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Simba does know about this thread. He mentioned it in a live yesterday he said he will make his own thread about himself 🤣🤣 he’s not happy to be mentioned in someone else’s he wants one all for himself. Bless his cotton socks


VIP Member
That Purple Aki goes close to the bone, but he does it on purpose. I have watched him from the start and he's not to be taken seriously. I agree though that if you didn't know him, he'd come across pretty awful!

It’s obvious that he’s doing it to get a rise out and people, and it clearly works. That kind of dark humour is definitely a bit much for me.


Chatty Member
If anything it has made me a better mum, I am very aware of influence life experience has on little people and how it can effect who they become. I know the damage any type of trauma can do. I’m very careful about who I let build a relationship with my kids. I’m cautious about their core memories, I have never angrily swore in front of them because I know that would scare them, they have never seen me and their dad argue, not even bicker, if we have a disagreement we sepearate and speak about it later when no kids are around. It’s really not hard. never seen any of us shout unless we are sternly telling them off, it’s not hard to protect your childrens mental health from an early age, I’m not saying I am the perfect parent by any means, who is? I have definitely been stressed and upset and needed a break, but I remove myself from the situation so they don’t have to witness that. Which is why it’s soul destroying to see them sat on live screaming their mouths off at each other when their kids are around or kids could be watching. That could be a core memory for one of those kids. We should be influencing our kids with love, respect and happiness not screaming c*nt at each other over social media. We should be teaching them it is wrong to bully someone for their looks or upbringing and Kirsty and her gang are doing the complete opposite. I just don’t understand how no one is seeing this it is happening right in front of their face.
Totally agree with all that u say!! Its like who can shout the loudest half the time they dont allow anyone else to talk. I hear their kids there too they teach them to scream and shout not calmly sit and discuss! To go for peoples appearances rather than the facts.
Kids have no chance with parents like that history will repeat , kids learn from the people around them as the saying goes " monkey sees monkey does"
They are not protecting anyones kids infact they damage ones thay can hear all that!! As parents we should be protecting our kids! Not expecting a no body and gang online to protect them!!


Active member
Not to blow my own trumpet but im quite known in the lucy rose, kirsty, weird tiktok lives community, the people I hag off on here think im their friend. if i came out and did this on my real account i'd be hounded lol
I actually think I know who you are but I’m only guessing due to your name and me putting 2 and 2 together 😂 I could be completely wrong


VIP Member
Well misty just said on live she has spent the best part of her 24 hours writing down a list of ‘confirmed’ accounts off lucy, she must have some smashing sources because even police can’t definitively prove who is behind an account without iP addresses and Lucy’s has been blocked apparently so I can’t imagine it being possible to have ‘confirmed’ accounts 😂 it’s so delusional it’s embarrassing, I feel sorry for Devon and Cornwall police being hounded with screen recordings and screenshots from all kinds of people over something they probably don’t even care about, people have been submitting recording a of lucy talking like a baby or little arguments between Bryan and lucy like the police care 🤦🏻‍♀️
There’s literally no way of knowing which account is/isn’t hers. So many people pretend to be her. Another one that’s full of crap. The police must get so many reports from them all.
Simba does know about this thread. He mentioned it in a live yesterday he said he will make his own thread about himself 🤣🤣 he’s not happy to be mentioned in someone else’s he wants one all for himself. Bless his cotton socks
I definitely want to make a group one now 🤣🤣 you're not that special Simba. So many of these Tiktokers think they've made it big when they get a tattle thread 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️
I noticed Nona has already been started on, also you are probably right because everyone they target is younger than them and has some sort of learning disability or mental health problem, everyone they pick on has been through some sort of trauma or loss for example Lucy lost her mum, Nona lost her mum, jo lost her son, and they always use the trauma to bully, I’d say Nona fits their criteria pretty well
Who is Nona?


I'm probably gonna get stick for this but simba is actually alright once you get to know him and he's back away from the whole lucy thing kirsty was ignoring him the other day in her live he wanted to talk to her shows how she used him to get the views and her little fan club yes simba is vile with his mouth but he's don't sit online 24/7 coming up with fake proof and 2nd hand evidence he's also dislikes most of them in the fb group and was removed from the group why he is on toxic tok now


Chatty Member
The people that shout the loudest/make the most fuss are usually the ones that have nothing of value to say. I hope none of their friends/family never have to experience what they’re putting people through.

Kat is on Chloe’s live saying she did have the incorrect information on that Paige girl but now has new information which is 100% true 😂 so we should just forget that everyone harassed a poor woman it seems.
oh god kats info is as real as monopoly money! She lied about whos behind what account she has no idea!! She moaned lucy had a pic of her fella that she put on a insta story and was gonna get them all done for taking her pics ermm shes put them all out on her story 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Chloe and kat all going on about purple aki!
kirsty is going over, queeen kirsty to the rescue 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #bullygang