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I wish you all could of seen me mush when I was watching his stories... Tbh bet you all had the same face. Talk an absolute load of bollocks and it's pissing me off how he's so active.......

Does this remind you of anything Jamie? A tiny floppy dick, aye its him all over.
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Oh my actual god if the plastic poo thing wasnt bad enough - hes now being encouraged to pick it up with his bare hands...
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Both so boring and predictable, blowing smoke up each others arse🥱 flipping makes me cringe to fuck, bubs this, bubs that, love you to the moon and back, who run the world? Girls! Can't wait too do this together again, blah, blah bloody blah. How are you doing it together, you've already a 6 month old two month old, SS is still pregnant so??? Just grow up!
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Stacey must read here too she’s made the stark differences between Rex & Ron glaringly obvious. Both boys are little sweethearts I think Ron is held back by helicopter parents while Rex benefits from older siblings and a freer spirited mum.
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I have a concern. What if they decide they are not “alpaca people”? Not as easy to flush them down the bog is it? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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I just feel so sad for Ronnie, that last story when he was picking up the fake poo 💩 🙄 you could tell that the reason for the music is because he’s being instructed what to do, he even waits and looks for approval before carrying on, it’s heartbreaking.
can he not be sent to live with Ronnie people?
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That visit will have been to make up to Soph for missing Ronsomes burfday party
How miserable though, fancy going to your BFF’s house and having to act as her counsellor. No wonder Joe steers clear.
All Stacey seems to do is provide constant reassurance to Hinch, it must be tediously exasperating especially when she’s pregnant and looking after three children herself.
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I think the reason she isn’t posting is business based. We all know how stubborn she is about not posting things that don’t financially benefit her - no pay no tag attitude. She wants to be over sharing her life but has to do it through Inch because if she does it on her account then she’s “open for business” and something is going on to suggest she isn’t/doesn’t want to be. No one talks about mat leave from bloody Instagram. Others have said this - i agree - she’s on mat leave from her “contracts”. She prob negotiated that. She prob takes bloody sick leave too. 🙄. This isn’t a normal job to us all so it’s hard for us to view it having the same regulations as a normal job. But in her head this is her job. This is how she earns money.
Someone else with is more au fait with this world could articulate it better. She’s either properly “working to rule” or there is no work. We would like to think it’s because she’s been dropped but the sad reality is she’s probably bagged herself a bigger deal with something else and she will be back with a very loud annoying pointing bang rubbing it in our faces that little old Sophie from the village is working with this HUGE company.
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Looks like Soph is desperately trying to make out that she and Ronnie are having some cutesy conversation 🤭😅
They so are not, cos she would want us lot to hear him speaking🤷🏼‍♀️ hence the music blasted over the video!!!😂
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Guys she's so relatable, 250 for that maclaren 🤦‍♀️. Inch I bought no your wife has bought 😂 my daughters birthday is in a week I have bought all her presents and it's come to 150 plus a trip out. But I have saved for this. Annoys the hell out of me all she does is sit on her ass
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Thread suggestion:- This pair of muppets are just our Tattle puppets.

*with apologies to The Muppets who are more intelligent and entertaining than the Hinches will ever be.
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How can a 2 year old know the difference between real and fake poo? My son is 7 months older than Ronnie and I wouldn’t dream of buying him fake shit, he knows when our two dogs have pooped in the garden as he comes up to me and says ewww poo! He’s a poo patroller as he basically shouts it at me the whole time I’m getting a poo bag and picking it up 🤣🤣
Thats my grandaughter 😂

Any time she sees any she shouts at the top of her voice ‘DOG POO NANNY!’

Just showed her the video of ron picking up the fake shit, she’s a couple of months older than Ronnie, and she started shaking her head, put her hand up and shouted stop! Thats yakky nanny dont touch it.

2 years old and more common sense than a 40 odd year man
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Poor Ronnie poised waiting for him to say go for the camera 😢 Why not just capture him mid flow playing? Not perform for the camera, it takes the authenticity from it
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I think soph forgets about the young followers she has on her account like the kids dressing up as her for book day etc why does she feel the need to make rude comments about a tap? Skanky slag
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I use to think Inch was a good parent, but after watching his stories of Ronnie, I've changed my mind. He's a lousy parent.
When it was just her posting, he was able to hide what a shit Dad he is. Now he’s posting more, it’s clear for all to see they are both just awful parents.
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Has Hinch ever mentioned Ron's lack of speech? I just find it so strange that she doesn't??!! That they are supporting him or addressing it?! It's not normal he's 2?! She could be setting such a food example for other mums with kids the same age? He doesn't even seem to make any form of contact bless him
Shes actually lied and replied to a question saying He's talking perfectly fine thankyou🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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So a few days ago she's sat in the egg chair, eye fucking herself, cradling Lonaldo while simultaneously ignoring him, and her hair looks freshly coloured and straightened, and her face is fully made up. Then today - if indeed it was actually today - bubsloveyoutothemoonandbackfacetimeeverynightbff comes round and Sofa looks like a bag of hammers! Grungy clothes, hair like a haystack and roots as long as Gimpy Jim's original nose! She could at least have made the effort to look better than that! All for effect though I suppose!

4 weeks ago as part of her pregnancy announcement Q&A
Ah I'm fank you! 😂
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I can’t believe I’ve just seen a two year old standing like a statue waiting to be TOLD to kick a ball for the camera. 😢
He’s a puppet. They’ve literally trained him. He’s been trained ever since the whole two man twat saga feeding fat dog and the running out of the kitchen into Sophie’s lap. Absolutely disgusting.
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