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How does everyone know she got a Range Rover?
Oh, I wanted her to get a G Wagon. I need to live vicariously through her. She could’ve gotten a convertible. What a fun car for young people.
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She didn’t mention her new Jacquemus mini in the tan colour on her stories, now if it was REALLL it would have been all over them 🤔
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Living the dream in Miami with quavo and no restrictions.... im JEALOUS and I don’t even know him personally
Think how jealous MM will be !! He’s going to have to do some grovelling over this. I’d be furious !!
He’s going to have to do better than garage flowers after this !! I see a ring in its way !
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I fail to see how her being an influencer would allow her to get a test sooner - if anyone knows if this actually is the case, please do correct me. I just assumed considering she's paid this company they would be just constantly checking to find her a test date sooner?
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Okay I literally said this on like thread 3 and someone had a go at me because “molly can dress however she wants” but yes you’re so right
me too, but that’s when this was a rave thread 🤣

also the whole dissolving her fillers.. don’t get me wrong glad she did as natural is best and it is a good example to set for young girls that she didn’t need it BUT you could tell how unhappy she felt without the fillers and from her vlog Tommy sitting there saying ‘ yeah your lips were lumpy’ I think if it wasn’t for him wanted her to look as non glamorous as possible she would still have them in as that’s clearly the look she likes. The thing is she never looked tacky when she done her glamorous or revealing shoots but now she literally dresses either middle aged / homeless or just down right Boring with no personality - it’s all got to be him!
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I do remember at the start of the first lockdown she did a story criticising people who were going outside during the pandemic. Deeply ironic as soon as she and Tommy left her parents you couldn't get them to stay in.

Current topics she posts about are usually the most 'safe' issues that few would disagree with. She doesn't seem especially knowledgeable on current affairs. Many people don't understand the Israeli/Palistanian conflict, a very slight lining to it escalating is I've seen more people online actually ask what it is all about ander want to be educated. It's no suprise Molly not publicly commenting on a conflict she probably knows nothing about and may get her branded an antisemite.
I completely agree with the anti-semite analysis. People think that being pro Palestine means that you’re anti-Semitic which is completely untrue but there are links to Instagram posts and articles which educate you on the topic which she should’ve done. I wonder why they’re both so quiet on their socials. I reckon she’s either on her way to Miami or already there and they’re having reunited sex. He said after Miami, he plans on returning to Vegas with Tyson so she’ll probably spend her birthday there with all them.

One reason I think she isn’t dressing like her pre Love Island self is because she’s insecure about her weight gain. I think it definitely is the love stone and she could easily lose it with all the money she has at her disposal. Her pre-Love Island body looks like Maura’s current body which is probably why she feels like she can’t flaunt it. She probably feels fat. I know I cover up when I feel like that. She could always haul her ass to the gym if she wants to lose weight instead of sleeping all day and drinking Diet Coke.
Also - how come Maura’s EGO campaign was a million times better and more promoted than Molly’s?? Not to mention the shoes were STUNNING in comparison to Molly’s hideous collection. EGO did our girl dirty! Xoxo
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I didn’t realise it was so commendable for someone to have a ‘job’ AND pass their test.
Come on guys, they have to compliment balances out all the times they’ve called her dumb, stupid, and lazy azz! And, we know they have - surely we can’t be the only ones calling her those fitting names 😂 I mean who else blames others when they fail a driving test? Clearly, Molly, is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. 🤪
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Why is women in quotation marks? 😂 are they not women?
Yep, the photos confirm that they’re women. My post struck an unintentional nerve. Totally not my intention. Not trying to argue. The prosecution rests. It’s Friday and I’ve had a very productive week. My team and I are heading for manicures and pedicures then, to spin class. Have an enjoyable day Tattlers💖
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Honestly, Molly gets a giant article in the Daily Mail showing her body at every unflattering angle to bait people into commenting on her body, but men never get the same treatment. I think Tommy's 'instagram vs reality' is way more dramatic than Molly - he uses all the tricks in the book to fake transformation pictures and give the impression he's more ripped than he actually is.
how unfair?? remember the 6 week shred or whatever he posted recently? come off it TF, the real facetune master
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Influencer?! Tyson fury is a two time heavyweight champion of the world. He is definitely a celebrity I wouldn’t call him an influencer 😭 he’s famous for being a heavyweight champion not flogging skinny tea and charcoal toothpaste on Instagram 🤣
I was being sarcastic about the recent media storm around their social media. Would love him to start selling skinny syrup though 😂

just read back and I wrote influencer instead of celeb. I’ll get my coat 😂
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What I don’t understand is how Maura doesn’t have more followers than her. Her Instagram is sleek, extremely stylish, unbelievably photogenic and isn’t filled with jogging bottoms or greasy hair. She’s stunning, has the perfect body and an actual personality. I also don’t get why Tommy didn’t pick her over Molly considering Maura was thirsty af and I’m sure, despite her strong personality, would’ve easily moved to Manchester and become the housewife he wants. I think she’s waiting in the wings, waiting to pounce for the opportune moment. An argument, a shoulder to cry on, etc etc.
Maura doesn’t seem to show her personality on Instagram. You saw a bit of it in content with Chris, but otherwise she just comes across as boring on there.
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