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Chatty Member
I think the silly fuckers have a room (p’raps in the garage or narnia) full of tv and cctv and employ staff to monitor the comments day and night. The Hinch I A. She has Carrie and Saul in Moscow now looking for trolls and shit. Carrie, when not “in the field” escorts Soph to B&M and looks around skittishly and nervously at all the bottles of zoflora and harpic and mouths to Jamie “something’s off” and Jamie turns into Jack Bauer and escorts her out of harms way of other cleaners. Hinch Intelligence Agency ran by Director, Special Agent Freda Barker.
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"Everyone is napping in this house"
A 40 year old man having a mid morning nap?
Did she button him into his vest onesie and tuck him in his moses barsket too?!

Oh guyzz!!! My baby does this strange cute thing where he intakes oxygen and then like magic, he puts out carbon dioxide. I think he's using his lungs to do it. But wierd thing is, I do it too!!! He must get that from me!! Am I the only one who thinks that? Hope that makes sense. 🤷‍♀️ A.T.V
'Hes so clever and advanced! I really think hes going to be a scientist'
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So I’m going to be a teensy bit showy offy - last year my husband and I got married (second time arounders at 48) and instead of an engagement ring I asked for a new bathroom (we’ve been planning it since we moved in 5 years ago anyway). We took the old claw bath and put it in the garden and I grow herbs in it. 2nd year now and it’s full! 🤗
DM me Zoph and I’ll give you some tips! ATV!

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Her doorbell fell off. Probably overuse from the parcels and their little drivers!

She’ll be on the beg for a ring video doorbell next
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This has really pissed me off. She acts like she’s the first person to ever have a kid! She’s so worried all the time. Grow up mate. You’re meant to be enjoying this time. you can’t say you’re worried and then continue to put him in a Moses basket and not child proof your tat palace house! Stop making everything about you! You miss your friends? You never used to see them before so fuck off with that! Oh and we are gonna need to see crawling receipts please, because last time I saw the child could barely sit on it’s own. Let alone move independently. ATV you little liar liar!


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What do we reckon tomorrow guysssss? I reckon a full day off so she can be all full throttle Kathy Bates with Onslow. She will be upstairs rattling about that waste of space landing, sorting out her barskitttts and howling and barking about “bastard dog cakes” and Special Agent Barker will have to come by later with some special smelly hankies and a box of tat for her to finger
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You know I can imagine her right now

' look at them on tattle JAIMEY, they're all saying ronnieruftytufty cant crawl! Well I'll show them! Come upstairs wiv me and we will close all the doors on the landing so he cant get into any rooms, or ruin anyfink from downstairs. Oh and bring my book! It will be good for the brand! Actually open one door so he can go in but make.sure you grab him before he goes too far. I've JUST made and ssprayed the bed!'
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Why does she have to have her book in the shot of her kid crawling? Fuck off. She’s making me angry today.

‘We love watching him crawl and seeing what he finds, OMG look he found my book, how did that even get there? Oh my god I forgot I wrote a book guys, can you believe it? Wow I’m just in total shock’
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I reckon vestlife would love it if she did strictly. He’d be dreaming of him and Ronjohn having the house to themselves. Eating an actual cheese sarnie and a few bags of crisps, chucking the wrappers on the floor. Sinking a few cans of lager burping, farting& scratching his balls, without her having tantrums all over the place 10 times a day.
Ron Ron would have no camera shoved in his face for a few hours a day. It would be heaven for them.

That is until she says Babezz, I’ve signed up on the agreement you and Handsnomes & ma can come with me all day everyday.
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So shes so on edge from his crawling that she doesnt eat or shower etc BUT she has time to make a fucking weaning book?! Wow. She must think we are all as stupid as she is. Absolute moron.
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I reckon that’s where she has been for the last week. Giving Ronford Christie an intensive crawling course
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Title suggested by @MapleSugar

Staff comment.
edited as requested, but suggestions are only taken from page 48 on,
Please repost for it to be included. Post #393 would never usually be used
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Chatty Member
Hi 👋🏻
Desperate and immature here 👋🏻
I’m just a little business who’s said her piece and would rather focus on growing her business and working hard. I’ve not been paid off, but I’m not a platform for haters. She can conduct herself however she likes, all I can do is control my behaviour. And I just want to make fabulous dog treats, not lynch the Hinch 😂

Hi 👋🏻
Stupid and shameful here 👋🏻
You take chances to see if anything will come of it, all whilst still working your backside off building your business, it’s been shrugged off not paid off. I must say you guys are a delight on here, really supportive until I turned off the madness because I’m a small business that actually makes dog treats not a platform for the UnHinched 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tbh I think fair play to you for standing up to her and calling her out. I doubt you’re the first one she’s done it to and won’t be the last
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I wish you had kept it up this isn’t the first time hinch has done this and won’t be the last. It was David vs Goliath and you were doing so well. Just disappointed that it seemed like she stomped her feet and you backed off xx
It wasn’t her that made me do it, my business is my focus, gleam are aware of the situation so let them deal with it. It was all too weird for me 🤦🏻‍♀️
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She has become such a try hard, trying to add all these new strings to her bow. It’s embarrassing to see. She knows herself that her content is shit and the majority watch it now for the car crash of it rather than entertainment.

I could feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such a nasty liar. Karma is tapping on her shoulder. Soph, it’s about knowing when to bow out gracefully with some dignity, not clinging on to the bitter, embarrassing end. You’ve had your 15mins, give up
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dancing in pyjamas

Chatty Member
nah to make all that fuss and then take it down, all respect for that business has gone. She shouldn’t of bothered!
Clearly been manipulated or warned off by hinch
We’ve seen it all before 😴
I can understand your cynicism... But I don't think it was manipulated. It all seemed to happen in real time. Bonbon was transperant thru it all. They shared their feelings from being excited to appear on hinches ig for the business boost, feeling gutted at not bring tagged, disappointment, realisation (that hinch is a greedy faker and more) acceptance, discussion ... etc I think it's all natural responses.

I remember initially thinking hinch was authentic *shudder* so I can empathise. Soph says she wants to help small businesses. Of course small businesses send her gifts. Bait hook gotcha! Well now Bonbon knows. And when you know you know 😉

Bonbon didn't intend to take it down and I believe her (is it a her?) But it got ugly, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was threatened. Hinches have done it before as u know. Even tho they could never follow thru cos it's an empty threat. Who needs that kind of grief in their life and on their IG? I wish she'd leave it up, as its part of her business history now and her story to tell. But I certainly don't begrudge her taking it down.

Maybe @Thatcake when it simmers down you could put as highlight? Including the comments section 😂 Call it That time when 3million bots saw my cake and didn't know it was mine 😉 It makes a good read 😎
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