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So it wasn't long ago Soph said Ronnie doesn't like crawling.....was that because you knew he hadn't reached that stage yet. If so why not be honest, seems to me she lied...again!!!
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Ronnie is physically exhausted from crawling? Is he crawling the length and breadth of the country or something? She hasn't got time for a shower yet she can spend so much time wanking the tap off and taking photos of every meal she makes for Ronnie's weaning book? No wonder she's frightened he's going to hurt himself in The Vest Wing, it's multiple accidents waiting to happen. She is mentally wrung out because she knows that now Ronnie is crawling (and I really hope he is) her perfect home will be disrupted and she can't cope with it. I'm not sure why she's worried about him falling if he's just crawling? He'll only roll over on his side or on his arse if he loses his balance won't he?
This is a massive milestone for Ronnie yet as usual she makes it all about her and how it's affecting her. You'd think she'd be filming him crawling at every opportunity but instead she just "gets caught up" with putting washing in the dryer.
What a sad and pathetic existence.
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Sooo my summary now I am caught up!

Not to bring up a cakegate debate but I kinda like the business owner..she is sassy 😂 Would love to see the screen shots but 100% understand why she wouldn't share them here. You're very welcome to stick around @Thatcake If you like! I'll talk to ya even if no one else will ;)

Donating to the charity..well at least she did it. Seems a small amount for someone who charges 5k a post but fair play to her for actually donating and not just sharing. Hope she has donated to BLM causes too.

Ronnie crawling...yay! As a CoolMom of 2 toddlers I'm pretty certain thats the crawl of a baby who has only just figured it out. NOT Mum shaming or anything (God knows my 2 lazy little monsters didn't walk til well past 1) but I think thats why she made the video faster and hasn't show it til now. I hope he wreaks all kind of mayhem - GoRonGo!

Convenient one of the "things he found" was her book though. Fuck off with that shit product placement.

Aaand finally the post about how him crawling everywhere makes her anxious? Simple answer - babyproof your house, move the dangerous tables and lanterns in to the garage for a while, nail down your heavy wardrobes , get some stair gates and LET HIM HAVE FUN!

Saturday rant over. Off to make some tea and open the wine 😘
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Phony. She’s kept quite about people who baited her out for the BBQ. She’s got the whole family tree deleting negative comments at a very fast pace! Makes me wonder if her bedtime is the usual 9-10pm As she claims, and if she stays up after then filtering comments and ploughing through tattle. Cos when does she have the time? She clearly watches tattle like a hawk. And is Constantly on the phone in the day posting!!!
I've posted a comment on one of her grid posts at 2am and was very quickly blocked 😂
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Thread Suggestion -
Cakegate, Covidiot Soph shows no regret
But please remember, Tattle doesn’t forget 😉
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Imagine not being able to eat or brush your hair as your child is moving, what the fuck was that ridiculous post about?! get a fucking grip, what did she think was going to happen when she had a baby?! After delaying him in any way she could, Ron’s broke free of the bouncer and I hope to god he goes straight for the laterns😂

Shes an emotionally manipulative psychopath. She has the constant help of her lazy oaf of a husband and her mum and is still trying to play the naive new mum role, it’s criminal that she gets away with such blatant manipulation.
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Chatty Member
The ‘we love them’ about crisps is such a odd thing to just announce isn’t it, like she thinks no one else loves crisps? I’ve discovered these salty crispy things guyyzzz, is it just me or are these brand new? Anyway, they’re called crisps and we just love them! Does that make sense? Hope this helps guyzzzz
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😂 😂 😂 These screen shots are brilliant!!
But what a fucking un relatable twat is she tho!?! I love my child dearly, but after 12 hours of him I'm extremely happy for him to be in his bed and I am so happy that it will be another 12 hours usually (🤞🤞) before i see him again 😂😂 if that makes me a bad mum then ill wear that badge with pride
Because he gets my everything for them 12 hours he's awake ❤
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Waiting for the Grid post now of the crawling. Followed by some gushing bullshit message that will still bring it back around to her. Then que the Hincher’s getting their gussets gungy over this new development 🙄
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"So as you all know I've got lots of herbs in the kitchen...." points to two pots 🙄.
No swipe up for the little pots of herbs! I think I noticed yesterday that something or other wasn't swipe up linked.
If I'd have known she wanted dead grasses I could have sent her some from my jungle garden before I cut the grass.
I’ve smoked more herbs than she’s got in that kitchen 🙄
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What’s pissing me off the most about this finger pointing thing is that ALL babies learn to point with their finger, ALL OF THEM! Ronnie hasn’t gotten it from her, it just so happens she still points at everything at the age of 30. He hasn’t inherited his pointy finger from you Hinch, he’s a baby who’s learning, now fuck off 😂
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Hi 👋🏻
Desperate and immature here 👋🏻
I’m just a little business who’s said her piece and would rather focus on growing her business and working hard. I’ve not been paid off, but I’m not a platform for haters. She can conduct herself however she likes, all I can do is control my behaviour. And I just want to make fabulous dog treats, not lynch the Hinch 😂

Hi 👋🏻
Stupid and shameful here 👋🏻
You take chances to see if anything will come of it, all whilst still working your backside off building your business, it’s been shrugged off not paid off. I must say you guys are a delight on here, really supportive until I turned off the madness because I’m a small business that actually makes dog treats not a platform for the UnHinched 🤷🏻‍♀️
Totally understand why you turned the comments off. Her barmy army had also arrived spewing venom all over the place. I wouldn't want my business page turned into a circus of Hinchers and their #bekind crap. Big respect to you for standing up to her. Regardless of tagging you, she broke the rules by not even declaring it gifted. She thinks she's above the rules and untouchable. My dogs bday isn't until April, but I'll be in touch then x
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Hinch! You don’t have a green fingered bone in your body. The panic and desperation to be like Stacey is astonishing. Hinch crown is slipping sadly. She just can’t compete bless her. Her craft looks crap and then you compare to staceys and it’s laughable. Take note Sophie. Go back and look at your highlights from the start. This is what made you popular. Look how different you are
Hinch has seriously lost her way, she's trying to be a jack of all trades but is a master of none. She has let the greed and money swallow her up and I don't think she even knows which direction she's going in anymore. Copy cat tactics just show how unoriginal and talentless she really is 😂
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