Most pain you've ever been in?

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Also after I took my overdose, I was found and I was taken to hospital and put on a drip to basically stop my insides shutting down. I was sick for 8 hours straight. My whole body was in agony. My head was pounding and mentally I was so far at rock bottom I didn’t know what to do with myself or where I went from there. That was pain like no other
Good lord you've been through it. I hope you're feeling better now xx
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breaking my humerus bone ....i genuinely thought i would never be able to summon the strength to get off the ground..horrific and i went into shock and had to be wrapped in ine of those London marathon style metal wrap things
My OH had a compound fracture of both his tibia and fibula 🤢
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Childbirth, specifically my second labour on just gas and air. I can vividly recall when the head was half out and waiting for the next contraction... It was unbearable. 3 months later and I’m definitely not having a 3rd baby. 😂😭
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Childbirth with no pain relief - right at the part when the head crowns, the ring of fire as they say 😂 although you know that pain is temporary it’s easier to get through. The worst pain I’ve had is a particularly bad toothache I had. I literally cried my eyes out with the pain of it and it went on for days! I begged the dentist to rip it out 😨
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Infection in my tooth. I was pregnant and couldn’t have strong pain. It was more painful than childbirth I swear to god!
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Sciatica/trapped nerve especially as my job involves sitting and driving which is the worst position for it
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aww I’m so sorry about your child..I don’t think I could begin to imagine 😔xxx

Physical? The failed epidural during my c-section. I felt them cutting me open.

Losing my 4 year old son was more painful though. I'd take a million failed epidurals over that pain.
aww I’m so sorry about your child..I don’t think I could begin to imagine 😔xxx
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Labour. My first one took 36 hours to emerge which was lovely!
The slow healing from all three, 2nd almost 3rd degree tears that took an hour each to fix.
The first one's repair was done without local anaesthesia as I was too poorly for anyone to attempt another drug. For this, I'd expect a tidy bedroom occasionally..not going to lie 😂
Non child related stuff, I'm going to go with orthopedic surgery. And a jawbone infection. Couldn't even drink for weeks, my Nan had to be virtually move in to be my carer. I couldn't move, Vile.
Emotional, I'm not going to go into a long list and depress you all. But, I can't see me ever getting over my beloved Nanna and Grandads deaths.
My actual soulmate, protectors, friends, advisors all rolled in to one pair of beauty.
I've never been the same I don't think.
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I had a sweep to get my second labour going. In my NCT class the teacher had shown a sweep as a little swivel inside you with a finger. Not the whole hand swirling my uterus like it actually was!! Was not at all prepared. My first labour I had no pain relief and the sweep was much much more painful. Feel 🤢 just thinking about it.
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I was in slow labour for 5 days. Then found the baby was back to back. No pain killers as I was that fed up i didn't go to the hospital until i was 7cm dilated.
Mental pain was morning sickness. Laid in bed for 8 weeks losing my mind 😖
this is almost identical to my experience of my very slow back to back labour and my all day long constant pregnancy sickness too!
To be fair though labour wasn’t that bad once I managed to get an epidural, didn’t even feel the pushing part lol! Worst pain ever for me was a root canal, after the anaesthetic worn off it was awful non stop pain for 5 days, I was breastfeeding my 4 month old too so couldn’t go to town on the pain like I usually would!
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Looking at this thread, I'd say there's evidence that anything to do with bones, teeth and getting a human out of your body is a bit of a bugger!
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I trapped a nerve last year and never took so many pain in my life. I didn’t sleep for a month, my mental health really took a dive too. I was crying round tescos one day because I needed to do the food shop but was struggling to manage it all. Thought my daughter would end up in care and I was going to become one of those people addicted to pain 🙈 none of those things happened!
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One of the worst (I have many) was the removal of impacted lower wisdom teeth at age 19. Was done under local anaesthetic and the pain afterwards went on for weeks. It felt like someone had jack hammered my entire head. I could not sleep for days. Was living with my parents and my mother eventually got me some codeine from the local pharmacy for the pain. It only helped a little bit. This was in the US and I guess before the advent of things like oxycodone.
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With my daughter I had an episiotomy. The second day stitches all came open and it was a deep and quite a big open wound. Went doctors and she even said it’s one of the worst she seen. Couldn’t do anything about it though hospital refused to restitch due to risk of infection so I had to let it heal on it’s own. I could hardly get around as when I walked the pain was awful, going for a wee was a nightmare the sting 😬 and sitting on my bum was impossible. I missed out bonding properly with my daughter for them first few weeks as I felt really sad as well. Took around a month for the pain to go
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An abscess on my hole. Savage, wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Had to have an emergency op to drain it! Then when they removed the dressing, my god I could have belted them! Face down biting a pillow I’m sure they heard me screaming in the next ward!!
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I have a high pain threshold - like I stopped taking any pain at all three days after major abdominal surgery, walked on a badly broken ankle, etc etc.

But, my B12 deficiency got so bad (before it was detected) that I was having neurological symptoms where my arms would stop working. One day it happened to my right leg - I couldn’t move it at ALL and I was sobbing with pain for pretty much the entire 24 hours it was like it. Then it went away as fast as it had come on. I was inconsolable.
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