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That’s the Grinch fucked if this comes to pass. Not that she listens to lockdown rules. But means no more carefree trips to see the old bag!
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It actually makes me feel ill watching the "Ron and Hen" videos(it pains me writing that), I was looking at her stories there and there's a video from about 3 weeks ago and Ronron is shoving his face into the dogs. She's definitely dumber than she looks. We're expecting our first baby in December and have a one year old dog and the amount of time we've spent researching how to introduce them properly, how to let them interact together and speaking to people with the same breed. She's too interested in pushing her own agenda(she's on the beg for books or some shit) to bother her arse. I hope to god that poor dog doesn't snap and end up paying the price for their ignorance.
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Chatty Member
So a cleanfluencer uses the same
handheld to hoover a dog’s bed as to hoover the crumbs from a kitchen surface 🤢
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There’s a waiting list for the time slot on a Sunday that Ronnie will be going to Baby Ballers, there will be people trying to auction their slot off to highest bidder to die hard Hinchers, or people grabbing other people’s kids and offering babysitting who meet the age criteria just so they can be in the same place as her and breathe in the same air 😂🤣
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I had this vision of George walking( well stumbling) down the road in his red patent fetish heels and wig and all the locals saying ‘Wee Georgie‘s been buying on eBay again’
I love George and we’ve never even met him 😂 living his best life. I bet his eyebrows are better than Hinch’s as well
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Sorry guys I’m kate to the party! Just catching up on baby ballers. What theeeeee f. I am so surprised at that baby club I take my children to 4 different clubs through the week and all of them explicitly say only one parent with child and every parent must wear a mask unless medically exempt and that includes swimming too (only in changing rooms obvs not in the pool) so I’m shocked that club aren’t encouraging a mask policy.
Also I’m sure it’s probably been mentioned but the club called her mrs hinchcliff 🙊
It makes me laugh so hard when media get their surname wrong, considering it’s her whole branding no one seems to ever get it right.
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Whilst it’s half funny watching her be a complete bimbo on the reg, it’s also just so depressing she fluffs, shouts, points and flaps around doing all kinds of idiotic things and people think it’s cute or funny when it’s so wasteful, stupid and pointless.

There is no value to her acts, they are always self serving and half assed - never does any research, never spends any time planning things or sharing info and they are just a 10 second story for content on the platform and then forgotten about

she has no charity highlights I can see, no charity posts, no promo for charities regularly and then flumps around in the rain plonking mug shots and old cardis into charity collections like she is some saint.

And I said last week is she donating all the personalised Ronnie stuff to kids not called Ronnie or have the initials RH? Then bam... she’s at the clothing bank 🙄
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“Some sort of flu”

So a slight sniffle then ffs!! Why is it all a drama with her. If you’ve got flu you wouldn’t even be out of bed you moron. It’s ok she will be out coughing and fingers things before we know it like when she got back from Paris with a cold and was sneezing all over the place looking for a bread bin!

So she stood back and took a photo of Ron annoying Henry while he’s sleeping!!!! Is she totally clueless??? He could be dreaming and bite Ron’s Face or Hand (accidentally) I’m so shocked at her irresponsibility and actually letting millions of people see how thick she is!!!!!!
Jesus fucking Christ that’s terrible I thought she claimed to work with dogs trust / read and do home work about dogs and babies when she was pregnant. Sleeping dog is a BIG no no infact your taught not to let toddlers go over to a dog that’s asleep at all or go near there “territory” im assuming he sleeps on the sofa a lot so he will see that as his space not to be bothered. If anything happened she would be the first to act shocked and surprised but she does nothing to prevent it WHY DOES SHE THINK WHES INVINCIBLE ABOVE THE LAW ABOVE TRAGIC ACCIDENTS!!!!

I bet she’s never had to deal with any serious things in life so lives in la la land. Soph wake up it can happen to you it can happen to anyone!
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Jamie can you shut the fuck up an’ all. Always mumbling in the background. Jeysus wept!! Arghh you’re not funny mate. No mate. Just pack it in fcksake
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Can someone let the poor song artist know that everyone is being made to detest his song from extreme boring over use

I can’t watch, I can’t hear him anymore!
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We’ve not seen the cling on niece for a while? Maybe she finally grew up and got some fucking friends?
I used to hate going to my aunties as a kid 😂😂😂 she always made shit food (like Zoph) and I was desperate to see my pals to read Mizz magazine and do dance routines to S Club 7 and Avril Lavigne whilst wearing hair glitter and tops from Tammy girl 😂
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My dog is a working cocker spaniel and he is so muscular and lean (I'm jealous of my dogs physique 😂) he doesn't get fed processed chicken every single day and has at least an hour walk a day, as well as plenty of mental stimulation like playing with his toys and hiding things for him to sniff out and find. Henry is absolutely fucking massive at the side of our Ramsay (big game of thrones fans haha). If we had a steak in one hand and Ramsay's lead in the other, he would jump up at the lead, he loves his walks!
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This happened to my daughter a few years ago
we where walking down the street,just chatting away when we passed a dog,tied up outside a shop
neither of us even so much looked at it,when just as we got level with it,it leapt up and bit my daughters knee and drew blood
she screamed,I grabbed the dog by the collar and it’s owner came running out of the shop
i explained what had just happened-neither of us looked at the dog,let alone went to stroke it or anything
she just grabbed her dog,snapped ‘you just have done something,Sammy has never done that before’ and strutted off
i was fuming-but couldn’t run after her as my daughter needed me more

but fat git will bite if she allows Ron-Ron to keep tormenting him-no matter how laid back a dog is-they are still an animal that humans have decided to keep in their homes and train them to live alongside us

my son has the softest staffie-we joke he can be the nanny when my son does have kids-we are joking-I’ve said (and my son agrees) that he should never be allowed on his own with a child

also dogs should be able to have a quiet spot nobody should go near/take children away if they are annoying him (a friends kid did poke him in the ear once-he didn’t do anything but we swiftly took the child away and he got up and strolled over to his bed)

it’s called owning a pet and everything that comes with it

if that fat git did bite,through no fault of his own,he’d be put to sleep

stop making out they are besties-they are a child and a dog!
I had a staffy for 13 years and he was the most soft and gentle giant. He truly was a pleasure to everyone and everything. When I had my son 3 years ago I still didn't allow the dog alone with him because at the end of the day he was a dog. Don't get me wrong he was an old boy by the time I had my son but it was still a concern. He never did snap at him but that wasnt a chance I was willing to take. My son was taught very early on when and when not to touch the dog. It's really not hard to do so why cant the queen of Maldonia do it? She really boils my piss
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Chatty Member
Marie Kondo Stands for the complete opposite of hinchs mantra If it doesn’t bring you joy, you get rid
Not buy 20 copies of the same thing Sophie

Essex county council are calling for tighter covid restrictions

no more visiting ma baker Sophie
Indeed. Marie Kondo is a very classy lady, who always looks immaculate (personally I’d never manage that). Her raison d’etre is not to let your house get cluttered up with stuff you don’t need. I’ll leave the comparison with Mrs H unsaid.
PS I Kondoed my wardrobe in 2018, it looked stunning for a few months. I confess it’s now less folded to self-stand, more shove it in as hard as possible so you can shut the door.
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