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She popped up on my fyp earlier going off on one.

"I hate Tattle"

Stop reading it then, fringe goblin.
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Also to address the other video of her saying 'I've been poked and prodded by tattlers with them wanting to know what was in my statement'
Now you know that's a lie feral goblin. I doubt your statement wasn't even used because you was an unreliable witness who had a vendetta 🤣🤣 crazy cow. You made out you was the glue to the case and didn't even know when the court date was🤣🤣 so sit down and hush miss I think I know it all when infact I know nothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But she could " blow the case apart"😡doubt that goblin!
Would be funny if those children weren't stuck in the middle of it all....sure the authorities were sick to death of her...
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Where to begin? Dear oh dear fringe goblin...someone was gonna comment in this thread again sooner or later!
Can't keep the comments flowing Sharon's thread...too much going on🤪
Firstly, stop having us all for idiots.
Firstly we all know you were the por downtrodden " wendy" who subbed...that was quite harmless really, in comparison to recent
"trolling" was suggested by one spokesperson/puppet that the vile trolling at weekend was your other half...but highly doubt that!🤪
You say you own your shit...but doesn't seem like it.....mentioning deceased family members and the rest is out of order...whatever the reason for your fall out!
Obsessive behaviour more like!!
Shan's a twat, we all know that, but so are you..just saying🤪
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Has anyone seen her latest video
Just watched it. She's an incredibly aggressive person, so no doubt she went to the school all guns blazing. Comes to something when her partner (who's a knob himself) says she was being aggressive.

Maybe if she spent a little less time smoking weed, sitting on live and shouting at her kids and a little more time working with the school to ensure her child isn't falling behind, then her child might be in the same class as her friends. Her child clearly needs to be in the group she's in to catch up and eventually thrive.

The fact she can't see the school are thinking of what's best for her child and her education is baffling. Any excuse to go off on one.

Just watching her on live. From what I'm understanding, the school must have a very small cohort so mix year groups on occasion. Just like so many other schools do. So they've got Year R/1 and Year 1/2. Most schools figure mixed classes out like this by putting oldest year R's and youngest Year 1's together, and then oldest Year 1's and youngest Year 2's together (this is obviously for when there may be another Year 2 class on its own as an example). There may also be occasions by which child's abilities are taken into consideration too.

Her child is clearly one of the younger ones in the year group, hence why she's in the Year R/1 group. Nothing wrong with that. They will still be separated and complete work suitable for their year groups and then come together for group activities. Mixed year groups can be beneficial for some.

The most worrying thing is that she's insinuating that she had no idea about this prior to the school year starting. Anyone with a child knows full well what class they'll be in prior to them beginning a new school year, so she must be telling porkies here. She was probably too high to bother reading letters or taking any interest in her child. Blaming everyone else for her failures as a parent to prepare her child for a new class.

I feel very sorry for the school having to deal with her. She says she refuses to speak to the "acting head" because she's only assistant head... Quite clearly if she's the current "acting head", then that's who you need to speak to. She's going above her "because she's a dickhead" ( 🙄 ) and going to the governors (who, of course, will side with the school on this particular matter).

Taking your child to school stinking of weed and looking like you've just jumped out of a wheely bin, to then aggressively confront the acting head about a common situation that you've not prepared your child for... Not enough eye rolls in the world left for her.
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Has she and the man split up? Or what is she waffling about now? Who cares? Why put it all over TT, walls up, ok love!! 🤣🤣
Shes probably trying to make out she's split with him, too late for that, loads of reports have been made about her and her benefit fraud 🤪. Maybe her and her bestie dish the tea have parted ways, sad if they have because dish won't have goblin to watch her sleep anymore 🥺🤣🤣
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Where to begin? Dear oh dear fringe goblin...someone was gonna comment in this thread again sooner or later!
Can't keep the comments flowing Sharon's thread...too much going on🤪
Firstly, stop having us all for idiots.
Firstly we all know you were the por downtrodden " wendy" who subbed...that was quite harmless really, in comparison to recent
"trolling" was suggested by one spokesperson/puppet that the vile trolling at weekend was your other half...but highly doubt that!🤪
You say you own your shit...but doesn't seem like it.....mentioning deceased family members and the rest is out of order...whatever the reason for your fall out!
Obsessive behaviour more like!!
Shan's a twat, we all know that, but so are you..just saying🤪
Get your WhatsApp gang of sheep and Shan's ex mods to back off, Trunchy. Remember what matters in this all. The two innocent children who don't need their family members names aired for all to see.

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Just here to correct my post, feral goblin isn't rich enough to afford ❄ so she has to settle for amphetamine, the exact drug she slated Shan for after I said I had proof Shan was on it 😂😂. Goblin does it on special occasions though, IE Christmas and hides it on top of her grubby kitchen cupboard so her poor kids don't find it. Imagine bigging herself up that she's still got her kids and Shan hasn't when she's doing exactly the same things. What a shitty specimen that calls itself a 'mother'
Oopsie!!! Still ..naughty goblin🤪
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Well she was calling teachers glorified babysitters last night! She’s adamant her child has autism well why not sit with her on an evening and get to know her needs more??? Why not get her off Something that will over stimulate her completely (Xbox) and spend time with her instead of moaning about the people that take care of her on a daily basis while she sits in her bed smoking weed
She called them glorified babysitters today as well, absolutely shocking considering she's the first one to say roll on when kids go back to school
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I hope Shan does ring the popo on you Goblin for threatening her and offering her address to people. You are so big behind your screen 😂😂. Also you gave Shan consent to put your kids pictures on her page when yous were friends so the popo won't do anything you fool. Go and clean your house instead of being obsessed you freak
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Does she ever do anything apart from sit at that kitchen table shouting and makeimg gaz do everything never once seen her cook a meal for her kids but see gaz doing plenty,
Hahahaha loveing the fact she thinks she knows who I am I am 1million percent not who u think I am love so go do your homework a bit better love bye
She tried finding out who I was at one point, something she will never achieve. Far too smart for her, if she didn't realise some of us were playing her months ago she's stupid 😂😂
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