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Chatty Member
So guys, I went to Tesco for the first time since lock down this morning and I have to report my findings.

I didn’t go in the home section so didn’t get to see any of the Hinch home tat, but there was a display in the clothing section. It looked abysmal! The clothes were so baggy and shapeless they were literally hanging off of hangers, and there were a few bits on the floor. It was quite busy but the only interest in her section I saw was an elderly lady looking at one of the dressing gowns/bobbly zip up fleece type thing. She had a good look, held it up for size, looked at the price tag and then hung it back up! 😂

Problem when you’re instafamous is that the people interested in your products aren’t willing to pay extra because it has your name on it!
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Is that Jamie's sisters account? Because bloody hell, no wonder they're not close; hinch basically copied her entire house and account!
Yeah because she’s following it. I had a look and the account first posted in 2017 and Mrs Hinch was 2018. total copy of her sis in law!
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I rarely post here and I know this is a Hinch thread but I need to say this as I've been thinking it, that family is killing me!!!!!!! That poor darling is slowing slipping away, her eyes are closing with the pressure of the tumours and she is EXHAUSTED!! They are bouncing her around like a rag doll, he stood outside with her the entire time and never supported her head the whole time!! She has tumours and you could see she was struggling to hold her own head, but they are so caught up in posting and yes I understand its making memories and getting as many pictures as they can but let her be, even watching TV yesterday the sun was blinding her like close the curtains!! Are they that stupid? After all they've been through and never left her side they must have seen how she needs to be handled in the hospital.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. I’ve given adult end of life care and the patient would be comfortable in bed with relaxing music on. Any adult would be allowed to pass away in dignity and peace. You wouldn’t get an adult to start partying at 1am.

As for hinch she need to shut up I may be wrong but she seems to be the only influencer who posts about baby A daily when she doesn’t even know the poor family
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Only just caught up on her stories but I am absolutely gobsmacked that the last thing she posted last night was a picture of Ashley and his fam. Then this morning she posts a picture of her, Ronnie and the dog in a pretty similar pose. Does she not realise how bad this looks? Is it just me? Its really coming across as rubbing it in their faces with what she has. I’m sorry but it shouldn’t take an extremely sick baby and broken hearted family for you to realise how precious your life is.Self centred bitch she is. What is she trying to gain from this because it’s seriously way overboard now
The sad thing is she wouldn't bother for anyone of less fame. There are thousands of other children who would benefit from raising awareness for fundraising etc. The way she has shoehorned herself into this family's tragedy is embarrassing, she's gone overboard. She wouldn't care a jot if it wasn't a pair of supposed celebs (can't say I had ever heard of either previously). The clap they did didn't even show their faces, just their hands. It's just virtue signalling.
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Guyzzzz, just popping on to let you know that Soph is having the weekend off to tend to her olive tree. Luckily I got a sneaky pic of what she’ll be picking off it come next week. Hope this helps.
She’ll glue gun them on the leafs and film herself picking them off like ‘omg look guyszzzzzzz orla just birthed some baby olivias. Unbelievable goiyszzzz me and jaime are gonna pop them in our salad for lunch. So excited’
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I messaged and said that also about the fact she has basically planted a tree in a plastic bag🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️Where is the water going to go when she waters the tree??

It’s literally been planted in a plastic lined basket🤷🏻‍♀️ dumb, dumb!
It will mysteriously disappear to olive tree heaven and never be mentioned again.
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Shouldn't be cleaning dog poo when pregnant

Shes definitely calling the baby something Peter rabbit related shes obssesed 🤣
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Nice change of clothes for an evening walk. Also - i messaged claremontgardencentre to see if soph had stopped off there today, this was their response. I guess we’ll never know
🤣View attachment 532457
How long is she planning on staying in hospital!
She will be thrown out after 6 hours. Although being the Queen of Maldon with a blood condition maybe they’ll let her have her toast with butter first.
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Had to come on to address the “ready made milk in cartons in case milk doesn’t come through straight away.” COMPLETE misconception that she’s spreading. Milk doesn’t come through straight away, it takes at least 3-5 days of colostrum feeding anyway. She’s just added fuel to a terrible fire that breastfeeding counsellors and supporters, midwives and the NHS are fighting to deal with. The only way your milk with come in is if you feed feed feed to stimulate your body to make the milk. By topping up with formula milk so early on, it’s even more unlikely that your milk will come in 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m not trying to start a breast v formula debate, it’s everyone’s individual choice but she’s just spread a really dangerous fact.
I was hopping on to say this! I breastfed both of mine and if it wasn't for a hospital breastfeeding volunteer, I would have given up with my first. Luckily with my second I was like a cow and fed half of the neonate ward as well 🤣
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Exactly that, she is Exhausted but influencer culture has gone too far, we see it in Ronnie, we see it in many other parents and now we see it in Azaylias case, these fame hungry parents put their own self serving need for approval,sympathy and recognition above the needs of their children.
Absolutely, if it is their way of dealing with it, fair enough although I agree that one wouldn’t share pictures of the last stages of terminal illlness in an adult. What I don’t understand is why Ashley Cain‘s posts are almost always of him half naked, pecs and tatoos on show, another photo opportunity for his body.
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Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense.

Crikey, a fly past. That wee girl will be taken outside and jiggled and bounced to watch it I imagine. She looks so very poorly and like she should just be in a peaceful environment. The family all singing loudly at her and the poor love can't even react or open her eyes properly. There's no doubting they adore her but it is uncomfortable.
I’ve noticed the difference between Ashley and Saffyas posts on the last few days, he’s now barely posting anything and when you see him on her stories he’s very quiet. I feel like he wants to stop posting her on Instagram but maybe doesn’t know how to get out of it you know?
Poor thing needs privacy.
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Chatty Member
This is my first time posting, I’ve been lurking for sooo long (too long to even know exactly when it started!) but I used to love watching Sofa’s stories and bought a lot of cleaning products because of her. I was pregnant and actually do have anxiety, so I found her totally relatable. I have slowly seen a different side to her, I’ll admit it has taken longer than it probably should have, but I think I believed everything I was reading here, I just didn’t want to. Hope that makes sense guyzzzz! For months I have been looking on this site as soon as I’ve seen her stories because I love seeing other people’s opinions, especially when I’ve doubted things she’s said and done.

I have 3 young children and have cried when my house has been a mess. It makes me feel out of control and I know now it’s because of the people I followed on Insta showing their perfectly clean homes. Now I’m trying to avoid seeing them and just enjoying my kids, clutter and all!

I couldn’t get my head around her not including Ronnie in the gender reveal, that was a massive moment that I couldn’t justify in my head why she would do that. Ever since then, I just haven’t felt the same. Everyday I am realising that she really is just a saleswoman and is manipulating so many vulnerable people. When I watched her stories just now when she said she bought both olive trees I actually said “of course you fucking did!” I think I’ve finally crossed over to the Tattle side 🙌🏻 I hope you’ll have me! Thanks for reading and sorry it’s a bit long!
Welcome I think she had most of us fooled at some point ☺
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I was having a look at some of the home accounts that were paid to promote Tesco tat. They’ve got indoor trees - not olive trees though.
Possibly she bought them for outdoors a while back and didnt know where to put them in the garden so latched onto this idea of an indoor tree.
As others have said olive trees can be hard work. No proper drainage in that pot. She will either drown it or forget about it and I reckon will ruin her flooring with it directly on the floor like that.
So today we now need to see her wearing that outfit with those nails and rubbing her bump (ideally with baby kicking) 😂😂
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