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“I have Jamie at home a few days a week”

so we’re still pretending that Jamie didn’t give up his 9-5 to stay at home and make their money from insta/the Hinch brand?

she’s so removed from reality.
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“Jamie’s home a few days a week”
7. Jamie’s home 7 days a week because he doesn’t have a job. How does she have the audacity to lie like this?
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I’ve got two kids. 19’months between them. We don’t have family help. The 2.5 year old is still breastfed to sleep at night. The 4 year old is golden but because the small age gap between them I’ve struggled to see anyone. I’ve not seen my best friend for 3 years. Yep 3 years. Covid has played a part but it’s mostly due to having young children. I’ve not been out for drinks. Not gone out for meals. Not gone to the theatre. Not gone on a date with my partner. Nothing for 4 years. Nothing.
it’s the only time I think I ever feel “jealous” of her.
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She makes me soo mad. Those questions she has replied to, the one by the nurse. As a nurse myself I can't stand people like Hinch with all this power woman and incredible crap. She didn't think enough about protecting the NHS at all last year when she was having the mad mother over for barbecues in lockdowns did she?

And that picture of poor old Ronnie with his hand on Lonnie/Lennie/whatever his name is just made me feel really sad. There's never any happiness in that child's face, he's like a performing monkey. Poor little kid.
She didn't give a shit about any critical workers before covid PERIOD
She's horrible

This was one of the replies, do you think it really was the exes wife or a troll? 🙈
View attachment 765447
I'd pay good money for that ex to come to tattletown
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Now now, we all know Jamie is working on projects.

Project get the list of shopping Hinch wants.
Project eat a sneaky maccyd to avoid salmonella at home.
Project find a new house.
Project see the mother in law.
Project stroke Soph’s ego.
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So I have been thinking this for a while..

I do feel grinch has a better bond with no 2. This is because he is giving her narcissistic ego what it needs… currently. He’s cute (perfect for the gram) and responds to her with smiles and direct eye contact. Where as lovely Ronnie, well, doesn’t and never has.

Also that creeping through the door. Jesus Christ. She looks rough as FUCK.
Why is he like that? Makes my skin crawl. He acts like her carer. They have such a weird marriage and dynamic overall.
Ronnie is the the only smart one in that family. He can see through all their bullshit! Run Ron Run!!
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H AC12

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Inch 🤢🤮 heavy breathing, that voice peeping through a small crack could he get anymore creepy? He was just one step away from rubbing his thighs. Someone get him some cream slip on shoes and he can be that uncle at parties in the corner.
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Chatty Member
Right, I'm off on a rant again..

1. The bingo is now obviously becoming either an AD or an obsession to try and troll us with the bingo thing. More inclined to think AD because what almost ready to drop mother goes to bingo at that time.

2. Hinch threw those things on the table. You can actually see her looking at Gemma filming Stacey and the pure annoyance that she hasn't got her on the camera so she purposely throws something to get the attention onto herself. How pathetic and narcissistic is that? Imagine being a mother of 2 and being that immature and desperate?

3. Her tend anxiety. I'm on Sertraline for anxiety, I sometimes have to ask my husband to nip out for me for something basic as I'm too anxious to go out sometimes yet she's swanning off to her parents, bingo, theatres, weekends away, every 5 mins.

4. Why is it she can go to all the above things but she can't take her kids to the park, the farm, shopping, anywhere at all unless it's with inch? Just proof she doesn't like being a mother.

5. How does she have time for shit pumpkins when she has a baby and toddler? And all this up cycling..she literally doesn't do anything with those kids unless it's for the gram. I can't stand inch but at least he looks after Ron, he takes him out everywhere with him, he takes him to baby ballers, I hope one day inch stops seeking fame and realises what a shit show this is for his kids and runs a mile with them.
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Millionaires moaning to their audience that they’ve not won anything at Bingo.

Get yourselves in the bin you bunch of Fannys
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Jamie’s ‘job’ must be very accommodating I don’t think he’s left the house since the day she mentioned it 😆
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What the fuck is JimmyCheeseKnob doing creeping around the house at 10pm filming her through the crack in the doorway? If she doesn't know about it it's perverse and if she does know, that's even worse! As for her saying that Ronnie has taught her more than anyone in the world? What has he taught you then Soph? What can a delightful two year old like Ronnie actually teach a woefully inadequate mother like you? You barely spend any time with him, preferring instead to spend time on your latest and no doubt short lived obsession of clarting about with second hand pine furniture. If you're not doing that, you're pushing your cheap tatty loungewear for Tesco or promoting whatever is paying you the most at the moment. You often do things with your equally inadequate husband that Ronnie would love like decorating biscuits when he's in bed, visiting farms where you can interact with the animals and playing games. This latest story of you sprawled out on the floor with him is dreadful Sophie. It's totally staged, either by you having put a tripod up with your phone camera on it, or Jamie took the photo with your knowledge. Ronnie hasn't taught you one solitary thing but you've learned very quickly how he can be exploited by you and Jamie for financial gain, likes and engagement and sickening adoration from brainwashed followers of your cult. No doubt you're going to do exactly the same with Lennie. People like you are reprehensible Sophie. See if Ronnie can teach you what that means!
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