dull as ditchwater
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Iv not really took much notice of her lately but she has just peed me off. It’s like asking a child what would you want to do and they want to play shop. As an adult it’s called working in a shop to pay your fking bills not act like an over grown rich child who gets whatever they want. Grow up you stupid cow and see what a piss take you are. Hopefully it will come back to bite her ina few years and she will be grateful for a job like that.
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So this is my first time posting on this thread, have had to skip a few pages as I’m busy (looking after my baby!!!) so don’t know if this has been said.. she scanned her OWN shopping, and told this man that he can have it for free, ATV?! Ehhh am I missing something, because that man is clearly the manager/ works there, and it’s her own trolley that is waiting to be unloaded?! Sorry if this has been mentioned x


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Must be lovely having her bank balance. I've got £30 of my wages left to last until Friday. Everything is going up in price and I'm getting some overtime in. Seeing these two non workers flashing their cash aggrevates me, more than it should. I don't begrudge anybody having nice things, my husbands side of the family are millionaires, they've worked their nuts off running their own businesses. People are quick to bitch about benefit scroungers, these two are no better.
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She's pissed me right off today. Playing shops with millions in her bank yet these jobs allow people to make ends meet every month. Stupid chuffing cow !!!!
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Why would you ask her of all people that question and not the school, or another mum? Of course any donation will be helpful, no matter how many items. It’s all relative, you give what you can, if you can and that’s it. What she has donated there is most people’s equivalent of one or two items, so nobody should feel crap about it and if they are not in a position to donate anything, that’s fine too because some people are worried about where their own next meal is coming from. That’s the harsh reality. However, showing a boot full is unnecessary and crass, if she thought about it for a few seconds before posting she might just have come to that conclusion herself (but then again probably not in all honesty). There’s no reason why she couldn’t reply “just a few bits” or “whatever you can spare”. She needs to have a little think before posting and if she genuinely cares for her followers, she would contemplate how they would feel seeing her posts. Total lack of self awareness and then plays the victim every time she is called out. It’s getting old now!
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