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Bloody hell thats not empty!! Should see mine! Surely she should be using up fridge stuff before going onto dry packets. Or is that just me?! 🙄

Also I’m calling this now...
As RonnieBlessIm has miraculously started standing “unaided” in the past few nano seconds - he’ll be sitting, holding a pen, and writing his name in that bloody note book by next week! 🤥🤣
Let the fuck wit starve. She is so stupid. Does not have a clue. Apart from seeing her kid online this has really annoyed me. Yes 3 million people eat all the things with the longest shelf life first. TWAT GET OFF THE GRAM YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT.
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Christ, she tells us to get a life but she’s absolutely OBSESSED with her “trolls” isn’t she? Get over it Sophie love, not everyone thinks the sun shines out of your arse.
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I find that weird that she has only been on there once seeing as she is so famous.
That’s just it though, she’s NOT so famous - outside of the cleaning/interior community on the little app called Instagram, nobody has even heard of her.
The vast majority of my family don’t use Instagram and if you mention Mrs Hunch (not a spelling mistake😉) not one person knows her.
She’s in a bubble - a very defined bubble - which is why I believe she’s trying to turn herself and Onslow into a family channel instead. Trouble is, most family channels have people with personality and Hunch is a complete personality vacuum.
Ronnieblesshimproppedupwhohasdafootzzzz is a beautiful little boy but even he couldn’t save their channel, because they do jack shit with the poor wee thing! 👿
Hi Sophlora, ya wannabe Z lister - I know you’ll read this. Let’s see some videos of Ronnie pulling himself up on his own - I for one will be delighted! ATB!
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The bin men aren’t working?
mine are, bins emptied every week!
Hubby is also a bin man and has been going to work every day!
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Fucking hell yesterday was the tour of Gifted Towers and today more fake fan mail she’s sent herself. Honestly have a day off Hinch! You have zero content and you’re boring as fuck.
Isn’t funny all the gushing comments that we suspect come from her or her team always start with ‘you’re probably not going to read this’. I very much doubt that someone in a professional position has told someone to buy the bloody Mrs hinch activity journal. She’s absolutely disgusting trying to flog her journal during this time as a way to help cure anxiety you may be feeling during the corona lockdown. She’s been doing it for the last 2 weeks but this is the first time she’s been a bit more blatant about it. She is literally scum. If people feel that colouring will help them then why not print off a few colouring sheets at home. Why clog up our already overstretched postal service for some that’s absolutely non-essential.
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So basically mr and Mrs hinch just want to be famous. Not a bit shocked there. Unfortunately he has no talent to be a footballer and she has no talent to be a singer. They are literally the worse. The length they will go to be ‘celebrities like
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That poor boy! How miserable does he look while she's watching HER favourite program in the tv and yet again with that hideous filter on? Honestly she's not fucking right in the head! 😠😠
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Good morning everyone😊 just wanted to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you who joined in last night with the #clapforcarers at 8pm. I'm a neonatal nurse and I felt humbled if I'm honest. I stood out on my drive clapping too for my friends and colleagues in the nhs, police force, fire and ambulance services and the coastguards service. In my street it was dignified and respectful.

Sophie what you and Jamie did last night at 8pm was quite frankly a shit show! You carried on like a pair of muppets, making it all about you and it was embarrassing. You couldn't care less about any of the emergency services because if you could you would have mentioned your sister by now who will be on the front line in the ambulance service putting other people's lives ahead of her own.
You followed up this ghastly display with yet another advert for your book and showed yet another list which included breakfast/lunch/dinner
Are you seriously so lacking in ideas and imagination that you need to put fundamental elements of the day on a list?

You said Ronnie prefers to stand rather than crawl ( funny that, because last week you were convinced he was ready to start crawling) There is a demonstrable lack of stair gates in your house so unless Ronnie can move himself from sitting to standing and just stay there inanimate, you need to get some. Having said that, poor Ronnie is inanimate most of the time because you do very little to engage and encourage him except shoving your phone in his little face.

Now, off you go and clockwise fuck off!
This is everything 👏👏😍 Thank you for all your hard work
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My youngest is June 2017 born so of course Timehop is bringing up her at Ronnies age and she’s just so animated and fun. A recent Timehop pic is her in a highchair while at a buffet breakfast and she’s holding her cup and there’s a big toothy grin, there’s a real twinkle in her eyes. She’ll have had some toast and sausage cut into strips and baked beans, I probably even tore up a croissant for her.
And normally I try to defend a little and say they all develop differently (she was a late mover but the waving and babbling etc certainly made up for it) but Ronnie just seems so vacant. No sparkle in his eye. It makes me sad. He could be such a vibrant wee boy given half the chance
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That’s what I thought/hoped too. I’ve done CBT and what Hinch calls her tada list is what my counsellor encouraged me to do, on the days where just getting out of bed felt impossible to write it down felt like I’d achieved something. Then it would be made the bed etc. I’m over simplifying it as I’m no expert but I think this is what’s been suggested and the patient has attached herself to the Hinch phenomenon.
I think this is where all Hinches lists come from, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s had counselling and lists have been suggested. She’s ran with it. However, this is where it gets dangerous, she willy nilly says anxiety and low days etc, people with mental health issues are clinging to that, and I think this is where the obsession has started. Hinch has sold herself as this poor anxiety ridden wee soul who cleans and does Hinch hauls and wow look how happy I am now. When you’ve forgotten what it feels like to be happy, belonging to a community that applauds you for spending 10 hours a day cleaning, it’s validating that this behaviour is ok, when it is in fact masking a bigger issue. Ooh check me out I’ve spent money I don’t have on things I don’t need and got up at 4am to Hinch while the baby sleeps, post it online and get noticed and applauded.
She’s praying on the vulnerable wether she realises it, or would ever admit to it or not.
It’s called behaviour activation. It’s about trying to encourage people to re activate your their life. When we do nothing we tend to ver think and can end up going down that rabbit hole of overthinking but it is trying to get a balance between doing necessary activities and also pleasurable activities. I do encourage clients to try and stay on top of things but your right as just doing that is not addressing the underlying issues that person is suffering from. If anyone is struggling at the moment you can inbox me. I work as a therapist and must admit I really struggled yesterday and ended up going to bed and sleeping for three hours just to remove myself. So I think under the current climate we are going to be on a roller coaster of emotions that we are not used to as we have not really experienced anything like this before. I can direct people to some brilliant resources that I use with people if anyone needs any help. 😊💪

I see another cleaning influencer has a article in the DM today 😂😂😂
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I know it's been said many times before but why the fuck does she constantly bang on about how much she loves Ronnie?!

I love my kids beyond words but they rarely make an appearance on social media, that doesn't mean I think they're a bunch of arseholes 🤣 though they know how to act like it at times hahaha.

And I agree with the post above his tuft is winding me up now how many times do we need to see it 👴🏻
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I hate her. Shes a narcissistic selfish, fake terrible role model, awful person. She has no bond with ron ron. She is the devil in disguise. Karma will hit
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I’ve woke up like a bear with a sore head this morning....but does anyone else find it weird people posting on Hinch pages things like they have an empty wall what will I put on it, have they all lost any form of imagination and need 🐑 to guide them?! And the things they suggest, shelves full of shite, fake plants, they all cream their knickers over fablon.
I just dont get this need to cover every wall and surface with STUFF. It's ok to have a table with nothing on it. It's fine to have a blank wall. Decorations are great but they just lose meaning if itz everywhere you turn because then you dont actually see anything.
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So she’s going her little stroll around the block for exercise but taking a bottle? Anyone else think she’s strolling to see Ma barker
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So... As I'm not from the UK I'd never seen Mrs. Hinch's content. I saw her being mentioned by some UK vloggers, but I'd never stumbled upon her instagram page until today. These are some of the thoughts I had when I first saw her instagram today:
- So... this lady got famous because... she cleans? Literally the most mundane tasks that everyone does on a daily basis.. made her famous?
- WTF is up with the awful granny filter?
- Why is the entire house gray and white?! It looks like a cheap wannabe version of Rivièra Maison (and that's not a good thing)
- Why does the husband act and look like he's being held hostage?
- Scratch that, why do both the husband and dog look like they're being held hostage in most pictures?
- Why is she forcing everyone to see her baby and their great relationship so much? She's almost worse than the Saccone Joly's with how she displays him on insta.
And finally... how does she manage to talk about cleaning every day? Literally everyone does it! You're not special hun, calm down! And some of her tips aren't even helpful but more delusional!:censored:
Welcome 😀 pull up a chair, grab a cuppa and get comfy. Things get fun around here! 😂

*edited due to spelling mistake.
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It’s so staged. Him standing was probably a few seconds and boomeranged to make it look as if he’s standing for ages. After yesterday’s sob fest, why does she continue to ridicule him, albeit unknowingly, and reinforce his lack of progress. It’s just so ,so sad for that little lad.
I think she trying to convince herself all is normal! Or convince her followers!
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Am I the only one who finds it strange they’re BOTH up at the crack of dawn? It’s bizarre to me when parents don’t take it in turns to have a lie in whilst the other takes the kids downstairs 😂 Just me?
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