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Seen online this morning someone posting about kids going to school for world book day as Mrs Hinch. The parents are even trying to brainwash the kids now!
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Hi Zozzat, I'm guessing you like or are non-plussed by Sophie? And you can't understand why we 'torture ourselves' watching something that so obviously winds us up.
Can you imagine seeing the start of a bus crash, knowing it's going to happen and that lots of people are going to get hurt? Some of those involved will lose the money they've forked out for an honest and enjoyable trip, as will plenty of innocent bystanders. The driver is driving this juggernaut recklessly and with no care or consideration for either the passengers or those watching. The driver doesn't care people are going to lose their hard earned money. Or that they're in physical danger. In fact, the bus is getting bigger, quicker, more expensive and more dangerous.
Would you be able to ignore it?
Or would you want to help?
Or maybe, if you're honest you're just rubbernecking for 'the crack'.
whatever the reason - that's why we're watching. Some want to help the deluded passengers escape, some want to stop the crash, some are rubbing their hands together and watching with popcorn.
Sophie is at the wheel of a massive, dangerous, out of control bus full of hinchers, and it's definitely going to crash. Who knows what will happen when it does.

Are you a hincher or have you woken up (not being rude)? x
I didn't even know who she was till the other day. I followed her and promptly unfollow. Only because my house looks a tip in comparrison haha. I was just confused why you guys watched her stories when you dislike what Shes about. But what you've said makes sense x
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I really dislike Mrs Hinch and agree with everything you say on here. I am a chemical free house etc etc but... she looks the same without her filter. We all look “better” with a filter - that’s the point of them, it’s not like she’s pretending she’s not using them? But she is very attractive, strong angled features or not, she’s pretty. So wrong to call her manly looking, possibly the worst thing a woman wants to be called.
Have you read all the threads? It's the fact, that she is never seen without a filter. She has a lot of women and young girls being influenced by her and many who suffer with Mental Health issue. Yes, of course lots of people like the odd filter but she is giving out a wrong message by using it all the time. As you said, she is pretty without it and could help her followers with body positivity, self esteem etc. She likes the "we're all in it together" and she could reach even more people by actually being her real self.
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I cant help it but she reminds me of a drag queen
I really dislike Mrs Hinch and agree with everything you say on here. I am a chemical free house etc etc but... she looks the same without her filter. We all look “better” with a filter - that’s the point of them, it’s not like she’s pretending she’s not using them? But she is very attractive, strong angled features or not, she’s pretty. So wrong to call her manly looking, possibly the worst thing a woman wants to be called.
I really dislike Mrs Hinch and agree with everything you say on here. I am a chemical free house etc etc but... she looks the same without her filter. We all look “better” with a filter - that’s the point of them, it’s not like she’s pretending she’s not using them? But she is very attractive, strong angled features or not, she’s pretty. So wrong to call her manly looking, possibly the worst thing a woman wants to be called.
lm sorry thats why she wears that filter its obvious
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Consultant led is really common now I found! I was consultant led because I was overweight ? other criteria is recent surgery, miscarriages, age...
Oh yes I know. High risk always sounds worse than it is. You can be CLC for the most seemingly minor issues. The Birth Unit I worked on was really, really low risk yet still 60% were CLC for various different reasons.
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then I developed hyperemesis with this pregnancy and ended up dehydrated hooked up to drips with injections And daily meds probably for 40 weeks :(
You poor thing! I wouldn't wish HEG on my worst enemy. I really hope the meds are working for you and fingers crossed it won't go on until 40 weeks xx
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Member 3726

She was refused Planning permission so it's not happening.
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Well its safe to say that pasta thing was the healthiest thing in that bag the rest from what l could see was sweets and sugary drinks as per the norm:D
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There’s a post on SIL account of those tacky as hell light switch surrounds - May 2017 and exact ones as Sophie
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Instagram stories are generally more flattering as they are so low quality.

On timeline photos from fans she does look quite different.

She's had work done and chosen to look the way she is. It does look a bit drag like with how severe her look is.
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Just patiently waiting for people to come along and say we're skinny shaming her now!
Hmm, if she didn't post her 10 year photo, I might just say she is naturally skinny but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I try not to judge on people being thin as I have always been v thin and in high school, people said I had an eating disorder etc which wasn't true and really did a number on my self-esteem. Now at 26, I am still thin but go to the gym and have managed to build up muscle, which I love.
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