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I too found this very strange, I have owned four dogs throughout my life never once did I massage their heads??
I have also had three children alongside the dogs...I HAVE done baby massages.....why do I get the impression that the dog always seems more important? 🤔

Will they earn you £24,000 a post though?? 😂😂
I can’t lie, I have a pup who loves a head massage every now and again. I will indulge her every now and again but I don’t broadcast it to my 3 Instagram followers and I can’t see that I would think it was decent content if I had millions of followers!!
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Was bored so looked at brainwashing,

I know she isn't brainwashing people but the tactics look the same.

She is a saleswoman at heart and has this manipulation down to a tee.

Quite a lot of her sheep are in the categories below.

Understand that those who attempt to brainwash others tend to prey upon the weak and vulnerable.
Not everyone is a target for mind control, but certain people are more susceptible to forms of it at different times.
A skilful manipulator knows what to look for and targets people who are going through a difficult period in their life or a change that may or may not be of their own making.
Possible candidates include:

  • People who have lost their jobs and fear for their future.
  • Recently divorced people, particularly when the divorce was a bitter one.
  • Those suffering from lingering illness, especially one they don’t understand.
  • People who have lost a loved one, particularly if they were very close to that person and had few other friends.
  • Young people away from home for the first time. These are particular favourites of religious cult leaders.
  • People who are regarded as socially awkward by their mainstream peers. They frequently tend to be loners but seek like-minded people who might be few and far between.
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My daughter has a pet name, its a variant of her middle name but only I call her it, always have, but I call her her actual name too. Not even her brothers, uncle or grandad use it.
My husband (her step dad) called her it to me once and it shocked me so much that I said "oh, you just said ****". He looked awful, but I didn't mind him doing it and told him that , although he's never done it again 😂
I'd have the same reaction to a stranger as I did to him, but then I would correct them and remind them of her actual name.
Some affectionate terms are just reserved for family to use, and generally people understand that, but then that takes brains which obsessed Hinchers don't generally have 😂
I had a friend who referred to her grandchild who I had never met and was never likely to meet as ‘Osky Posky’ (Oscar if you’re wondering) and I thought it very peculiar! I’m like that with my name which is often shortened but I hate it when people that I barely know shorten it. I never introduce myself as ‘shortened version of my full name’ (to protect identity) 😁😁. There are only two people who call it me, my best mate of 50 years and my brother and I would feel shocked if they actually called me by my full name! My mum didn’t cal it me and neither does my husband.
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guy fawkes night doesn't have a historical significance?
My point relates back to the Hinchster. I probably should have worded it that Remembrance Sunday has a greater historical significance than Bonfire Night not to diminish Guy Fawkes night completely, I would much rather remember those who have died in the Line of Duty rather than Bonfire night.
As many others have said, she needs to use her platform responsibly and I personally feel offended about her afterthought post today. Probably shouldn’t think that much into it but it is clear what she uses her platform for and that is ads!
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The Dowager

Chatty Member
I've just read it and thought what the hell did I write there? 😂😂 predictive text and I didn't proof read it! Regarding the fire, I meant to put that it requires water to make steam and vapour to generate any heat so it's not practical with Ronnie on the move. Is it too early to open the wine? 😂😂
30 minutes and then it’s acceptable for the wine:ROFLMAO:
I now get what you mean, and can banish any thoughts of Zoph turning horses into steamy meat in her living room... arguably better than what she gets up to in the kitchen though 🤢
  • Haha
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I genuinely am so excited for the "no" phase. It's the worst and drives any parent to the brink of insanity. I remember my daughter throwing herself Gillian Mckeith faint style on the floor in sainsburys because I wouldn't let her have a bottle of lilt off the shelf. Then sobbing that I was "bad" because I wouldn't pick her up 🤦‍♀️
I'd love to see Zoph deal with a meltdown like that! 😂
She won't. Kanye Vest does the majority of the parenting, he will be the one left to deal with tantrums while she swans off outside for a fag while she waits.
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Chatty Member
I just googled the 2020 policy on this and actual shocked it states they do test on animals. Fuck that I’m glad she’s advertised it then I won’t be buying it again I admit I don’t do enough research on products I’ve used for years! She would sell anything for a quick buck!!
I used to love their baby face primer. I have since switched to cruelty free brands but I am yet to find a primer that I like as much. I’m not that into make up really so these make up videos she does are a bit zzz
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Not that I’m standing up for her but my four month old has a good couple of outfit changes during the day because she either spits up her milk down herself and I cannot stand the smell of that on her when it dries or we have poop leaks! Then again, she is four months not 16 months so I’d be interested to know how Ronnie messes his clothes up when she’s doesn’t let him do anything!

Is either of these her??
I think
Trace on the left and her on the right
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Just listened to a really good podcast on Spotify called To influence or not to influence, about Influencers during lockdown and how they should be reading the room and thinking about what they are posting, stop posting their hauls and basically showing off their wealth. Also speaking about influencers breaking lockdown rules and what can be done about it. Worth a listen.
(Hope its ok to post this)
Link to the podcast !
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