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Well-known member
To be fair it was pretty massive and I thought (I’d she was the decent person I thought she was) she would reassess the use of kids etc. But no. She did a course at floggersrus had a meeting with motherpukka and came back. Now takes the moral high ground, flogs her kids and private life, throws Fanny’s about to be relatable and does whatever Clemmie wants.
..... and that is exactly who she is. Totally happy to pimp out her daughters but absolutely in denial about her behaviour and sooo thin skinned to the criticism of her disgraceful behaviour. Still, £240,000 last year makes it all worth while.
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Yeh FODs trying to be relatable by taking about his car like it should be in the tip when in reality it’s better than 90% of the cars on the road
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Oh god! They really are the reality lowest of the low. Everything has a price and there is no depth they won't plumb for the next buck. Those poor, poor girls whose schoolfriends know too, too much. It must be like living with Katie Price. Enjoy the money folks - you've sacrificed everything else. #childline
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Imagine you were in the middle of labour and then later on saw your midwife had paused to snap a pic of her jewellery for her instagram though..
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One busy shift is knackering. I do two long shifts a week. I’m knackered.
Yes it is. My sister in law has been a full time midwife for over 30 years and is exhausted. I am just amazed that King's allow Clemmie to milk her role to the tune of £240,000 a year in extra income. It sends a very dangerous message to the public at a time when the NHS is struggling so much.

Clemmie has said her midwifery role is a “selfless” job. To me that’s patronising as most midwives are using their midwife salary to buy food and pay the bills. Not get a sainthood (or.....translation: keep things ticking over so you can flog more stuff on the gram)
Absolutely. I don't think there is much selfless about her behaviour - unless you count ruthlessly exploiting your photogenic children. Her latest stories just reinforces how tone deaf she is - bleating about her Farrow and Ball paint (and still no transparency) and her Glastonbury tickets (and still no transparency).
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Well-known member
I think the screenshot of the whatsapp convo is the most damaging thing so far tbh. His daughter is old enough to say no to being on his cringe Instagram photo page, but now she won’t be able to trust that what she texts him is private. At least the little ones won’t remember being exploited, doing it to the older kids at sensitive ages is absolutely flabbergasting. What a cunt move.
Exactly that. As a teenager you need to know you can speak to your parent in confidence. And that’s just for a typical family, not one with 1.6 mil followers combined
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VIP Member
As an aside - I hate the way she dresses. She dresses like a chavvy teenager. Doesn’t really suit a woman in her mid 30s with almost teenage kids.
This is very true. ‘I bought them earlier this year and then cut them to make them raw hemmed’ -are you 15? Utter spanner.
So she says she bought the jeans. Occasionally she wears an amazing dress, but her day to day wear is very odd, and I think influences Telford, who takes it to a whole other level.
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Those kids are living in the Truman Show. I can’t see how they can fail to grow up not affected by all of this. Totally confusing messages - we are going to give you time out because you’ve misbehaved, but then we are going to give you lots of attention by taking pictures of you and sharing them with thousands of strangers. I find it so wrong. But what do I know? So many people think they’re the bees-knees 🤷‍♀️
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It’s possibly just to create content? Post about the chaos of living through a “reno”; post about choosing paint (AD); post about interiors (gifted) ad nauseum.....
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A guiding light...? This is a midwife who 'came on' at work and had to fashion a pad out of rolled up toilet roll. She didn't even have the initiative to take a pad from the cupboard! She had to text FOD, who was 100 miles away to buy her tampons 🙄
Agree with you , how she sees herself is at odds with how we see her. This is the Midwife who forgot International Midwife Day last year, who doesn’t prepare for her periods and is happy to be a “mean girl” while calling for everyone else to be kind.
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Absolutely nothing wrong with Marnie stepping up and helping out. I’ve recently broken my wrist and have totally expected my lads to muck in and help out.
Also i wouldn’t give up Spice Girl tickets to stay home and play nurse and neither would my husband expect me too. (Though if I had little ones I know my in-laws would have stepped in)
Marnie wasn’t just stepping in and helping out though, and his post was more surprising to me in how appreciative he was of her ‘kindness’. Although as the owner of a 3 year old and knowing Marnie is 8, I’m not sure that her being responsible for 2 x 3 year olds whilst he sleeps is actually very responsible at all and it’s not ‘helping’ out.
I’m not suggesting MOD give up her freevie tickets, but why book a vasectomy the day before when you know you won’t be around and will be leaving him for the weekend with 4 kids?
By expecting your lads to help out while you have a broken wrist, did you stay in bed sleeping and get an 8 year old to provide childcare for twin 3 year olds?
MOD is unbelievably selfish and thoughtless.
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The irony of FOD’s holiday story review in France... “You can fly here too but it’s expensive for the six of us”... erm don’t you normally have 26362 holidays a year and jet off to the most tropical of places.
Oh that’s right, they’re GIFTED 🙄
bless him, he's trying to reach out to us plebs who don't get 15 gifted holibobs a year. The struggle of trying to stay relevant is real.
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Chatty Member
Dr kate granger started the campaign when she was undergoing treatment for cancer and found it really impersonal. Medical professionals would bustle in and out barely look at her and talk over her to each other. She hated the feeling of being dehumanised, and figured if she, a doctor with training and knowledge felt like that, then for non medics it would be utterly terrifying. So started a campaign which put the patient, as a person, at the centre. It’s not so much about name badges, it’s more a cue for medics to remember to treat their patients as individuals and humans and to talk to them rather than around them. You shouldn’t need a badge if you’re doing everything else - albeit a name badge helps patients to remember names.
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VIP Member
So surprised at the WhatsApp message. What a horrible man.
But all the comments regarding teens, she’s yr 7, she’s 11. I actually thought she sounded like her mum, it must be how Clemmie speaks to him. Problem is, he’s trying to be all cool but she will literally just hate him and think he’s a twat.
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Well-known member
....... and a timely reminder of what bullying, humiliating parenting looks like #anythingforthelike
Yes I am, very much. Especially when I immediately spotted both MOD and FOD in the mirror, looking as if they were taking/discussing the photo. Taking the photo is one thing, when my boys were little I am sure I have taken photos of meltdowns etc (mind you this was analogue and no social to post to) but they were for ME. As a future memory for ME (and their dad of course) to look back on and reminisce. And I am equally sure I must have DISCUSSED these meltdowns etc with others, you know, friends, family. But not with the entire world. If they feel they want to discuss child rearing and its ups and downs, can't they do that without showing these images of their own private moments?

And another thing: I was very tempted to chime in when I read the response of the child therapist. Not to voice my opinion on time-outs but on the whole fact they deliberately took that photo and then posted it. But I got scared seeing as that poor therapist was the only one at that point voicing her concern and opinion and the backlash she got. How sad is that, that I chickened out? So maybe that is what I should be telling MOD and FOD: if I feel that way, afraid to comment if it is the unpopular one, then surely there must be more people like me. And ask them if that is not something to think about, for them?
Really well said. MoD/FoD are sufficiently thin-skinned that they threaten legal action to people who call out their bullying, humiliating behaviour and only operate in an echo chamber. Hopefully advertisers will come to see this as a turn off for normal people who don't subscribe to "reality" norms.
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